Did anyone else think this film was completely retarded? The characters and the scenes were like they were imagined by a child. Cliched and over the top.
Did anyone else think this film was completely retarded...
Have you ever been to war? I thought it looked pretty realistic. Human waves just running at machine guns is how its done.
I agree OP, notenoughniggerfaggots/10
Well the parts the memers find most outrageous are taken directly from his MoH commendation.
Bad movie. Gibson really dropped the ball on this one.
Cliches, ripoff of other movies... Not good.
no it's just you, you have no idea what cinema is, you watched too many bland generic nolan movie and now you think all film should be exactly like this because you dont understand what cinema is and your iq is probably below 95
the corpse shield shit definitely was NOT, you flaming faggot.
I thought it was good.
Is that the first scene of battle where a "dead" guy suddenly jumps up and screams in his face and is then immediately shot through the face, exploding blood and gore on the protagonist?
Or the part where someone picks up a torso and uses it as a shield then runs towards the japanese, shooting 10 of them dead with the machine gun he has at his hip?
>he's never used a meat shield
you guys get all spergy about the vince vaughan blanket gun drag but how to make that is in both the Army field manual and boy scouts manual.
Kicking the grenade and getting bayonetted through a dead body was in his commendation.
I didnt watch the film to that point. I turned it off.
Obviously a corpse shield would be incredibly effective but how heavy would it be?
Vince in the barracks was funny
He never seemed threatening. The whole time it seemed more like he was just cracking jokes.
ha ha ha ha ha
a touch of the 'tism?
Ultimate pleb filter.
Fashism doesnt have a 't' in it.
Remember if your wages are low and your rents are high, vote against immigration in your next election.
Have only watched the 5 or so webms posted here and I feel that's pretty much all I need to see.
Yeah, thankfully we still have star wars and capeshit!
Yeah, same. Nevermind the ridiculousness of the scenes, they don't even look good on a technical level.
But yeah, I still have to sperg out when a dude kicks a grenade so that it explodes 2 meters instead of 1 meter away from him and he doesn't fucking die.
It's supposed to be over the top. Gibson designed it as a sort of old school technicolor film. It's very cheerful, bright, full of white people. Not very realistic or grimdark. Nevertheless being Mel Gibson he had to put as much blood and guts as he could get away with anyway.
Seriously dude is it you who makes these threads just to post this same copy and pasted remark? Why? Why does a movie, specifically a scene in a movie, trigger you so much? Ive seen this in literally every hacksaw thread. I didn't care for any of the hell boy movies, I'm not gonna make a thread every single day just to talk shit about hell boy though
You share a board with kids like this
Its my first time making a thread about hacksaw ridge. Scouts honor.
Maybe enough people think that scene is stupid that it has come up more than once.
His voicecracks were hilarious
I'm sure that in WWII every soldier had like 60 grandes and 2000 bullets
Even when people are laughing while he shouts at them he looks like he is proud of himself for making them laugh.
>heh heh heh im the funniest drill sarget ever. I love my job.
>He has never stormed a machine gun nest.
"Yer dee her ma jeesus and ma wife" "oh lord just one moe, lemme save just one moe"
Yeah, it was filled with cliches, bad dialog, and below average acting
>Waiting for the shit to be in your mouth before you decide it tastes bad
>4000+ bodies littering the ground
>each with their own guns and ammo some completely unfired
I disagree. I thought he was both funny and intimidating
Honestly, any scene can look dumb in an out of context webm. I could probably take a scene from Vertigo or Taxi Driver, make a webm out of 3 seconds of it, and someone who hasn't seen the movie would reply 'lol looks retarded' or 'what ps2 game is this?'.
I thought the same thing when I saw the webms, that it looked ridiculous, but in context it's much more in keeping with the tone of the film.
>This is stupid.
No, the film was dumb as mud.
It was a helluva ride though. I enjoyed it.
I thought it was largely well done. Great job by Garfield. The 14th shot of a random soldier being jettisoned out of an explosion covered head to toe in flame got to be a bit much.
Excellent movie. More of those pls *rubs hands*
don't bother, people here don't hate it because of its lack of realism
they hate it because Sup Forumstards love it and the mc is a hardcore religiousfag
I saw this in the movie theater. It made old people cry more than Obamacare
I have never seen this film mentioned on Sup Forums and Its my main board. The fact that the main character is religious doesnt bother me either.
Its just a dumb film.
>End of the movie showing real live Mrs. Desmond Dawes.
>she looks like Tess from Dick Tracy if she had severely recessed genes.
I'll admit I started laughin' in the kinoplex
muh bible