I guess the apple really doesn't fall far from the tree, huh?

I guess the apple really doesn't fall far from the tree, huh?

Other urls found in this thread:


Can someone explain this Sup Forums meme to me?

what does it say?

>Sup Forums meme

Jesus Christ there are people who don't even remember Ben Al-Fleck memes. This place is beyond dead.

Despite being from Catholic Boston, these two cucks ended up being self loathing cucks who virtue signal consistently that they support a religion founded by a pedophile warlord who plagiarized the bible and the art of war to found a religion followed by a bunch of goat fucking monkeys.

Reverse image search tells me "arabic writing" and nothing else. I don't know who that is in the OP.


>Christcucks trying to take moral high ground
Go rape some young boys, cathofag.

fuck you christianity is the same desert religion made by some poorfag arab. also
>catholics calling anyone pedophiles
dont make me laff

>I don't know who that is in the OP.
Why do you post here if you don't know the best actor of 2017 is?

This is entry level shit.

حب means love. or seeds.


>Being an autist

Of course it's حب as in love

we can never know

yeah but it could be seeds though

No, it refers to the seed of black bulls which he wants to ingest.


Oyy veyyyyy!!


"Fuck The United States of America and Fuck White People." Rough translation.

Makes sense. He does think he's entitled to grope non-muslim women.

>fiki fiki and settle out of court
Rough translation.

Bin Alfeqi is proud of his bro.





But it's/tv/'s meme. It's not even old.

your interpretation of the coran is wrong! CASEY NO

People who fucked 6 year olds
[ ] Jesus
[X] Mohammed

People who fucked 3 year olds
[ ] Jesus
[ ] Mohammed
[X] Catholic priests

Their family is actually Protestant

So that's why he grew out his beard.

he's rigth. there are way more Christian pedophiles than Muslim ones.

People who's religion says it's okay to rape kaffir women.

[ ] Jews
[ ] Christians
[X] Muslims

>there are way more Christian pedophiles than Muslim ones.


Thanks for the tip.

People who have fucked your mom
[X] Jews
[X] Muslims
[X] Patriarchy

In Europe maybe, but that's because there are far more Christians than Muslims in Europe. In the entire world? Who knows


I hate Islam but citation from credible source please?

so the same as other religions

Don't most of them marry their 10 year old cousin?

Not him but:
People you are incapable of winning an argument with and must resort to quippy meme insults:
[x] everyone

What???? I was bored and raised in a Muslim country and there was pedo shit everywhere. It's just not reported here it's something you deal with growing up and push it down until you die

>bored and raised


let's see your arabic skillz bro

I don't keep up with unknown "literally whos", kid. Who has that kind of time?


This is objectively false

Ive seen muslim countries and in one rn, bullshit

ya kalb bin kalb sharmuta

>mfw you edgelord atheists use the "CATHOLICISM IS JUST AS BAD AS ISLAM" meme
If the Muslims win you faggots will be beheaded for being infidels. Instead of raging about Catholicism you should be raging about the religion that wants to destroy Western civilization.

I was a voice actor on Mars Attacks actually.


>love or seeds
it says cum, doesn't it?

>apple really doesn't fall far from the tree

So, Ben Affleck is his father then, you dumb shitter?

audibly keked

better than being burned alive at stake like a goddamn shish kebab

That's because It's not considered pedophilia under sharia law.


Why, who is his father?

>dude there are 3 million muslims living peacefully and integrated within in the US but theres a problem with islam, totally not with our christian evangelist indoctrinated army bombing and destroying any muslim "states" -as drawn arbritrarily by us- that arent our puppets LMAO

polcucks are the best hypocrites

Arabic Ex-muslim here, your leniency and complete naivety toward Islam will be the death of your culture, I promise

I don't get it

The last time the Catholic church burned someone alive at the stake was over a century ago. Muslims are to this day beheading innocent people. Did mommy and daddy force you to go to church? Are you still in high school? I really don't get you atheist cucks who get defensive whenever someone criticizes Islam.

>[5]And as Jesus hung from the cross, he didth make a "Psst! Psst!" sound to attract the attention of a passerby. "Hey you!" [6]"Yes, Christ? Dost thou talketh to me?" "I need you to pass a message to my followers."
>[7]"Of course, O Holy One, what shall I telleth them?" And the Christ did clear his throat, and a dark look passed o'er his eye.
>[8]"Tell them... Tell them that if anyone ever talks shit about Jesus... kill 'em. Murder them. Right there on the spot, or track 'em down weeks later, doesn't matter as long as you kill them. Talk shit, get hit. That is my decree."
>And the passerby was taken aback. "Christ, dost thou joketh?" [9]"NO! No fucking jokes, Eric. Anyone that has a bad word to say about Christ, I want 'em dead. Anyone that disagrees with my teachings, dead. Anyone that draws a fucking picture of me, kill that fucker dead. [10]And not just in your lifetime. You pass this shit on to your CHILDREN. NOBODY talks shit about Christ, NEVER! I'm the fucking son of God, you hear me?!?!?"

a more Islam-friendly translation of the New Testament. Maybe now they'll respect us

whats his name again?

>believing the Jewish-controlled media

Islam has been warring against Christian Europe since the 7th century and I don't believe George W. Bush was waging shock and awe back then.

sorry retard, nobody is asserting or denying that there are problems with any religion, I was commenting on how religious fundamentalism gets to the top of a country when that country is so weak it cant even send ambulances to a village struck by an earthquake, let alone stop armed men from roaming all over

its an objective fact that muslims have varied views and that those in the non-fucked up places, that arent poor and socially isolated, accept and tolerate other religions

what im saying is the basest of realities as indicated by research done on over 38000 individual respondents from all over the world

dont you worry faggot, we bury pigs and plant crosses at the very notion that someone wants to build a mosque where I live, I'm not a hypocrite though and I read enough to understand that most people just want to live in peace and nobody is trying to destroy anyone unless they were turned into zealots because of shit circumstances or they have something to gain for themselves

also you're a hypocrite if you jerk off one culture for being superior if basic empathy and common sense and the ideea of equality between people rather than discrimination isn't part of that

>or they have something to gain for themselves
You mean like land? Fertile, temperate, non-deserty land that hasn't been bombed to smithereens? Nah who'd want that

No one on Sup Forums supports the USA's middle east foreign policy. Most people would agree that we should stop fucking up the middle east. However, Islam is a cancerous culture. You "MUH PEACEFUL MUSLIMS" useful idiots are the reason Germany and France are fucking messes right now.

> you're a hypocrite if you jerk off one culture for being superior

thats the thing, I was born and lived in one culture and then moved to another, and I wont be caught dead in my old culture, you see everything you see on the news? eveything you hear? Sup Forums? Milo? Alex Jones? NOTHING can redpill you on Islam like an actual Muslim from an actual Muslim country not one of those new agey diaspora weed is halal cuz its natural faggots either.

You don't know what you're talking about. Leave it.

Our president doesn't believe in god, you should be happy then.

there has been war non-stop throughout history, it's just people's spirituality and culture being used to control them, youre a fucking moron if you think people invaded places out of religious zealotry from reading a text and not because they had something to gain

what next, you'll tell me the pope ordered crusades because of religion and not because knights all over europe were restless and hungry for lands? lmao

>Fertile, temperate, non-deserty land
>Live in a place literally referred to as the Fertile Crescent

>youre a fucking moron if you think people invaded places out of religious zealotry
The problem with nonbelievers is that they simply cannot fathom the fundamentalist mindset. They're just so removed from god that true belief is unfathomable.

Post your best Ben Al Fliki memes

Oh god. This is going to be a long day

>outside of the arabian peninsula in ~32 bc

are you a retarded person?

>fuck you christianity is the same desert religion made by some poorfag arab. also
>>catholics calling anyone pedophiles
>dont make me laff

everyone is equal
white people are the worst

just stop

ok retard, good job, you're starting to get it, it's not about islam or about muslims, maybe you'll fucking follow that thread and see some actual solutions like actually building places up so people people don't flee them at the risk of death just so they can have a life as decent as yours

you clearly can't read because you fail to acknowledge that we don't disagree about the existance of problems with lots of muslim countries and problems with many parts of "islam" as a dogma

I'm sure you're disgusted by your shitholes problems and ridiculous ideeas, I'm educating you or pointing out to you that the reason people eat up that shit is because of failed education or weak state institutions or states that barely exist, where people barely have any identity other than their religious group. You should look for discussions and solutions for combating religious beliefs but you seem to fail to understand basic paragraphs detailing that it doesnt all come down to "MY PEOPLE READ THE KORAN AND NOW THEYRE ALL STUPID, BURN IT WITH FIRE", not everything needs to be simplified into 1 and 0, and this basic reality is reflected in the studies, with muslims from different countries contradicting each other on many things and having a wide range of views, not all of which are bad

lol, so this is /your guy/ eh? kek

>no counter argument
>ad hominem


Ben "The Maddest Jihadist" Affleck
Ben "Mortar The Kuffar" Affleck
Ben "The Kaffir Killing Emir" Affleck
Ben "Death Row For Charlie Hebdo" Affleck
Ben "The Takbir Grenadier" Affleck
Ben "The One Man Taliban" Affleck
Ben "Hate Every Apostate" Affleck
Ben "No Flowers For The Twin Towers" Affleck
Ben "Shrapnel the Infidel" Affleck
Ben Al "Fear the Takfir Garrison" Affleck
Ben "Thank Heaven for 9/11" Affleck
Ben ''Make Life Hell for Every Infidel'' Affleck
Ben ''Jihad Squad'' Affleck
Ben ''First the Taqiyya, then the Sharia'' Affleck
Ben "The Gator of Qatar" Affleck
Ben "Sheik in the Deep" Affleck
Ben "The Bad Man from Islamastan" Affleck
Ben "Djinns Against Gin" Affleck
Ben "Don't Fork the Pork" Affleck
Ben "Emir of Fear" Affleck
Ben "Hadith in His Sleep" Affleck
Ben "Channels the Camel" Affleck
Ben "Iran is my plan" Afleck
Ben "Triple decka holy mecca" Afleck
Ben "Gettin' Irate for the Caliphate" Afflek

Fuck off, Ben.


Hahahah you are so laughable mate, you're probably one of those nu-muslims living comfortably in a first world country and are shilling out your (completely unwarranted) views on here like you're some kind of patrician intellectual analyzing the plebeians you were once a part of..

The peace-loving, not all bad muslims you're describing in your "paragraph" had left Islam by being that tolerant and using their minds even just a little, they just don't know it yet,

and dont you dare talk to me about social or economical factors, I was part of third richest family in a gulf state and had 3 cars and a villa to my name by home in the desert and i left it all behind for a shitty midlands country side apartment and i could not be happier.

again - out of your depths - this is the most infuriating thing about nu-male liberal white cucks is that they think their theories are superior to actual real world knowledge.

I hope you and your family get raped by your horny sexually repressed nice muslim boy neighbour you fat fucking pseudo-intellectual cuck. Fuck you and everyone like you for destroying the communities that were once a haven to escape from dark, decadent, desert shitholes and bringing them over here.

Fuck you.

It's not a fucking Sup Forums meme, get out you tourist piece of shit.

Based ex-Muslim tripfag.


Anyone who speaks Arabic correct me if I'm wrong, but I think that says حلب (Aleppo)

>Crucifuckers mad that a religion of strength is winning

Stay butthurt faggots.

Shiat Haydar Shiat Haydar!

no, the symbol for aleppo differs in the second syllable, his shirt literally says BvS is shit

Woah, no wonder all his new stuff gets panned by critics


During the 2016 presidential campaign, Affleck supported Hillary Clinton.

>liking islam

Whats with all these film stars and celebrities converting to islam recently? We got Casey, Janet Jackson and Lilo suckin mohammeds smelly dick now. Whos next?

>like actually building places up so people people don't flee them at the risk of death just so they can have a life as decent as yours
Why the fuck should that be our responsibility? Isn't everyone in the Middle East tired of Western intervention? And why exactly do you think they're fleeing? It's because they just can't fucking stop having religious wars with each other over slightly different interpretations of Islam. You think all that would stop if we built them a few community centers, or something? It's been going on for much longer than either of us have been alive. Pull your head out of your ass.