I think this is the perfect decade for a female james bond movie. This generation needs a strong women role model.
What so there'd be "bond boys" and the character is basically a massive slut?
She would fit the role, but no. We dont need it.
>white cis woman
What are you some kind of homophobic, racist, transphobic, fatphobic bigot?
no, she'd be a lesbian
Yes. We have enough strong male role models already.
kill yourself
Shed kill them for cat calling.
imagine the slut shaming
Only if she is played by idris elba
I think it would be better if they made an original female character rather than just gender swapping Bond. It has two benefits:
1) It might has a chance to start something new instead of recycling the same brit-spy we have been seeing for years.
2) If it manage to be well made the credits can go the actress/this original character's writing instead of putting it to the Bond franchise (therefore satisfy those rabid feminist as well, a win-win solution)
She can indeed be a seductress type of character, why not?
I would probably choose Tilda Swinton, that girl from John Wick 1 or Emily Blunt.
>No One Lives Forever
I'm fine with it.
I want to see a Bond with Down Syndrome. You know it would be the best Bond ever.
And write it in that campy over the top Thunderball and Moonraker style.
Who is the best Tarded actor out there today>?
I'd prefer a new character rather than a Jane Bond, but anyway, I love movies about fit, sweaty women shooting and fighting.
I should kill myself because your patriarchy is not doing it's job?
Won't work. Men want to be James Bond. Women want to fuck him. Nobody wants some limp wristed dyke.
Rebecca Ferguson is an ugly old granny
She's one of the few I would believe in a role like this.
And the Bond girl will be a scrawny but pretty white boi (Eddie Redmayne)
Moneypenny will be a young back stud. Q will be a quirky tattooed hacker gurl.
Jane Bond should be Redmayne himself.
The first trans woman Bond.
First retarded Bond when?
young female M movie set in the 60s
Do Eet
nigga, she already has Domino
Ruby Rose
fuck off fucking feminist
is she going to be "like john wick but uh she could kick john wick's ass"
it's incredible that the jews can be so condescending about this female power fantasy thing yet women still don't catch on
you're on to something there, user.
>first trans woman Bond
>before first actual woman Bond
Actually, that's very likely thanks to how people seem to be more willing to fight for the right of men to pretend they are women than to fight for women themselves.
what do you base that on
i think trannies are just fotm because of the bathroom bill meme
It's funny because it would bomb so hard. People aren't really interested in James Bond anymore, and making him a woman would cut that audience in half
How about we just stop making shitty movies about a shitty secret agent altogether? James Bond is fucking bad enough as it is, I can't even imagine the travesty a female ghostbusters james bond would be.
They tried it. It was called "Salt" with Angelina Jolie. It sucked ass
It wasn't that bad.
Would you watch?
Since Bond is all over over the top masculinity, I'd say it wouldn't work.
Well let's just see how Ocean's Estrogen works out and then decide if we need more and more female versions of already existing male movie franchises
It will probably flop
Hey, a real connoisseur here. How did you find Smaulder in JR2?
Take my money
I prefered Pike in the first one, even if her role was less physical. Smulders is kinda bland, she's not bad, and has a certain presence, but I'd rather have someone else than her in that movie.
There already is one. She's called Cate Archer.
Just make a live-action adaptation of No One Lives Forever. It's one of the few video games that could actually make for a pretty good movie.
It had too much of the "90 lb woman taking down giant armored henchman" trope. They should have made her more tactical and had her shoot people like Benicio in Sacario.
Well James Bond has historically been a slut character so I don't see why a female Bond would be any different.
Yeah. I'd like to have more spy movies where they just spy and take down people in quick, tactical way and not fight like they are superheroes.
Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy.
I've watched that and The Spy Who Came In From The Cold too many times already. But yes, that's exactly the kind of movie I'm talking about.
Mission Impossible 1 is a pretty good example too. The action wasn't focused on man to man combat so much as chases.
She was good in MI, it would work.
You have those retarded Johnny English flicks or you can always watch Naked Gun kino.
I think this is the perfect decade for libtards to commit suicide. This generatonly needs a strong and healthy mental state.
kill yourself fag
recast Halle Berry but in all serious a female lead will lead to a pissy fit between SJWs, Bond Extremists, and the casual audience.
So do little girls actually identify with the strong female characters meme like Rey or do they just prefer to identify with traditional princess characters like Elsa?
People had a hard enough time with Daniel Craig being James Bond solely because he had blonde hair, people would have strokes over a woman.
This is the stupidest shit.
Non-white James Bond is fine-- His ethnicity has never been a major part of his character and, in fact, I don't remember it ever being mentioned even in passing. As long as we're still doing modern times, there's no reason he couldn't be.
Female bond, however, is a completely different character to the point where you are literally just using the name. Masculinity is a major, inextricable part of his character.