>Set the country on flames
Set the country on flames
UK independence party
UK has now declared independence.
his work is done.
Germans really believe the propaganda...
Here, three cucks for (you)
>set the country on flames
That's an odd way of saying liberate your nation and free your people from the tyranny of EU beaurocracy and PC suicide.
1. He is still in UKIP
2. He will still comment on Brexit negotiations
3. He is not in the government
4. Kill yourself you EU shill
Kill yourself, faggot.
I swear to god Sup Forums is becoming the right wing version of feminist sjw's .
I mean seriously...just replace patriarchy with jews/illuminaty and ,men's right activists with shills and racist with cucks and its the same mindless type of people incapable of having a debating on anything against their beliefs..or they get fucking triggered
no, he rescued our people from a ship that wsa already on flames, caused by EJew gommie socialist powermad oppressive anti-democratic arseholes
Even King Arthur had Excalibur returned to the Lady of the Lake.
>is refuted
>shitposts about how Sup Forums is tumblr
slide thread confirm, report and hide