Fill in the blank areas with regions of your country

fill in the blank areas with regions of your country

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I don't hate any region of my country


North mexico is the best though


Scotland pls go


IMHO the closer to the Equator, the worse it gets

yeah sure, the best killing people and having a shitty accent

>Guanajuato included at the top

Asi me gusta pariente



but without the white people of scotland, UK becomes a muslim country.

unless that was your plan all along.

>Get rid of the largest left wing voting block in the country
>Just a matter of time until we start cramming the muslims onto trains.

Gotta think big picture.

scotland would end up importing muslims and nonwhites anyway so it doesnt matter if scotland leaves or stays, britain will still become a muslim country

objectively true

Isn't New England massively democrat?

maine isnt

all of Germany except for Mecklenburg-Vorpommern

Bin zwar geographisch gesehen fast vom anderen Ende, aber was hast du explizit gegen die? Nicht genug "bereichert"?

yes and their posters here have this weird complex where they think they're "based" for being the whitest part of the country and call everybody else niggers and spics even though they're the ones voting to brown the rest of the country

a lot of it more libertarian than anything

on paper, yes democrat


Northwest is blue, the south (including Texas but excluding Virginia which I like okay for some reason) is red, the rest is yellow.

you should have used Sachsen-Anhalt.
MV, Saxony and Brandenburg are great, SA and Thuringia suck though

t. Ossi

>Northwest is blue
literally the memest of meme regions, I can't think of a single reason why they're relevant in the slightest yet they have a really active shill brigade on this board for some reason



literally just look at our map and you'll get the answer

>not liking the bío bío region

>um, I mean.... PORTLAND!
>whole room begins clapping in uncontrollable ecstasy

not sure what you mean


Eh, it's not a matter of relevance, just preference. I like it. I do live in the region's biggest city though, if that helps at all with the relevance.

I grew up in Alabama and always fucking hated the whole region and most of the people living there.


What about Concepción?

Punta Arenas looks top tier comfy though. Why do you hate it?




vojvodina uppermost=blue
central serbia,middle=yellow
kosovo,down low=red

pretty sure that's what he meant

>not liking CVDL, Lorraine and Bourgogne


t. PAfag


Pennsylvanians having issues with New Jersey are massive cucks trying to show off to Flyovers. Eastern PA and NJ outside of NYC suburbs and connected towns/cities are basically the same state

Whatever you say, NJIDF.

You're not wrong, but I do appreciate the beef between NJ and PA. I live on the border at home and we've been playing football against a city in jersey for over 110 years. Beat that.
610, where are you?


you were in that food thread right?

610 as well, Allentown

oi m8 you're not far at all. i go to uni at Bloomsburg but I live in bethlehem when I'm home.
yeah I was in the food thread last night.
are you two diffrent people or the same?


yes, but I think that Allentown guy was in the thread too. I said some stuff about Pennsylvania Dutch there. 609 here



Greater Delaware soon

lovely, what county? Northhampton/Columbia here.

Are the osteners crypto-gommies?


Ayy, I go to uni at Kutztown, got family in Bethlehem

lovely, state schools are the best price for Uni here - fuck going to drexel or temple... we are relevant, i swear, even if we are just surronded by cornfields...

Delanigger get out

t. P*nnsylvania
Delaware county rightful DE clay

I went to Grove City in Western PA. Best price for a private school, a bit too western in culture but it was still a good education. Free market economics + Reformed Christian theology made an interesting experience

yep, and the south is massively republican and an absolute shithole. just like most republican states. shocking!

Yes, but it's worst far north on the border to russia


Who, no one cares about them, we only have 3 cities, Santiago, viña y valpo, the rest do not exist


Greater Delaware County when?



Praise the master race



literally what other state has punkin chunkin

New Jersey, fag

Das rite
I guess this is your mentality when you aren't an ethnic Delawarean

Delaware is the cultural and economic center of the modern world


>discount New York


Due to these benefits to incorporating in the state of Delaware, over 50% percent of publicly-traded companies in the U.S. and 65% percent of Fortune 500 companies are incorporated in Delaware.

Delaware is the Luxembourg of America AKA small, irrelevant, and is rightful clay to it's biggest neighbor.




Luxembourg is literally the most respected state in Europe. Delaware has a higher standard of living than PA and its Filthadelphia or knock off New York

And really fucking rich

god bless delaware first and best state


>Literally negroid: the state
>High cancer rate
>High child murder rate
>High poverty
>High pollution
Real powerhouse, huh

DEIDF pls leave

>As if Philly isnt Africa
>as if Trenton isnt Africa

Philly has not-trash people, tho

>He actually believes this
my sides are literally gone

I find it hilarious that you had to change the orientation of the maps

If pennsylvania really was better maybe benjamin franklin should have run a little bit faster than george read