Am I white?

Am I white?

are you mestizo?

no, brown eyed mongrel

I thought mestizos were people who are exactly 50% white / 50% native

It's the one drop rule from what I've seen. Ie one drop Euro = mestizo and one drop native = mestizo.

well in this case it would be castizo
but are you immigrant from latam or mixed european native canadian?

upload your results to gedmatch

nope. what a waste.


One drop.

>southern europe
You wouldn't have been white to begin with so nothing lost


>le 0.5% face

Yes, I am white

you're a chink


As been said ITT, you're a typical castizo. Could probably pass as average Argie I think, and you'd be white probably by Chilean or Mexican standards

Mestizos originally meant that but nowadays it just means anyone who's mixed regardless of proportions.

Memes aside, I thought Argentina was white?

Post your face

They were colonized by Spaniards and Italians, and i suppose you are aware of the meme of "southern euros aren't white"

but italians are central europeans and spaniards are western europeans

From what I know, genetically speaking they're on avergae about 75% Southern Euro, 25% Amerindian, hence castizo

>Southern Europe is the southern region of the European continent. Most definitions of Southern Europe, also known as Mediterranean Europe, includes Italy, Greece, Southern France, Southern and Eastern Spain, Albania, the Adriatic coast of former Yugoslavia; Portugal is also usually included despite not having a coast in the Mediterranean.[1]