What would happen if we cut off all aid to Isreal?
What would happen if we cut off all aid to Isreal?
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Really makes you think...
They'd liquidate Osem to pay for new guns.
The Sampson Option.
they would suddenly not be so friendly with us i assume
fuck them, i wish we would
no more anime
7/11 would happen
They up the rate they exterminate palis
The jihadis and their weapons would turn to Europe mostly, and a few in the US. Those thousands of missiles that periodically paste the civvies there would start smearing Euros.
We'd lose a lot of high-tech weapons systems like the newest HUD equipment for tanks and fighters.
All of this would be concurrent with the destruction of the Saud family and the uniting of muslims. Then the Muslim Crusades would start.
Samson Option.
it would be extremely painful
yuru thread?
posting best girl
They'd make 2008 look like a local butcher going out of business.
Israel might one day have to stop supporting terrorists with weapons and stop oppressing Palestinians.
Oy vey, it would be like anudda shoah! You don't want that goy, d-do you?
Good job.
They would nuke the entire world.
This is why Israel is of a neutral evil alignment.
People would actually do research on islam