Is there an alpha male comedian? All the good ones are beta males or have obvious insecurities or they got too PC.
Is there an alpha male comedian? All the good ones are beta males or have obvious insecurities or they got too PC
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Joe Rogan
Comedy is self-deprecating so it's hard to act "alpha" while doing it
Daniel Tosh manages though.
Also Louis CK has used the word nigger and made fun of black people. I have no idea where the "omg cuck" shit comes from beyond the meme
Comedy is essentially leftist. THe only comedy that americans can do is depicting ''bad behaviors'', because there is no comedy in acting morally
Citation needed.
>Also Louis CK has used the word nigger and made fun of black people.
That's because he thinks he has a pass. There is a clip of him and Chris Rock and Louis CK drops a nigger with a hard r and you can see that Chris is uncomfortable.
Yeah but a leftist from 17 years ago would be funnier than a leftist now.
Lefts has gone more left, lefty left left
>bill hicks le peace justice and space exploration
>not moralistic
>Yeah but a leftist from 17 years ago would be funnier than a leftist now.
This. Before leftism was wanting to legalize weed and gay marriage. Now they have that and they keep pushing it instead of basking in their accomplishments. Now they make up stuff to be worried about.
why don't they try to feed poor people, I volunteer at a food bank and I is fun and you help people get food.
I guess it would be better to protest a bathroom on behalf of quagulon or something
Poor people are racist bigots and god forbid, they're white sometimes.
That's what I meant. They are so preoccupied with going forward that they forget the present. But no,there are boundaries to be broken! Feeding homeless people is so overplayed!
arnt all those really bright food dyes actually industrial byproducts and known carcinogens?
Doug Stanhope is pretty much the only comic I'm a fan of right now. I'm yet to listen to the new Jimmy Carr special and Jim Jefferies has turned into a massive fag.
Did Doritos really do that? I'm shocked I didn't see that in Canada.
>Jim Jefferies has turned into a massive fag.
yup. him and bill burr became shit in the exact same way it seems
>alpha male
Andy Kaufman
Literally did not give a fuck
>Joe Rogan
Pseudo intellectual, overcompensating tough guy because of his manlet status
Nick DiPaolo
There are none because you cant make good comedy by taking yourself dead seriously and not being self-deprecating.
You guys forgetting someone?
The more I listen to Joe, the more I grow to hate him.
He talks over people too much and when he has a black or asian person on you can tell he is uncomfortable as is overly ass kissy with them
His comedy sets are actually hilarious the one hour one where it looks like someones house is the best
Anthony Jeselnik gives no fucks about offending. He constantly touts himself as one of the greatest comedians to ever live.
daniel tosh
i dont like his show though
You have a pretty weird definition of what an 'alpha male is'. Someone can be attractive, physically fit, socially capable and otherwise put together but still able to have fun and self deprecate to amuse others.
Yeah but didnt he get way too into fisting?
like he mentions it alot when you meet him.
its silly and not funny like the jim norton tranny thing
Orny Adams
You won't like the answer, but to my understanding the definition of "alpha" has Daniel Tosh fitting the bill.
the GOAT was a true alpha
>black people be like dis
>white people be like dis
Overrated. Ironic and hilarious he made fun of "fat butt disease" on the office and then he himself succumbed to fat butt disease though.
oh man listening to his advice actually made it easier to get laid. I dont have a favorite song or car or movie but he is tops
He is NOT a typical black comedian, I know at first glance it would seem that way.
you must have forgotten about Dane Cook
like everyone else on earth.
>Ironic and hilarious he made fun of "fat butt disease" on the office and then he himself succumbed to fat butt disease though.
You seem like a fucking idiot my friend.
Louis CK...the biggest cuck in the known universe.
Not since the GOAT died.
RIP in peace mr P.
Dave 2.0
Oh man if you think that's bad...
my favourite joke of his is when he made a joke about a supermodel with an autistic son marrying a famous footballer by saying she was happy about the marriage because now she'd have somebody in the house strong enough to stop her kid from raping her
oh fuck thats Dark, didn't the bbc ban him?
Nick DiPaolo
yeah, i think this was on a bbc panel show too hahaa
i watched it at the time with my parents and still remember it, was hard not to laugh too hard
Nick and Colin Quinn would run train on all the anemic reddit mascots posted itt
Nick Mullen is an alpha but that's because he has autism
No alphas are handsome and therefore they don't need to be funny
>worked at a lumber mill
>regularly goes on twitter tirades about politics
>has an open invitation on several talk shows
>goes on stage with the intention of screwing with everyone and flopping
RSD Jeffy
so short guys are just always overcompensating?
fuck off, i may be short (5'11") but im no overcompensator
He's so far up his own ass, though. If he was really funny then it would be ok.
Can't even afford health insurance.
Don't forget he's also a tier1 operator
its like all those people who bought Priuses without knowing that creating and disposing the battery of those things has a greater environmental impact than most cars. it is virtue signaling to make them feel better about themselves and better than others. modern day liberalism is actually a very selfish ideology whose adherents seem incapable of empathizing
Comedy is typically learned in grade school as a means of self-defense. It makes friends out of enemies. It helps you cope with things. It gives you the chance to make a joke about yourself before anybody else can use that same observation against you. Etc. The sort of people who develop the strongest senses of humor tend to have done so because they needed to do so. "Chads," meanwhile, tend to have a universally terrible sense of humor because necessity never bred this into them. Obviously this is a generality, but there's your explanation for why this almost always seems to be the case.
You are looking for Nick DiPaolo, OP.
He just released a new special on SeeSo. He is from the Colin Quinn/Louis CK era of comedians from NYC but he is right wing.
He played the right wing bar guy on CK's Horace and Pete.
He's one of the few white comedians who can still get away with no holds batrred racism on stage
I really fucking hope this having sacred cows in comedy meme dies soon
>"Chads," meanwhile, tend to have a universally terrible sense of humor because necessity never bred this into them. Obviously this is a generality, but there's your explanation for why this almost always seems to be the case.
Chads are usually top tier in testicle and asshole related humor.
They invented The Impossible Sit-up which is perhaps the greatest practical joke ever as it plays on people's vanity and their desire to win over their athletic peers.
Norm MacDonald
dice man.
Hicks was alpha as fuck
>kill 'em all Adolf!
damn, came here to say these exacts words brother
Yeah, this.
>Nick DiPaolo on JRE: So, is there any female UFC fighters I could take?
>Joe: Well you're in your Fifties, Nick. These women are athletes.
>Nick: Not even if I just did a line of coke and one of 'em just knocked into me?
on some level all comedians are "alpha". To hold a large audience's interest and be the one in control of a crowd takes personal will. Many of them simply play up the idea that they are weak to appear sympathetic to the audience but deep down they would have to believe they're better then the people listening to him because otherwise their positions would be switched. You can't be truly beta and put yourself out in front of thousands of people and make them like you.
Joe Rogan. Triggered is awesome.
Anthony Cumias Dice > Dice
Joes not funny but
>because there is no comedy in acting morally
Thank you for providing an explanation to people who ask "why are there no funny conservatives?"
I suspect it's the same reason there are rarely TV shows about happy, functional, religious, traditional conservative families (although I guess some earlier sitcoms like Leave It To Beaver might apply, but even that featured a Jekyl and Hyde psychopath in Eddie Haskell, but he was a neighborhood friend of Wally).
People watching TV (or standup comedians) don't want to see "square" persons or families always doing the right thing, acting morally superior to them, because it triggers the cardinal sins envy and wrath. An audience is basically rabble, the common people.
When I think of standup comedy, I think back to Lenny Bruce, who "paved the way for future outspoken counterculture-era comedians."
>He was renowned for his open, free-style and critical form of comedy which integrated satire, politics, religion, sex, and vulgarity.
>His parents divorced when he was five years old
In many ways comedy is a way to respond to tragedy, which is often the consequence of the immoral behavior of yourself or others.
I suppose someone like Jim Gaffigan, who is known as a "clean" comic and a Catholic, could be an example of a "moral" comedian, but even his routines revolve around his own gluttony and sloth.
Saints make bad comedians, unless they're just pointing out absurdities of daily life, but even that consists of judging others.
Maybe one could mention very old routines like "Who's On First?", but even worldplay jokes like that came out of burlesque clubs.
I read headlines years back, something like Have Liberals Given Up On the Poor?
Basically, changing laws where it just involves redefining existing words (like "marriage" or "gender" or "discrimination") is easier than actually solving hard problems like poverty.
top kek
Let the gays eat wedding cake, let the homeless be in the way on their way to the antique shop.
Anthony Jeselnik acts like (or actually is) a charismatic psychopath. But he's also a thin lanklet weenie.
He marks the confidence checkbox, he marks the narcissist checkbox, he marks the DGAF checkbox -- all alpha behaviors, but have you seen his arms?
If you lined up a bunch of shirtless guys and had them tell jokes, the biggest tallet buffest guy (who is typically the alpha of a group) would probably be the least funniest, because people specialize to attract mates.
So many comedians talk of being bullied, and there comedy was a result of "if you can't be strong, you got to be smart or funny" as a survival skill. Same reason why female comedians who are actually funny tend to not be the prettiest women. "if you're not beautiful, you got to be smart or funny"
>Comedy is self-deprecating
watch more comedy you fucking kid
lanklets are not alpha
No. Look at the wrists on that guy.
Daniel Tosh is vaguely, if not majorly, homosexual.
Listen to this voice. That is not an "alpha" voice.
That cunt is hardcore left wing
Dane Cook definitely has confident, alpha, frat bro qualities. But he's not the kind to star in an action movie.
If male comedians performed shirtless, you would see how beta the funny ones are.
Ron 'tater salad' White
Nick DiPaolo may be an alpha among wops (although I've never seen him shirtless), but "alpha" depends on context.
Put him in a Strongman competition and you'd see how betas use humor to attract mates since they don't have alpha physiques.
Andrew Dice Gay, Oh!
Goatboy can make a bell ring in your stomach
The homeless or destitute poor are usually mentally ill or intellectually inferior specimens, incapable of improving their own situation and unwilling to utilize provided help. They lack to motivation to uplift themselves and even if provided for or given all the opportunity, they would squander it or use to hurt their betters in some capacity. Being 'poor' should be a crime or at the very least require them to be sterilized so they dont breed more stunted strays with no prospects. It'll be better soon, Bannon will see to that. Shame Puzder didnt get in, he would have at least kept the rats busy as slaves until we figure out how best to dispose of them humanely.
If a comedian has a chest and arms made of skinnyfat dough, they are not alpha.
In fact, one might even say that a requirement to be a funny comedian is that they would be embarassed if they took their shirt off.
>so short guys are just always overcompensating?
People do compensate in other areas.
If you're not strong, better be smart or funny. If you're not attractive, better be smart or funny. If you're not tall, better have a big personality.
BTW, Sup Forums is way off. 5'11" is not short based on every human male on Earth.
Plump soft pink nippled manaries
;^) sent
hey hitler, where the mommy's at?
>"Chads," meanwhile, tend to have a universally terrible sense of humor because necessity never bred this into them. Obviously this is a generality, but there's your explanation for why this almost always seems to be the case.
Successful Chads and Stacies don't develop the funniest sense of humor because they've already found success via other means, often genetic.
If a person has no won the genetic lottery, they typically have to compensate somehow to signal "Look at me everybody! Fuck me! Fuck me! I'm successful too!" Case in point: Stephen Hawking.
Manlet apologist. Stop trying to normalize physical deformity.
Peter Kay
Well, "clown game", making people laugh, confidence, and being the center of attention are alpha behavioral traits. But they use humor to become the center of attention because they are usually lacking in alpha genetic traits (looks, strength, speed, height, etc). I think Carlin said something like all comedians are a bit needy, like "Love me! Aren't I great?"
For example, professional football quarterbacks make terrible comedians. I think Olympic gold medalists would also make terrible comedians.
I would say that in order to be a funny comedian, it may be a requirement that: they would be embarassed if they took their shirt off.
People have mentioned Joe Rogan ITT, but even he is only 5'8".
>You can't be truly beta and put yourself out in front of thousands of people and make them like you.
Betas often use intelligence and humor to compensate for their lack of natural athletic skill. Comedians can "dominate" a room with their mind, but they will rarely dominate in a cage match.
Comedians also hone their routines over months, years, in small clubs. Through trial and error, they find out what works, what "kills", and that is that they use in front of thousands of people -- jokes they've used before on smaller groups of people, that work.
Comedians are a prime example of morphing to fit what an audience wants, how Joe Rogan talks about guys trying to morph to appeal to a woman. When a comedian "bombs", they have essentially exposed themselves as beta. Their job depends on making the crowd laugh, every single time.
I noticed how Joe Rogan's routine from Triggered about the Kardashians whispering in Bruce Jenner's ear really ripped of Hicks' voice in his Suck Satan's Cock routine.