/v4/ + kamaráti

no bully edition

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>slovakia sold its gun for scrap metal
I like this meme

ded fred

mtrvé vlákno

Marcel is correct

kek I like how the mastermind guy has a big curved nose

>family get-together
>wine, beer and hruškovice flows
>start talking about kids
>mfw my mums says that she unironically enjoyed being around me 24/7 when I was a wee little baby and looked forward to every morning to see how I grew
>even though (maybe "because", since she already knew her shit) I was the third child
feels fan fucking tastic to have loving parents, lads

>common bureaucrat
I don't think many here will know this feeling too well


14 days fast done lads. I made it


good, now get fat again so you can do another one


No your kind drove her out
Last record was 11 days

stop lying femanon and get back to skype

old school post

my gf

Yeah I imagined her like that

don't taunt me femanon, you should have been my gf

hello friends


lol this movie was fucking great and hilarious
thanks czechs

you're welcome

What movie

Jáchyme, hoď ho do stroje!

good night lads

What is it about and why didn't you stream it on cytube

>redneck finishes highschool and gets a job in Prague in a big car repair workshop
>meets some dude with a computer that can calculate your life and give you a schedule for lucky and unlucky days
>lives according to the schedule
>it werks and he has a great life and marries his waifu
>guy with the computer visits him apologizing there was a bug in the code and they gave him a wrong schedule
>gives him a car as an apology

Good night anonku

hey dont spoil it D:

might have to give this a watch, sounds interdasting

I don't know what cytube is, I was watching it with gf anyway


So after few days in Buenos Aires I gotta say it's comfy as fuck and truly feels like a by and lively city from movies unlike anything you can find in Pooland. Food is great, lots of places to see and visit, feels quite safe and unlike in Western European cites you don't get harassed by niggers at every corner.
We've visited many nice places and there is shit load of things more to see.
Very nice architecture, mixture of Mediterranean, colonial and classic European architecture. Pic related, small and comfy as fuck hotel we're staying in right now with butifel garden with fountains and benches and trees and shit like that.

ah, thank you Litwin

man, that does look comfy for a hotel. How's the critter situation? Do they have many insects pestering people, or is it bearable?

it really confuses me why Argentina looks so much more European than us even though we're older

jiminy cricket that looks just beautiful and ultra comfy, straight from the south american movies
I'd even love working in a place like that

america's always been about being american, which necessarily meant ditching european standards

I haven't seen a single insect since I arrived, maybe a mosquito or two but I'm actually not sure if that was even the case.
It seems like they have a much better and more sensible attitude towards their heritage and origins. Pic semi related, cool Spanish XVII century armor.

also pr*testantism

Wake up dummies

is it morning already?


I am awake

stop pretending a morning when there is no sun
morning needs sun, dum dums

hey buddies

Check my flag, there you have the sun :3

this is now a /k/ v4

marcel is finally leaking


I'm okay with this



I wanna fug

absolutely strayan
na zdrowie

I'm jelly, it's raining here

I know, the weather has been great today and the sun is quite strong here

>Not liking comfy rain
Absolutely plebeian, rain is only annoying when you're on vacations.

rain is fucking trash, im so sick of this nigger weather, its either cold, raining or 50km/h wind ideally all together

We can switch places any time, sun is stronk here, in summer it becomes insufferable and humidity makes this place hell on earth


same thing here, it's not even summer anymore and every day is still over 30 degrees with high as fuck humidity

are there a lot of mosquitoes there? I had to stop wearing shorts because they were eating like half my legs everyday


Yeah, mosquitoes are a plague especially in summer, but you can see them since middle spring with +30°C days and +80% humidity
V4 anons don't know how good they have it

we have 40Celsium summers and i prefer it to this garbage thats to come for next 6 months

>hating winter

except its not winter you dumb faggot

You don't know whatcha talking about Abi
Rain may be comfy for a few days, but waking up for a few months in a row with perma-grey sky outside and puddles and mud everywhere makes me wanna kys myself

How many days you have with that temperature?, The average here on summer is 35°C and sometimes reaches +40°C with a lot of humidity, I was raised in this weather and I feel bad with it, I don't think someone used to cold weather is happy in such conditions unless you have a pool and/or AC, which I don't have

fall doesn't last for six months you piece of shit


We have mosquito plagues as well
Why humanity didn't make them go extinct yet anyway, it's such a pointless animal

Spring > Summer > Autumn > Winter
This is not an opinion but an objective fact.

The grass is always greener
Also our winters get shittier with every year, I can't even remember when was the last time we had proper snow for Christmas
I guess global warming is not a meme

1,5-2 months, v4 is not cold,we live in temperate climate

it does here, retard, we didnt have proper winter for 15 years until 2016 when it was -30 but if i ignore that year i dont remember when we last had snow

ikr, just like roaches (no Turks, actual roaches)
And our summers are getting hotter every year as well, and it lasts like 5 months

>tfw you will never go on a sled ride to your local hill like you did as a kid
feels bad man

Fact: your summers are our springs

idc, our summers are hotter than in Greece or Spain and its cancer but still 90% of people prefer it to this cancer weather

>no Turks
them too
Autumn is literally the worst except the rare few moments when sun shines and the fallen leaves didn't decompose yet, but such days are like 1% of the season, while 99% is grey shit everywhere
It's awful

>summers are hotter than in Greece or Spain
Now you're making shit up, you cant get hotter summers than in med countries since I don't think you get a sun as strong as they get, proofs or didn't happen
>Autumn is literally the worst
Literally why?, I think it's the comfiest season

>tfw gr*y squirrels have almost completely outbred based red ones here

I've never seen a grey squirrel, and there's lots of red ones here, even some in cities that got used to human contact and allow to hand feed them

>tfw never seen a squirrel because we don't have them here ;_;

wtf I hate Argentina now

Reeeeeeeeeeeee why don't we have qt squirrels here??, Just nuke us already

i am still awake


>tfw no wiewiórkas
Why even live ;-;

mammals are subhuman
I am an Arthropod

they're all shit except for crabs

wake up dummies


lol wh*Tes are such shumans
this happens every day in sl*V countries i bet

czechs are truly subhuman
leader of nazi(afd) party in germany is a czech
who took ASYLUM to germany
now they wanna deport refugees
LOL subhuman hypocrites i hope germans turn nazi and gas you subhumans once more

why do slav subhumans like nazis so much they would gas you and buy döner from us

he's making it up
>40° summers in slovakia
If the temperature peaks to 41 on five days of a year, it doesn't make it a 40° summer. The average highest temperatures of summer days are at 36 at worst

autumn is divine, one lives in autumn
in summer, one but slouches and waits for the end

slovak nazis are the most frequent buyers of kebap, that is a known fact

slavs are literal subhumans
germans would gas and enslave you

they were AFRAID to attack turks
even in imaginary nazi maps turkey is a soverign state


kill subhuman germans

making a boar goulash lads
wish me luck, never cooked with boar meet before

*meat ffs

who cares Roach ?