Watching this right now, is this the most white people problems movie in existence?
Watching this right now, is this the most white people problems movie in existence?
No, but the car accident scene was the single most immersion breaking moment in the movie. He would have had serious legal problems fleeing the scene of an accident to worry about not pissing off his teacher.
fuck you
It's fiction.
What is suspension of disbelief?
You suspend disbelief that he'd have legal problems.
Yes. The achievement of artistic genius and the pursuit on cultural excellence to deserve a place in eternity is not something niggers can possibly comprehend
How does shitposting on Sup Forums preserve your legacy?
Yes. Whites have a resounding respect for hard work and achievement--it's what led to you comfortably shitposting in your room on your computer! So, join with me in saying, "Thank you, white people, for your sacrifice, inquisitive nature, and ingenuity and allowing me to benefit from your successes."
wtf I love white people now
Black's already had their time to shine in the 90's with all the fucking hood films.
its a movie about how single minded devotion to your ambition will ultimately ruin you and make nothing but ambition personified with no regard for anything else
its also shit
dumb poster
And they did it all on the backs of black slaves.
Check your priviledge, cracka
I got some news for you senpai. White people problems doesn't invalidate other people problems and vice versa.
why is it such a buzzword nowadays anyway?
How was black slaves contributing to the european industrial revolution?
pic related, it does not count
So, whites used blacks' brains to develop new technologies? You're telling me it was a black man that created the printing press, cotton gin, automobile, and computer?
By the way, owning slaves was a luxury, not a commonality. Plus, it was southern democrats that owned slaves.
Thank you, person who created the internet and not some random user whose only "connection" is a literal roll of the dice at birth
>implying farm hands working the crops plowed the way for industrial revolution
Your a fucking faggot Harry.
>jazz music
>cultural excellence
who's calling who a nigger?
You and your whole ancestry share quite literally nothing but a similar melanin level with for example the Tim Berners-Lee or Bill Gates or Steve Jobs, etc.
How empty must one's life be to project themselves onto the achievements of other individuals with whom they have no real connection to?
I do not identify with the color of my skin just as I do not identify with my height. However, I will defend someone being criticized by the color of their skin or by their height.
Fletcher mindfucked him.
it was all he thought about, drumming.
He wanted to be the next Bird so badly he gave up every human connection in his life for Fletcher and he knew that if he failed him he had nowhere to go to (although he did with his father, but he wouldnt admit that)
him fleeing the accident makes perfect sense.
i um... n-niggers!
gib repureyshuns whitey