Which is your political and economic ideology?

which is your political and economic ideology?

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>your political and economic ideology
I am king and everyone has to suck my dick.


you have already lost

well I took some bullshit online quiz and it said I was the "next generation left"

>Young, well-educated and financially comfortable, the Next Generation Left have very liberal attitudes on many issues, including homosexuality and abortion, the environment and foreign policy. They are supportive of an activist government, but wary of expanding the social safety net. They also have relatively positive views of Wall Street’s impact on the economy. While most affiliate with the Democratic Party or lean Democratic, few consider themselves strong Democrats.


A pretty conservative and perhaps even authoritarian republic. Liberal Democracy continues to disgust me. I like Singapore's People's Action Party.

Economic: I've shifted leftwards over the years, I think that the industries of a nation ought to be beholden to itself, but I have no interest in class warfare or Democratic ownership of the means of production.

Sometimes I wonder if I'm just the Diet Lite version of a fascist.

Alt Right

>you have already lost

Libertarian-right minarchist



I used to be pretty leftist when I was younger but now I'm somehere in the middle. Fuck both sides.

European unitarism

>relatively positive views of Wall Street’s impact on the economy



diarchal distributist


laissez faire

Libertarian Communism, as is mandatory in the PRI.

i like Hayek and Keynes and Tocqueville. some form of liberalism in between that

I believe in what is right and don't follow any ideology

Neo Nazi

Libertarian Monarchist

Political: ethnic nationalist
Economic: a bit right of socialism

r a d i c a l c e n t r i s t

That precisely is ideology. Read Žižek ffs.

Not radical in any sense, just tired of both side's bullshit.

SJW level leftism

shit the fuck up


Primitive Technochracy

I was a Monarchist on Wednesday, a Anarcho-Fascist on Thursday, a techo-futuresexual on Friday and today I have truly seen the light and I'm now a Paleo-Syndicalist. I guess you could say I'm quite the complicated individual, my politics are just so much more advanced when compared to you feeble static ideologies. I could be a pro-dysgenics Communist Hitlertarian by breakfast tomorrow, my mind just works that fast.


strong open border republic without democracy
laissez faire

Who /neoliberal/ here?

Is it like forcing your kids to fuck with churkas at at school as a progressive tolerance class?


unironically nazbol

I recall with some embarassment a time wherein I held such ideological positions (I was an adamant NeoAnarcho-NazBolite for some time (aprox. 3 minutes)).
However, such were the ramblings and anxieties of an individual (what a pitiful term!) who operated under the implicit workings of finitude.
Back in a long gone era where 'thought', 'mind' and 'position' held the illusory guise of being meaningful, and not blank terms without true referent!
Such acids and bases of course seem insoluble prior to being met by the pure flowing of the dialectic, that which I have recently recognized as myself being
a pure agent thereof mere moments ago. As a pure agent of finitude, I have developed past my prior nature and organization to such a degree that I now operate on the level of the
infinite/totality of being.
Of course, my new position is not without comprimise. After all, it is lonely at the top.
Thus my message to my inferiors is thusly, continue as you are. That is to say (if my message from the beginning remotely lays within your powers of comprehension),
continue to assume your positions as from my Eye-of-God vantage point, your petty connect-the-dots you call politics amuse me, and such is your teleological purpose,
or your final end. No matter how greatly you attempt to grapple with what I am, your cause in life and reason for your very manifestation is to supply divine comedy
for myself.
What you call gnosis, I call a knock-knock joke. Liberation? A mere pun to me. Revelation? An anecdote.
So, having exposited the cosmic pattern of what your role is to be in this world, and the next, I hope you take my dictum in stride and good humor.

I'm too dumb to know what's best

Whats the difference between that and Strasserism?


>all these collectivist faggots

I am neoliberal except I have some heavily watered down poltard beliefs as well, namely regarding immigration

>putting yourself at an immediate material disadvantage to any two people who decide to work together

libertarian ethno tribalist, because fuck the roman law

so many words I never learned to use and understand

what test

Pic related

Is this a letter from the mental asylum? What does any of this mean?


nice post fellow /lit/izen

My ideology is "Sve džamije u oblake lete".



Classical liberal

Frekar dauður en rauður, kommadjöfull

Strasserism shares the strong anti-bolshevism of Hitler. It's more classically socialist, possibly even eschewing Marxism entirely, depending on who you ask.

Communist. Not libertarian, but I have no beef with them so long as they aren't ancoms.


Pick one

You don't have to. There is nothing inherrently libertarian or authoritarian about communism. In the lower stages at least. In the higher phase it is de facto anarchist.

t. theFinnishBolshevik

Ha, no way. I'm no Marxist-Leninist. Stalin was a piece of shit.

let's trust try and see if we can get to some kind of 'middle stage' before making assuptions about this alleged 'higher phase'. This is exactly the prpblem with you commies, you regard the big picture in such a magnitude, that you forget to ask yourself what is truly compatible with real people. Lenin had never been in any ghettos, neither in Russia nor internationally, which shouldnt come as a surprise to most people.

Was forced to become authoritarian because literally every single major power throughout the world sent military forces to try and to overthrow him?

>Lenin had never been in any ghettos
Are you unaware of just how dreadful the conditions that people lived under in Tsarist Russia were? And where Marx lived in London, for that matter. They both saw first hand the terrible suffering that capitalism brings upon the workers.

>muslim lover

National Socialism

perfectly agreeable.
still better under Tsarists. maybe it was tough for the muzhiks, but the way to combat those problems are not redistribution. at least Tsarist Russia had Tolstoy, Doestoyevski, Gogol, Lermentov and Pushkin.

>Are you unaware of just how dreadful the conditions that people lived under in Tsarist Russia were?
And are you unaware of how massively conditions had improved in the 40 years before the revolution? There were civil rights reforms, urbanization, modernization of agriculture, massive infrastructure improvements, the GDP was growing by double digits... They were rapidly catching up with western yurop across the board.

tsarist russia was one of the highest quality of life in the world at the time

Lenin literally went to prison and watched his brother get hung by secret police as a child.


authoritarian capitalism

Made me chuckle.


Right libertarian

Socially liberal communism.

Collectivism is the only path to the future.

Anti-revolutionary, anti-communist, socialism.

I don't want to kill the rich, I don't want mass expropriation, I just want want progressive taxation and a welfare state.

The "I'm too uneducated to understand 90% of the terms used in this thread" ideology.

Seriously can't be bothered to care.

There are many roads to socialism friend.

Nihilism and Hard Determinism resulting in Stoicism.


This is probably the most genuine post here. Thanks for the honesty - it was kind of refreshing.

Let it be, unless you are fucking someone's life directly

>fucking someone's life directly
that's what taxes are

But he's right *sniff* and so on

Grow up.

One where the state has no taxation, other than to keep the police, healthcare, education and the military running.

>We have to steal your money on threat of force in order to fund our desire to commit violence globally!

Ultimately I'm an ancap, but wouldn't mind living in a classically liberal minded society.

We're not solitary creatures user, no matter how badly you want to be. We're social and reliant upon one another. Getting angry at taxes makes about as much sense as getting angry at agriculture.

>at least Tsarist Russia had Tolstoy, Doestoyevski, Gogol, Lermentov and Pushkin.
What kind of argument is that? Because it had artists, it was a good place? And those are 5 individuals, spread out over millions of Russians.

Same, mine said I was left leaning centrist, but I doubt it since I responded " I don't know" on a bunch of questions about economics, don't know too much about it.

agriculture was unironically a mistake though. it always leads to desertification

That didn't explain a fucking thing. He never actually defined ideology so the entire thing is worthless.

Well I mean we still kind of needed to do it anyway in order to become civilized and progress culturally and technologically. Unless you're suggesting that we shouldn't have done that either, and should have remained hunter-gatherers, which I guess would have been best for just about every species on earth except us.

>We're social and reliant upon one another
Do you forcibly steal a part of your friend's income, too? It doesn't at all follow that taxes are necessary just because we're a social animal and reliant on each other. This whole "mug social animal" "muh roads" is at best a gigantic strawman and is more often than not based on a lack of willingness to understand opposing side.