Should there be laws forcing non-anglos to speak English when we visit them in their countries...

Should there be laws forcing non-anglos to speak English when we visit them in their countries? Why are they so arrogant that they speak their filthy pig latin to me?

Alors, le Québec est francophone, châlice!

It's far easier to interdict Anglos to go to any non English speaking country

We should just burn any non-english book or publication in existence and remove everything from the internet that includes their "languages". Remove them from history for a better, anglo world.

good lads


Excellent post

Anglo genocide best day of my life

unironically agree with this
what's the point of so many languages? One language for everyone. English is simple and sounds great, and many already speak it.

this honestly

Are you sure you're French?

The world would be a way more peaceful and simpler place if everyone would speak english.
Not trying to push anything but that's the truth


plenty of african shitholes speak English and yet are still violent shitholes

is this the same Sup Forums I was reading a few days ago that was preaching about the dangers of anglo (more specifically American) cultural homogenization?


it's probably some samefag, some coordinated stunt, or simply a meme being forced

Or maybe it makes the most sense?

I didn't say it would bring instant worldpeace

Why do you guys want to destroy part of other's people culture and replace it with the blandest language there is?

*other people's

Because English is the master language, all of languages are inferior. Fact.

yes i'm french
you think I'm not because I don't care about french? We only try to preserve this language because we think it could ever become again the lingua franca. Now it's english, so who cares where it comes from, let's just all speak english

Dude, English is like the easiest language there is. Read about the grammar of other languages and you'll see how bland and boring English is.

>go to pretty much any country in Europe, more specifically western/northern
>most people English, people in jobs that are often speaking to foreigners tend to speak English and are helpful
>go to France
>not as many people speak English, but still most people you encounter in cities and touristy place still know some English
>say something in English to a frog that understands and could easily reply in English
>they purposely reply in French to confuse you
fuck frogs

>Read about the grammar of other languages
Why would I willingly read obsolete gibberish? English is the only language that matters and only people who speak English have anything of importance to say. Brazilian Portuguese is just horrible to the ears. You should all speak English.

Is this the reason why you chinks migrate to leafland?

Probably, surely they see the superiority of English over their ching chong language

Câlisse or Calice*