Honest opinion on this country and its people?

Honest opinion on this country and its people?

Better than *talians

i like it

Very bad people

Only Romance country that functions well enough for an economic union with Germanic countries.
Southern Euros aren't fit for that; they need to be able to drink a beer in the sun and have some street food after playing football.
It's simply cruel to have them adapt to our working tempo.

The shining beacon of hope and freedom, the bringer of culture and civilization, the flaming torch of law and justice.

pretty shitty compared to the brits and germans
was better before the revolution, it's falling ever since

>inb4 t.ahmed
literally not an argument
french people can't accept criticism but you always complain
a bunch of fucking autists

I think the meme * follows this rule: it goes in place of the first vocal in the word if the word starts with a consonant, otherwise it replace the second vocal. Although if the word starts with a vocal, and that's the only vocal in it, then it replaces that.

The fact they didn't vote for a fascist leader despite the high amount of the far right propaganda due the ISIS terror shows these people always stay rational thinking human beings and gained all my respect.

Shouldn't have Elsass-Lothringen


sadness but hope

They are rude, dirty people who smoke on restaurant terraces and don't like to work.

The country itself has an impressive history, but today it is not nearly as globally relevant as the French like to think it is. It is a shell of it's former self. I would compare it to Italy in this sense, although Italians are nicer people and Italy is a nicer country to visit.

France does have very scenic landscapes, though.

They sound so arrogant when you talk with them, it's really unnerving.

>was better before the revolution, it's falling ever since
t.edgy teen

Do you really want they become retards like him ?

nice bait faggot

i'm republican you faggot. It just that France fucking sucks after the revolution

t. Ahmed

okay shitalian

Je suis serieux comme un pape, mon pote.

Giuseppe is right though




Not even the biggest smokers in Europe

>don't like to work


no you just put it in the middle and make sure we still get it it should be it*lian or maybe ital*an

I love them as much as the brits and admire their culture but at the same time I feel a bit anxious before them because I always have the impression that they hate me

We don't give a fuck really.
Though we think they are sissy, 'afrancesado' is a synonym for sissy or emsculated.

They are genuinely and unironically in my top five, easy. I love France and the French.

>They are rude, dirty people who smoke on restaurant terraces and don't like to work.

Country (the state) sucks. Country (the land) is incredible, especially if you ignore the utmost northern region which looks exactly the same as Belgium.
The people I guess would depend on the region. I've had pleasant experiences with people on the Atlantic coast (Bretagne and the Vendée). People there seemed to appreciate it when I tried to express myself in French and were more willing to put effort in communication and being friendly in general. Paris and the north on the other hand is full of arrogant pricks. Haven't been to the South.

I hope to take a trip through the central region of France sometime soon. Seems like there's a lot of wilderness there.

only alsatians """hate""" you, trust me

I've spent plenty of time in France and it's all true. Not just Paris either, the smaller cities and towns are just as bad if not worse.

I don't understand why so many tourists keep going to a country that is so inhospitable to them in every conceivable way.


I wish I were British.


French men are bitter assholes who are angry at everything

You're generalizing a bit much, don't you think, friend?

I think most Frenchfags have a good sense of humor tbqh.

>smoke on restaurant terraces

i dont see the issue there

Greatest nation on earth
Napoleon did nothing wrong, and The Terror was justified


I once had a few beers with an Italian in Paris.
When the waiter wouldn't bring us some free snacks to go with our beer he simply paid only half the bill, saying it was overpriced.
The cucks didn't even try to stop us from walking away.

He also told this story about how there used to be this trick to get a free meal, where you would hand the waiter a napkin and tell him that you agreed that the person who manages to get to the other side of the street last agreed to pay all of the bill.
When the waiter starts you off with the napkin, you simply run away without looking back.

objectively garbage

It's shit and it deserves to get bombed.
Source: it takes one to know one.

>italians are thieves

Nothing new

A Republic born in a genocide it doesn't even recognizes can't have my respect.

French people deserve to be BLACKED and Islamified.

This is France, isn't it?


Many people are really Arrogant I met. But girl is so cute and lovely.
Actually I met french girl at 2014.

I like them.

Most arrogant """"""""""people"""""" on the planet

>simultaneously acknowledging our latin heritage while hinting at germanic levels of work ethics

are you trying to seduce me, netherbro

because it's working

Fine but would be better if it was still a Kingdom
Either pretty nice or total rude shitheads. No in between

broken empire

good bread

Enemy of Europe. The revolution was a mistake. Nice people.

t.Assblasted anglo.