ITT: We come up with the most jewish name possible
>Schlomo Shekelbergstein
ITT: We come up with the most jewish name possible
>Schlomo Shekelbergstein
Yehudi Circumcisionofski.
Pure Candance Goldberg
The honorable Rabbi Schlomo Goldblatz Feinbergowitzsheckelheimerstein.
Donald James Trump
Did you see this name on a Facebook post? It was the EXACT name of my fake Facebook account before cuckerberg banned it.
Probably just a coincidence.
Jew McJewerson
Make out the prize money to CASH
Walletberg Goldstein
Rabbi Yerumuel Shael Apfelbaum
Ira Goldmanshecklestein
Levi Silverman
Hey, there's a guy with that exact name that plays on my Minecraft server, Intcraft
Shlomo-Yitzhak Goldbergoyveyshoahstein
Moshe Goldbergauschwitzbelsenbergshoahstein
Avi Goldbergsteinmanowitz
Akim Schlinstein
Shlomo Shekelkikenbergowitz
Robert Allen Iger
Schlomo Soros Rothschildsberg
i worship money
(thats the name)
oy vey shalom goldenburgenshallowsteinharrowwitz.
Solomon Oliver
Mordecai Levitt-Schwartenstein Silverstein.
ben shapiro
schlomo shekelamadingdongsberg
Debbie Wasserman Schultz
Scarlett Johansson
Will you edgy underage cunts fuck off?
Michael Savage
this is polish surname
something like -de in france, von in germany, van der in netherlands
Ivanka Trump
That's the number they gave this poor guy in Auschwitz :,(
1€ = 1 Respect
Lügnatz Bubi