Why do I like this so much?
Why do I like this so much?
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I stood up and applauded when they showed the American flag.
>We are Americans.
Because it's well made, set in an interesting time period and is entertaining for anybody without ADHD
I wish they would drop the voodoo magic stuff though, adds nothing to the show
Pretty fucking let down by this final episode. I love MC's like Delaney but they're just boring if their opponents aren't on the same level as them. I really hoped for Sir 'fuck off' Strange to put up a better fight. While I've liked the show all along, the only time I was really interested was right after Winter was killed and I thought it might have been outside the scope of Delaneys plan, but even that was solved with ease.
Did anyone catch what the doctor was saying to the fag on the boat? Just your usual half dead characters delusional ravings?
Can't he just sail to America
Time of war. Blockades everywhere. Get shot to pieces without letter of free passage.
He commended the beauty of her fingers and asked for forgiveness for what he did to her which, if I'm not mistaken, wasn't shown to the viewers.
Backroom for more development I guess, once Bane blesses us with the continuation of the ragtag crew's mishaps.
He was hallucinating that the guy in drag was some woman who he obviously wronged earlier in life and he was apologizing. It was just to show that the doctor is carrying a lot of guilt around and probably has a tragic backstory that can be mined in a later season.
the big baddies were never east india or the crown. its the americans
Lol that sister storyline sure went nowhere.
So will he fugg his mum now?
Jesus Christ its a total shit
Are you memeing or smth?
Be. Very. Careful. Now.
Yes, it did actually. It showed how he is actualy insane and there is no magic whatsoever.
t. brainlet
The best part about this show is I can skip episodes and take long naps in the middle and I still won't miss anything
t. retard
>When Atticus talks about how why James cut off the guys thumb
>the end when he says he can't hear his dead sister
There was no magic bro. His sister just got all horned up and started fapping like crazy when James came back to town.
The last episode was a total mess
Why didn't they persue him on their FUCKING ships? How did they pass it through the FUCKING london's shipyard? Fuck this show Delaney is a Mary Sue clown who has plot armour and a forecast spell.
How did he know so much secrets then if not magic, things even spies couldn't know like the meeting in one of the earlier episodes
This desu, him being able to talking to birds is the only reasonable explanation
What secrets did the deal actually tell him? He would be betrayed, you don't need magic for that. And we don't know if thumb guy let the ship get blown up because he was a traitor, or did he become a traitor after James cut off his thumb?
Because the most powerful navy on the planet is nothing compared to plot armour.
The show could have been done in 4 episodes max. It was an enormous waste of time, Sup Forums only likes it because their favourite manlet is in it and gruntposting is the spiciest new meme.
because THEY got to him first. THE FUCKING AMERICANS
That peace talks were happening.
It didn't swim so good.
Not that, there was a super secret meeting at a location known only to a few in like episode 2 between America and Britain or America and East India and James knew everything about it
adding to this. It was Winter that warned him about the assassin.
spies aren't magic. He knew how to find the American spies in London because he came across other spies in his 10 years of fucking around.
For some reason you missed the line where it's revealed that the boy is Delaney's son. Name literally one way that the show changes.
THEFUCKINGAMERICANS literally explains it for you brainlet viewers in the following episode
So I have a question.
If Strange had gotten the tea trade monopoly etc. how in the hell did that kind of trade work in those days? How long would it take for him to actially get some money out of it from other side of the world? How do they guarantee people dont cheat? Especially if youre doing trade with the Chinese.
I would have no fucking clue why the kid is there or why he has any interest in him.
They would have the monopoly in trade for that area. You need to pull in to a port somewhere and if anyone wanted to pull in there they could not have tea because X has a monopoly on it.
Yes people could sneak it through other ways but then that is smuggling and illegal.
tea was like heroin or coke just like coffee in those days. trading for animal fur was cheap since they were killing lil badgers and otters in an abundant new world
This. Brainlets always need some le epic hook or reasoning behind everything, nothing can ever just be.
because it was an East India ship and they can't just fire upon it.
You must remember there is no radio or internet in those days, the other soldiers or navy in the shipyard or at the mouth or the port have no idea there's anything wrong.
When is the soundtrack gonna be released? I want to have that cello tune on my phone so I can listen to it whilst walking around angrily and staring at people
Even Strange was corrupt, so I'm sure everyone was to some degree.They would need to do enough legit work to not get caught because if they did it would be like stealing from the crown.
Don't forget to carry imaginary pumpkins while walking.
Tom Hardy is only good in Bronson. He's a silly bitch in that too but at least it doesn't jew on anything.
She isn't dead.
yes she is
did you miss the scene where he killed the american doc
Is anyone as good as Tom Hardy as being the embodiment of bestial man?
NWR should cast him in something.
Yeah but that's just taken from the show and looped, is there no official soundtrack or anything?
just go with it man its even got horses galloping
>tfw irl started to respond to questions with incomprehensible grunts
is there a cure for this?
>looking for someone
>find them
"I have a use for you"
I must be an undiagnosed autist.
I'll just have to find Max Richter and tell him I have a use for him
how do i train to achieve that body?
Bulk, and pursue strength rep ranges over hypertrophy.
The real Bronson wrote a workout book.
season 2 fucking when
Yeah but how does the money move? There are no wire transfers. So you would need to wait months for gold or money to arrive on a boat or something? And there must have been much risk of ships sinking then with a fortune on them.
>there must have been much risk of ships sinking then with a fortune on them.
Yes that is why insurance is a thing.
Money is moved by banks and brokers. Ever heard of western union? Cheques existed long before you could instantly verify them.
Take that fucking dress off now!
>Yeah but how does the money move? There are no wire transfers
paypal you stupid fag
>Name literally one way that the show changes.
You miss out on the pottery that comes from Delaney's son running around London with the "Delaney walks around London" music playing in the background in the final episode
diversify. They had a lot of ships coming and going from all different places. At first it would be really slow, but eventually they would have a large steady income
Isn't it obvious?
The kids mum is his sister. They would point them out as incestuous bastards if he kept him.
2000 pushups every day in your cell is what he claims.
thats where the rothchilds came into play thats why they have been in control of everything since the birth of money exchange and shit
>How did he know so much secrets then if not magic
Yes but user asked if it was never mentioned that the kid was a bastard how would the show change.
Why does CasStudio take so long to put out eps. I want a nice bitrate for watching the finale.
>Yeah but how does the money move?
You buy for cheap from the Chinese in exchange for products from distant lands that have more value to them but are cheap back home, like wool from Britain or cotton from India
All imported produce is held in bulk in large store houses and exchanged for larger quantities of products for export.
Money only comes in to it at the end point of sale back in Britain and by firms insuring the goods in transit against the risk of loss at sea. Ship crews are paid when they return
What did he mean by this. Fish speak?
White alpha male roles have been absent for the last decade.
So Pelts is Delaneys bastard after they arrive in the new world, right?
>Tea, I think!
that part was perfect. The only sad part is no Jonathan Pryce for S2.
Well we didn't actually see him dead. This trope has been used and abused for decades.
nah I think it ties off the EIC part of the story nicely, next season they're up against Americans and shit
>they left early for the week end, I might do the same
>be me
>walk into White House bedroom
>Trump passed out on floor after having peed all over the Obama's old bed in their chamber
>Trump looks at me
>"Putin, how does he find me? He even sees me in my dreams. I'm the president, I should know these things."
>me: "I just deliver messages." and leave
mmhhmmm beaners
fucking karma
>mhmh CHINA
they didnt even know he had a ship you stupid fuck it was a side deal with EIC
i really liked it but delany is a fucking mary sue
Because you appreciate the power of mumbleposting
He has supernatural voodoo powers and is a master at this trope tvtropes.org
I'm going to miss this FUCKING guy's antics next season.
...just FUCK OFF will you?
>tfw you keep exploding
also vocarroo embeds when? audio in webms when? 24/7 Sup Forums general in /wsg/ when?
His character isn't particularly emotional as shown throughout the entire show. I think thats exactly how someone like that would act given something that could actually shake them a bit.
>I think thats exactly how someone like that would act
This is top tier autism you have.
Who? Someone like who would act like a total retard?
He is clearly a comedy actor not dramatic one.
youre pretty retarded kid, have you never met someone who doesn't wear their emotions? Did you want him stampeding around the room throwing shit and balling like a bitch? muh acting
the sound he let out during that moment was hilarious
Use the Sup Forums x extension, it embeds vocaroo
People who are emotionless wouldn't pretend to have emotions. This act of his was fucking retarded