>Sup Forums: diversity is a weakness
Then how come did the mostly non-white French football team absolutely destroy the full white Icelandic team?
>Sup Forums: diversity is a weakness
Then how come did the mostly non-white French football team absolutely destroy the full white Icelandic team?
That's not the current team. They found the best working team by removing arabs and sticking with intellectual whites and fast running blacks.
6 of the 7 goals were scored by whites
niggers only scored 1
I know this is bait, but still...
All these fuckers who talk about multiculturalism and diversity and equality as being a strength, go fuck yourselves. A fucking nigger almost shot and killed me a few weeks without even caring. It happens every god damn day in this fucking place, and no one gives a shit because it's so fucking common thanks to multiculturalism. Wherever niggers set up, violent crime follows. I could've been killed because some faggot in power wanted to implement his pipedream of """equality"""
Can't wait to leave this fucking corrupt shithole. But then again, where the fuck am I going to go if you keep cucking yourselves? Europe is importing more refugees by the millions. Jesus Christ, the fuck are you people doing? You import a million niggers and muslims and the best you have to show for this magical diversity is a fucking ball game victory? You are literally importing and increasing violent crime and rape for no other reason. Why? Just why?
I'm upset and angry. Just so fucking furious at the leftist faggots who are in control of the media and government and keep telling me how great multiculturalism is and how wonderful diversity is. It's even worse when they're some upper class white in a majority white neighbourhood spewing this shit from their basement. Racism is survival here. Making generalisations based on race is survival. Come here and experience true diversity. Get held at gunpoint or stabbed by these useless kaffers for your spare change that's almost worthless thanks to them. Hear about the stories of baby rape and these useless niggers thinking that witchdoctor shit and washing their dicks with soap will cure AIDS (even the president says this shit). And you want to bring that subhuman trash into your countries, where they will outbreed you and implement their masculine ideology which will dominate your weak feminist bullshit?
God damn...
I've had it all, and I'm fucking done with the shit.
>60 million people vs 300k
The whites are carrying the french team
>Sagna's crosses
>Evra's defensive workrate
>Matuidi's long shots
>Pogba's attitude
The only one I have no problems with are Sissoko and Coman, and they're not even first-team
Our race is finished. Lower your expectations.
Obvious bait.
Hang on, didn't the two white guys on the team both score goals.
Did you see the all black defenders let in two goals.
Also, just watch France get arseraped by the 90% white Germans.
They had to remove all muslims first, because they caused to much trouble
Only 3 whites. Is this diversity? Ok I get it
The team is led by a white coach and a white captain. All African teals have a white coach