Why don't we hear anything about Calais anymore? All refugees moved to UK? They stopped chimping out...

Why don't we hear anything about Calais anymore? All refugees moved to UK? They stopped chimping out? What is up with that? Last time I heard of that It was a massive crisis. With nothing being done the problem somehow solved itself?

Are all people on Lesbos dead? Greeks living there were afraid for their lives and then "poof" everyone stopped talking about this place.


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Everything is still going on.

The media isn't reporting it, to increase public opinion of the EU handling this problem.

Tbqh a livestream of soldiers firing machine guns at nigger boats would be nice to have as confirmation that something is happening.

>The media isn't reporting it, to increase public opinion of the EU handling this problem.
Do they seriously think this will work in countries that already have "refugees" in them? I know Germans are idiots when it comes to eating up propaganda, but other EU countries?

>I know Germans are idiots when it comes to eating up propaganda

There's 80% of your problem.

Germans are very industrious people, but fucking naive sheep. With their trust in the EU, it will stay alive against all odds.

Hate on the frogs all you want, they killed their king.

Meh, before I die France as a nation will cease to exist. Never gave a fuck about learning French. Don't know why, but I always ignored them. It's like France doesn't even exist right now. What positive things have they achieved during the last 30 years?

Hmm...It's too early for EU shitposters and too late for American shiposters to be up. I guess this thread is dead.

Last news : one dead, hit by a car

I'm kinda glad the EU bots aren't around.

You can't keep a thread on Sup Forums running with no shitposting. Well Cultured Anonymous 101.

They will eventually become permanent settlements.

There is no other solution.

>There is no other solution.
Remember when we used to pack Gypsies in vans and shipping them back to Romania? For some reason France stopped doing that recently. I guess they got new orders from "the top".

Yes, it seems they have decided nothing can be done and their plan has shifted to hiding the problem and brainwashing the populace into acceptance. Of course, they never had a plan or even wanted a 'solution' to the problem to begin with. Very sad. At least your country is sane and drives them out, you should be thankful. Even mine does the same as France and gives up, in regards to our Mexican and Latin American migrants.

Because then people would ask for action - shooting these vermin on sight rather than pandering to their demands. Btw, I find it funny that these refugees want to get out of France even though France offer them the ability to stay. France is so bad that even kebabs think it is a shithole.

You know what Luke used when he had a problem?

They are discussing it on bbc one right now.

Theres a possibility that France will remove the border deal should Xavier Bertrand become President.


>France stopped doing that recently.
The gov try once in a while, Europe wont allow it

But France, you are Europe.

Wiadomo jak to się skończy.Wojna rasowa.

The solution is so fucking simple. Round them up, herd them into vans, deport them. They're all fucking illegal anyway.

what you want, calais is still blowing up, so are greek islands.
Western media isnt reporting on it anymore to safe face for coming elections and not strenghen the anti eu movement any further.

Typical tactics, nothing unusual.

Why doesn't France deport them back to their countries? What's so hard about it???

They arent allowed . Brussel regime wont allow it.

no gibs in calais



EU overlords won't let them

>The media is our friend in keeping us posted

Said only the goyest of goyim.

Oh I agree. Thats all that's needed. Hence why I'm voting for the guy who says he'll kick them out and build a wall. Hoping he really does it :/

>shut the fuck up

you are undesirable, they should beat you up in a non-white country

>they killed their king
>implying that was good
fucking plebs.