Last episode was great
It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia
Why did Dee really want Charlie to make her a valentine? To embarrass him even though she gave him a normal one? What did they mean by this?
>>Why did Dee really want Charlie to make her a valentine?
because charlie has been fucking dee for several seasons
It was fucking garbage and inconsistent with the show
>several seasons
It was one episode. Get your fucking headcanon out of here
Most of this season was an incoherent mess, don't overthink it.
Season 12 sucks
>written by a woman
It's worse
>written by a liberal woman
They all gave each other valentines, as shown by Dennis's outbursts
Last episode was off. Its like the post production wasn't finished.
>Last season was off.
>person you voted for loses the election
>"NO U"
Social media is a mistake
>watching nu sunny
I bet you idiots watched the black propaganda episode this season too.
Ive passed on almost every episode this year. Show is so done. ANOTHER shit season of flops propped up by redditors.
>implying she's wrong
As a non-American it's quite interesting.
Why is American culture so fixed on this racial stuff?
Does it have to do with slavery related white guilt? I just don't understand.
Amerifats got coaxed into unironically falling for identity politics.
I thought the episode was pretty bad, actually. It didn't really feel like Sunny at all.
>charlie Dee love story out of nowhere
>repeated jokes
>Dennis does nothing the entire episode
easily the worst episode in the long time
>out of nowhere
It was an OK concept that went nowhere interesting and was generally incoherent. Last few seasons haven't been great, the gang doesn't so much get up to things as it is just overtly pointing out how zany they are now.
Season 9 and 10 were still okay, imo. Season 11 was shambles but it still had a great episode (Suburbs).
The episode itself wasn't THAT bad now. The only thing that confused me a bit was Dee wanting a valentine from Charlie that bad.
because the person who wrote it, it was their very first episode to ever write
shitty fanfiction is what it is
>it was their very first episode to ever write
there is one episode where it is implied they had sex and immediately said it was a mistake. No other episode is a romantic interest is even mentioned.
Charlie was saying he was smoking with Dee in the Hero or Hate Crime episode.
that "american culture" is just "california libcuck culture" aka hollywood jew propaganda.
catch up yuropleb we hate all those forced jew memes too
>>repeated jokes
theyve been using old jokes and repeating jokes way too much lately.
How can anybody defend this shit.
You have to go back
except that you would be banned in a nanosecond for posting that on plebbit.
Dee literally said, "You fucked me" to Charlie in last weeks episode. I don't think it was a figure of speech.
He's right though. The only people getting cucked are city slicker diversity faggots.
>Last episode was great
threads should have a purpose other than just "this was great now talk about it"
How is that a reddit post?
Maybe you should go back.
I liked the episode. I think their mistake was making Charlie's Valentine's song a "GOTCHA" moment for Dee.
I think it would've been more interesting if Dee just genuinely liked Charlie. I always prefer the episodes where they're just being buds and being nice to each other. Like Dennis and Charlie in the road trip episode.