How do we fix the white male school shooting epidemic?

How do we fix the white male school shooting epidemic?

Separate them from the rest of society

>self fulfilling prophecy.

Stop demonizing white men?

Ban Democrats from owning guns.

Give them state assigned girlfriends.

>How do we fix the white male school shooting epidemic?

Less girl focused education.
Possibly send boys and girls to different schools.

Rites of passage.

how about we fix the schooling system by separating boys and girls and teach them that there are loses and winners
also bring back the strap only for some reasons so you the question the teacher but no one can physically hurt any one
also bring back boxing make it so you don't have to box anyone but then kids can ether solve there problems in the ring or debate
also in USA case teach them all how to use guns in prime school this is so when it happens they wont freeze up and beg but will run

fuck my spelling is horrible
this dude gets it

America fucker happy 4th dude!

it is the 5th here

You sound as bad as the niggers.

White men are cast out of society because society is a cancerous cesspit of decadence, hedonism, and filth. It's both self inflicted and caused by external forces like media.

There's nothing wrong with demonization. I like the thought that people are anxious and fearful at white men with strife. They should be.

More guns.
Alternatively, stop shitting on the white male.

banning Sup Forums and really, the Internet , video games and ALL Screen media as a whole would fix the problem

too bad 4channers are too addicted to this to realize the truth

Have the education dystem to stop treating them like shit throughout their school years.


Start selling kid sized bullet proof vests. CAPITALISM WINS

Why do Americans have to be so edgy?

DATS raisit?

This doesn't work when women and shitskins are in positions of power.

Lead the way and fuck off the site for starters

This right here. Stop making girls more equal than boys in academia. Possibly even separate girls and boys and make all boys schools

Egoraptor is married though.

easy fix

You sound like Hillary Clinton (and Wayne LaPierre sadly).

delete reddit and Sup Forums

A state of total war.


Either way, I agree in that kids shouldn't use the internet, it feeds them degenerate propaganda.

help them finish

>tfw waistcoats and other old school cloths will never not be associated with these guys

Start calling it a "gang related" activity.

Go back to a time when bullying was more common and less frowned upon. The problem most kids are facing who end up shooting up schools is a lack of understanding for their rejection from society, they don't understand why they aren't popular because nobody tells them what they are doing wrong. In the past if a WEEB is acting like a total faggot then some Chad would kick his ass for the fun of it and tell him "You're a faggot" while chicks laughed. Now Chads are just being told to ignore them or face expulsion/jail time.

tl:dr: Call a faggot a faggot so he knows he's a faggot in the eyes of others.

>holding two swords
>both in an underhanded grip
At least they're not katanas.
To answer your question, school shootings hardly ever happen.
Every child should know firearm safety at an early age and should have their knowledge reinforced at every stage.
By the time they hit high school, they should know how to treat weapons with respect.

Military style teaching does wonders for boys. There's a considerable yearning to be taught by a hierarchy and live by rules.

Something they need to be taught is that impromptu fistfights are never okay and are grounds for expulsion. Any disagreements have to be settled through indirect team competition like archery, javelin, woodchopping, discus, vault, obstacle course, relay race, etc. At choice.

2 teams: 1 initiator + 2 supporters

This forces antisocial behavior to be snuffed out, if they have a problem with one person they need to learn to at least befriend everyone else.

>ITT: Sup Forums creates a school

>dual wielding
>not dual wielding a rapier and a dagger
literally the only legit form of dual wielding I know of in terms of martial arts
in terms of dueling it is nearly unmatched

Where the fuck do you Live where it's still the fourth? Hawaii?

what about people with high functioning autism , tourettes ,and other mental disabilities that don't warrant humanely putting down
i can't think on how to help them

You don't

>cherrypicking much?

Import more Arabs so we look good next to there school shooting rates.

don't you have blacks and Mexicans for that

This guy gets it .... but we are all addicted. The net has turned us into the biggest cucks in centuries.

Ban assault fedoras and start teaching kids that anime is weird and wont get you laid.