
the /brit/ family ed.

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First for BLACKED

second for blackkedfrgotaehjbje hgoi``

Are we not perhaps all afraid in some way? If we let Christ enter fully into our lives, if we open ourselves totally to him, are we not afraid that He might take something away from us? Are we not perhaps afraid to give up something significant, something unique, something that makes life so beautiful? Do we not then risk ending up diminished and deprived of our freedom? . . . No! If we let Christ into our lives, we lose nothing, nothing, absolutely nothing of what makes life free, beautiful and great. No! Only in this friendship are the doors of life opened wide. Only in this friendship is the great potential of human existence truly revealed. Only in this friendship do we experience beauty and liberation. And so, today, with great strength and great conviction, on the basis of long personal experience of life, I say to you, dear young people: Do not be afraid of Christ! He takes nothing away, and he gives you everything. When we give ourselves to him, we receive a hundredfold in return. Yes, open, open wide the doors to Christ – and you will find true life. Amen.


Janoy Cresva is hitting up the ruby classic today, m'lord is looking extra hindenburgian

shall I be reading this, or so much as glancing at a letter of it?

No, I shall not and WILL not.

much too early


Remember when Jannis lost her shit last night and was deleting threads posted one post early? Must be on the rag again

>so user... what societies are you a part of?

this is pathetic, stop posting this image

shut up

virgin society
for you see i am indeed a virgin, despite being a grown man



:having: :a: :think:

virus don't reply

>I'm Zoroastrian.

lol what a faggot

really can't bear the loneliness

new party manifesto:
>tough on crime
>tough on immigration
>keep out of foreign affairs
>promote trade and cooperation with friendly democracies and lessen dependence on middle eastern oil
>ban foreign funding of mosques
>distribution of wench gfs

why are women so dumb? only women fall for shite like psychics, mediums, tarot cards etc

me at the back there

I'm Manichean.

i'd vote for you

Actually insulting someone who was only trying to reconcile a depressed individual is a lot more nasty. Pretentious and immoral twat.
I'm also not a christian, I'm Zoroastrian.
>if you pray you must be a christian
>tries to downplay the OT despite it being the word of god
I never said it wasn't the word of God or downplay it. I merely stated that the religion is called Christianity because they follow Christ's teachings. If it was so important Christ would have said that.
>resorts to ad hominems after losing the argument
You're the one that ad-hom'd me first in a myriad of other fallacies.

what's your party's stance on anime

which party?

hate when normies say antisocial when they mean asocial


this christfag has made me start to pray. was always agnostic but this week I've been reading up on orthodoxy and it appeals to me. I feel like I have been given a new life.
does anyone know anything about orthodoxy?


listening to soft boy choons me



decriminalized when carrying small amounts
common sense party

really gets the neurons firing

what does /brit/ think of this?
back story: slag gets famous from appearing on 'strip fifa pack openings', later appears on deano's favourite tv programme 'love island' and is now getting married to a bloke she met on tv 2 months ago

how does the saying go, the definition of insanity is doing something over and over again and expecting a different result?


i do not think anything of it, because reality tv is for women

Hate when you say anything

tough on tough, tough on the causes of tough

rather not think about it really

i feel sorry for you if you have even an iota of interest in any of that shite. grow up you fucking woman

gemma atkinson on strictly lads
had some quality wanks to her when she was on im a celebrity

the BMW i8 is fucking shit

Sup Forums didn't become christian after the fedora meme. There were christian generals on Sup Forums in 2010.
And what about the "CHECKMATE ATHEISTS" meme?
And Sup Forums becoming christian after inventing a meme that they made to mock atheists doesn't make sense.
The fedora meme was made here.

Red-hot iron, white-hot iron, cold-black iron; an iron taste,. and iron smell, and a Babel of iron sounds.

don't join societies because im too cool for them

third eye status: permanently agape

just went chicken shop and realised how fucking dirty and grimy london is

really want to move, think edinburgh

Is it gay to touch your own dick?

not a fan of the dutch

awful pair of chebs though

don't watch reality tv and haven't watched a second of love island ever
just used to be into fifa youtube and now fun to watch some lads be millionaires when they'd be virgins without youtube
nah it's peng

Til Europe's biggest indoor climbing gym is in Edinburgh

Fetsoc heard it's full of slags haha

not if you say no homo to yourself before you do

yeah thats a nice place but have you thought about liverpool? much cheaper


I became a christian after seeing some of the christfags post here too. I realised that the downfall of christianity is why the western world is failing. That as soon as people became more and more atheist over the years the more our society decayed.

looks like fun

why does cooked chicken smell like farts?

gone off

thought liverpool was pretty grimy too? and full of chavs / crime


gonna try stronglifts 5x5
is it any good?

>I realised that the downfall of christianity is why the western world is failing.

bless cardinal sarah


no it's shit transformer design and badly engineered

just because you've poked your own 3rd eye out doesn't mean you have to blind ours as well


done a variation of it for years

It looks awesome
Those people are so little

same here lads feels great, I went to church for the first time in my life last sunday and it was a great experience. nice community too and singing hymns is fun. pretty peng looking girl at my church too

reckon my life would make a pretty good comedy biopic lads, people could laugh at what a pathetic failure I am

what debate? theres no reason to believe in any god. that isn't a debate, just fact.

> If it was so important Christ would have said that.

Conjecture. The OT is the irrefutable word of God. Whether or not Jesus put any emphasis on it doesn't change the fact it recounts the murder of millions of people by God. Something you've already said is acceptable for a benevolent being, a position that is so ridiculous that there's no point even arguing with you.

Fashlads where we @

Why is it wrong to kill the wicked? God doesn't kill the innocent or the righteous.

>wah!!!!!!! MUMMY! tell them to stop liking things that I don't like!!!
Actual autism

Love it when someone in some paki shithole has had his whole village and family washed away by a flood, and says "allah will take care of me"

the treaty of vereeniging was pretty generous desu

new day
new outlook
new haircut
new ideas
new energy
new haircut
new direction
new haircut

Anyone saying ket doesn't have a comedown is lying

Feel like blowing my brains out

im doing it at the moment, started lifting like 4 months ago and still doing it

really enjoy it as it is test boosting, only 3x a week

would recommend going with a friend, much more fun desu. if not just take a ton of pre workout

triggered little cunt aren't you. im sorry not everyone is as a big a drongo pleb as you.

watched a nature program earlier today
It was about a mother cheetah and her 5 cubs
However only 2 survived until adulthood, 2 died by being hunted by predators and one died of a disease while the mother watched

Used to be fash but now I'm pinko

love soft boys


>what debate? theres no reason to believe in any god. that isn't a debate, just fact.


too bad that Christianitys influence is so weak now, otherwise the west wouldn't have fallen so low

business idea: a courtroom drama but with dinosaurs

really wish i was with the cute girl with the cute ears and the cute smile now

i miss her

don't overcomplicate things. unless you have a specific goal in mind it really isn't that important if you do 5x5, 3x5, 3x8 or whatever. just lift weights.

i can see no welsh part in the union jack

Correct though.

Its fine. its definitely not better than things like Starting Strength or Greyskull, but as a beginner your workout really doesnt matter

so i you enjoy it more than the alternatives, thats all that matters

love thicc boys

never been hatposted, don't think I ever will be tbqh, just too smart

was the uncle who sodomised you thicc?

am i thicc

The English flag is for both England and Wales