Living on a container ship

Is this the most red pilled life imaginable?

Ching chongu
Moe rori desu
Konbawa itadakimasu!

People live on them? Really?

I don't know if your comment is out of jest or being ill informed:

It takes weeks for a container ship to finish its tour. They are usually crewed by around 20 people.

>wanting to live with rats on a container ship

The most redpilled life is living in the wilderness and hunting for your food.
Pic related.

sign me up F A M 100100100

no i'd be paranoid that one might tip over and fall on me

I could do it if I had some friends with me

Imagine founding the first naval nation, surely posible today


I have no friends or money to buy the ship :(

No, it's total fucking shit.

I fucking hate this job, if it weren't for being paid pretty good I'd kill myself.

I don't think you can really 'live' on them - no water, extremely high temperatures, only food would be the hard tack you bring, you be shifting where you live .... Hundreds of Chinese die trying to survive in them the few weeks it takes to make it from China to LA, so I don't think you could really "live" on one. I believe that they lock the containers before they leave the port and they can't be unlocked until they're done by the dockworkers on the other side as well so there's no way to 'abort mission' as well

I used to play with a guy on world of warcraft that lived on one, he did nothing but play until his ship got to each port.

I'd rather live here, little yellow man.

You could easily be lying, but if you are telling the truth, describe it please. What are your responsibilities? How did you get hired?

OP makes fun of you NEETs for posting this kind of thread.

You really wanna know what's red pilled? Marry a woman and impregnate her instead of watching anime.

Obama is red-pilled than you NEET faggots. At least he has a life, a wife and kids and not a fan of degenerate stuff like anime

>Hundreds of Chinese die trying to survive in them the few weeks it takes to make it from China to LA

is.. this real?
that would explain why you also complain about chinese illegal inmigrants

however I thought this was movie-tier
and that they were just overstaying their visas

>Marry a woman and impregnate her
And then get cucked out of all your money, your kids and your house?

It's literally not possible to form a nation on a floating platform, or man made land mass.
Thanks UN.

He's talking about being part of the crew.

Not living in the container.

>What are your responsibilities?
Maintaining the engines and mechanical parts.

>How did you get hired?
A job application.


There are some interesting youtube videos of people traveling on them, but they seem like solitary passengers and not actual ship workers. I assume ship workers find them annoying somehow.

I think you've totally got the wrong idea about OP's question.

Container ships have crew quarters with water, electricity, heating, ac, galley facilities, bunks, tvs, radios, even wifi on some ships.

You would not be able to live in the containers. That's just stupid.

My dream job.

Except whenever I see crews from these ships they're all Cambodians and Filipino. Must all be on $3 a day?

You seriously think all bitches want to do that?

This is why white people (or at least whites on Sup Forums) won't succeed in life.

>Talks about white genocide
>Watches hentai

Lies! Germany de-facto recognizes Sealand since they had to send over negotiators!

>passengers and not actual ship workers

Yes, sometimes people do travel on them but not often, usually they are confined to the mess, the bunk and back end of the oggy where they can't fuck anything up.

>not being the 21st "crew member" hunting for rats and sweet kicks

What if you just straight up stowed away on a cargo ship and just fucking Sam Fisher'd the whole crew so you could steal cool shit from the cargo

I would try and steer the ship some where cool then rig the oil and gas to catch fire and then swim to the shore with a bag full of expensive woman's shoes

If I could figure out a way to do that ... meaning, I'd want a number of little luxuries in life to keep it all pleasant ...

Fuck. Yeah.

You can set up greenhouses on that, raise rabbits & chickens & horses & cows. Etc. An entire ecosystem designed to support you. For me, since I love tinkering & gardening and general isolation ... a magnificent solution.

If I had, you know, a $10 or $100 million dollar bill or whatever it would cost to buy one of those and renovate it properly.

I'm more concerned about the crew I'd have to live with, and you would have to be your own security force against piracy. Plus fuel and maintenance & various port fees. Keep in mind, a _LOT_ of ports around the world will not allow ships to come in that are carrying any armaments .. so you'd have to hide those perfectly, or (better) have a smaller boat that you could lower into the water and park the big ship in international water while you visit ports in the small one.

And then back to security arrangements so it's still there when you return.

In the big picture, it's a great solution for some people, and I'm one of them. I've often played with the idea of floating habitation in the open sea, especially in the vicinity of New Zealand and northward toward the equator. Just move back & forth with the seasons a bit to keep optimally warm.

I've already got over 45 terabytes of music in FLAC. Give me a large library of books (electronic or physical) and 100 terabytes of anime and I can't think of much else I'd want. Definitely an Internet connection and a freshwater pool.

What jobs are there on-board other than those?

I would totally larps as a pirate with you user.

Can I be Bosun? I want to dish out punishment and oversee duels between deck hands.

Any points i could imagine also fit a sailboat.

>honestly giving a single shit about the UN or what it thinks is moral.

May as well ask the internet.

yet it happens well over 50% of the male population.

Most of them are mechanical because big ships need constant maintenance, but there's a manifesting agent who checks all that all the seals are intact along the route, two security, navigation, a couple of sanitation workers and about 10 general labor hands that do whatever the captain wants done, usually it's related to moving things with forklifts or painting, cleaning and general upkeep.

I think he meant people other than the crew of the ship. Like you just live on the ship.

>Floating nation on a giant container ship

Sounds cozy. Get a few together and anchor somewhere and you basically have a mobile Mother Base.

Of course not all bitches want or will do that. But it's like playing Russian roulette. Boom, at any time it can happen. It's really more like handing her your balls for safe keeping in her handbag to crush and mangle, consequence free, if she ever may want to do so. It's not even consequence free though, she even gets rewarded for fucking you over and destroying her life.

Marriage laws are just the ultimate power dynamic switch, whether either of you realizes or acts upon it is irrelevant. Your wife owns your ass, you are now her bitch who has to pay one way or the other. The fact is that the possibility is there. For the rest of your life that Damocles sword is dangling above your head, just waiting to come crashing down.

She can just take half of everything you ever worked for in your life or more, all your kids if you have any and get monthly payments from you. Better hope you keep that woman happy or you are royally fucked. It's probably the shittiest deal you can sign up for. It's no wonder mudslimes want to set up Sharia courts.

Living situation? What do you guys eat? Also how many hours per day are people on-duty?

Anyone in a medical role?

I'm a RN and have looked into gigs on oil rigs, etc

i need to get away from the daily grind

Can you give a rough idea of expected pay? Let's just say I'm a college-educated guy, STEM, very good with my hands, have made a living doing industrial construction. No mad skills, but not retarded & most of the basics, can learn anything.

Big issue for me is a mildly debilitating injury to one knee and one shoulder ... so I can do some physical work, but no gorilla/grunt work like I used to. Got a very functioning brain and highly computer literate.

U.S. citizen, perfectly clean record, valid passport, only speak English but have some exposure to several languages and small vocabulary without proper grammar ... more than willing to to spend shiptime learning basics in several.

>I've already got over 45 terabytes of music in FLAC
sounds like you're well on your way to your dreams

My dad always wanted to have a bit of land in the bush so he could bury shipping containers into the ground to live in. Seems kinda claustrophobic but you could probably kit them out with some good shit.

are you good with puppets?

Boatswain you illiterate pleb.

>valid passport
is this some type of achievement for third worlders?

Totally plausible.

You could probably manage a square kilometer of greenhouse space on a big container ship.




Seriously though the dumbest thing we did on deployment was try to conduct flight ops in the middle of shipping traffic lanes.

Pretend I posted a picture of a US Navy conning officer, fuck this public wifi connection.

Small cabins, some have double bunks but people who stay for more than two years or work harder tend to get spare cabins to themselves, rookies get stuck together unless they don't like each other.

Typical food, there's a few industrial refrigerators on board so we get fresh meats and stuff. There's a lot of potatoes, rice and beans, simple meals meant for about 30 people and you eat about twice a day, breakfast and dinner. If you miss one that's too bad, you're not getting anything else unless you make pals with the cook.

You're on duty 24/7, usually unless something needs doing you're not doing anything until paged for.

About 35k-70k, I've been there for seven years and I make 57k, they're paying a lot less these days because all they need to do is hire a few Asians who work for peanuts, so your degree doesn't mean much to them.

There's a doctor on board who is also a dual-role dentist, I don't know how other ships are.

Do you have leisure time/downtime?

americans usually don't have passports. I don't really blame them, their country is huge and awesome.

The only divorce that happened among the dozen of married couples in my acquaintance's circle, it was the man that screwed the woman over...Just shut the fuck up, you're just making up excuses for yourself

are there hookers or are you guys sucking each other off 24/7?

>shipping containers

They don't work like that, friend.

How do you deal with pirates?

You'll need to get a TWIC Card and Merchant Mariner Credential before you apply for any maritime jobs. I work on tugboats and launchboats. It's a good life. I don't have a college degree and I earn a decent living. After about 10 days on a tugboat I'm ready to get to shore though. If your crew is shit you'll have a tough time.

As mentioned elsewhere in the thread, you can't be your own nation due to UN rules & laws.

However, everybody maintains their citizenship and passport, once you're in international waters, then you can run the entire operation under Maritime Law ... meaning obey international laws & regulations and you set your own Ship Rules that everybody sings a contract to obey ... a Constitution if you will.

Effectively it is a floating "nation," just not sovereign unto itself. Which is more a distinction in splitting hairs in pragmatic terms.

Did a quick google, and used container ships sell between $1.5 million and $15 million USD depending on size & condition on the low end.

About $7 - $12 million looks like it'll buy something in the size range of OP's pic related.

Then you'd need money for renovation, maintenance, operation, fuel and various licensing fees to make port internationally.

You can flag the ship with nearly any nation imaginable, and that takes some shopping to get the right price vs. benefits of the flag. But, for example, you can get a Panama flag and get more or less First World status.

Then you consider limiting where you operate & park the beast. Like, keep it in the Pacific and just time it to keep ahead of the worst of the seasonal storms in one big circle from Chile to the U.S. and over to Japan then down to Australia, New Zealand and across to Chile again.

Maybe hit Hawaii and such for distraction, or even jump through the Panama Canal into the Caribbean & Atlantic if there's a good reason.

Invest heavily in solar & wind power, good tech for navigation and entertainment (and security), set aside deck space for greenhouses & agriculture ... leave enough space and you can make some modest income carrying cargo on the circuit, maybe even keep most of the expenses paid & self-sustaining.

Sometimes we get to stay for repairs in foreign countries or park in small non-busy dockyards for a while and go ashore.

Other than that there's satellite internet so you can play games, watch TV and shit.

There's no hookers on board but there's loads in South America, we go there pretty often.

There are two armed security workers.

>my anecdotal evidence trumps your facts

Okay then.

What's the deal with getting your nut?
Do you just use the rookies as fucbois to suck you off?

We don't need a passport to travel further than an hour drive because our country isn't the size of a postage stamp. You can literally drive for several days nonstop and still be in America. Generally, Americans only bother getting them if they are planning a trip overseas or live close enough to either Canada or Mexico that they will visit frequently.

You didn't listed any facts.

Btw I know divorce rates are very high, but that's mostly among plebs who will put a ring on shitty girls they picked up at parties, and they often are shitty husband themselves

What do you not like about your job? is it because of your type of job or because of working on a ship in general is not something you like?

do rats gnaw on the occasional crewmember? like at night

It is not a fact that a woman can absolutely rape you in divorce? I don't know what the laws are in Belgium but in most of the Western world they are absolutely brutal and ridiculously biased towards the woman.

Again, the point is not to say that they all will but that they can and that you have to hand them that power to destroy you if you want a family and kids. The system is broken and has to be changed.

you'd get caught, become the cabin boy for the remainder, get kicked out in mogadishu with a blown out asshole and STDs unknown to western science

>satellite internet
>play games

Da fuq man whats your ping like 400 ms? How u goona get gud with ping like that?

>TWIC Card and Merchant Mariner Credential

Thanks. that's the useful info I can start looking with.

As the Canada bro mentioned.

Also, my U.S. passport is one of the new, hot -tech ones that tracks your bowel movements in real time, to within 2 cm. My security cred and background check are immaculate. You don't get a U.S. passport these days unless you're more vetted out than about 95% of the rest of the world ... it's more of a security and crime check credential.

Sure, some people try and can get away with a forged U.S. passport, or try to fly past government security checks ... but I haven't. So it's not an "achievement" so much as one of the gold standard documents a person can have for world travel.

Also gets me into U.S. embassies at need. that has been very useful in the past. Nothing so sweet as talking directly to your Ambassador in under 30 minutes by just walking up to the front door and saying "I could use some advice." Of course you don't get that every time if luck is against you, but if you're in a tight spot and you request help, you get it.

Feels Good.

It's boring and I want to find a girl/start a family but can't really do that when I'm gone for weeks.

Any rats, rodents or pests are hunted with pellet guns, if you kill one you usually get some kind of candy bar from the captain.

I don't know about containers but there are plenty of people who live on a boat.

How's the night time sky

>get some kind of candy bar from the captain.

High school, the boaticle.

What's it take to become the captain, I want to be the one making crew members dance about to please me for trinkets such as candy bars.

holy shit good question, must be awesome in the middle of the ocean

i don't interact with any other people anyway or ever leave my place, i don't think spending all of my time on a container ship as opposed to a small apartment would be much of a difference. i'd totally do it if i got paid.

are there any ghosts or any spooky happenings on these boats?

Yes she can destroy you with the jewdicial system, but give her slight hints that if she ever try to screw you over, you can still destroy her with your bare hands

If someone from less relevant country wanted to get a deckboy job, do they at most need valid passport and STCW?


That's one way of course but it shouldn't have to be like that.

It sounds pretty fucking cool.

Really nice, it's neat to sit out in a chair sometimes.

About three years ago I saw an older steam type ship in the distance, I turned for about five seconds to give my friend a lighter and when I looked back it was gone.

Wasn't far enough to sink over the horizon, and no way it could have moved that far in five seconds.

Another time I saw a huge black mass go under the ship, it was fucking spooky.

Yeah, pretty much, if you're going to work on a US ship you need your STCW, I don't know about other countries.

It's stupid easy to get these jobs, if you can speak multiple languages that's even better.

so how does one have a family and kids without the potential for getting fucked over?

ok those are pretty creepy stories, what was the black mass inb4 huge black cock

>you need a squeaky clean record to get a US passport
is this true?
I would have thought just having a birth cert was enough

i think it is

I don't know, but it was pretty fucking huge.

Whats the pay like for a deckboy? I was just reading online and heard 100$ a month for none U.S. ships.

The laws have to be changed or you have to move to some stoneage shithole. That's one reason why birthrates are so low. It's a huge risk for a man to start a family. There's almost no escaping this, that's why it is so perverse and destructive. It has subverted the whole power dynamic between a man and a woman, which makes it even worse because a week man is unattractive to most females. So by marrying her, you drastically decrease your attractiveness to her because it's an act of submission, given the current legal situation.

Yeah, they are doing STCWs in our major port city, I think i will sing up for it at some point later.
Also, what other languages other than english are considered very valuable on freighter? I was considering learning another one for some time.

nice proxxy fag

Do you get the feelibg of being in overseas inside when you travel far from home? Because america is big

not him but probably Spanish, ching chong or thai so you know what the crew are saying about you

Look into

It is a real organisation. We are realists.

if you go to far maneating bears will rip you up and eat you

Maybe in Asia, it's alot more in most western/Euro countries.

Spanish, Mandarin, Korean, Japanese, Tagalog, Arabic. Practically any Asian or wide spoken languages.

If you do speak a second or third language just make sure it's one that you wont mind going to places they do speak it, because you'll probably be assigned to a ship that goes there.

Like if you speak Spanish you'll probably go to Mexico or Peru, if you speak Mandarin China etc.

>yes goi make more slaves

What kind of puppet skills do you have?

Can get my hands on JLPT5 pretty easily and basic spanish, from experience, are there any no goes or things like that? Might as well ask

Fuck I would if I could. What's a nice place in America for a hut?

what did they mean by this?

any place i suppose so long as it's not in area with natural disasters such as tornadoes and hurricanes

No goes? I'd stay out of Arabia and North Africa, that's about it, watch yourself in South America but it isn't so dangerous now, you might get mobbed by hookers though.

You could get into the job and start learning a new language with your free time, that's what I did, I used pimsleur though.