Trump made your meme real, Trump will make your dreams real

grats m8

I'm kinda bullshit. This can't be real.


I took the same picture of my TV also. It's legit.

They're discussing it on Morning Joe right now. What a joke.

>blue board
Sup Forums isn't a blue board.

Unless the person who got the screenshot for the media was a Sup Forums shitposter who decided to have fun with retarded massmedia


It's a screenshot from 8ch

have we started the fire?

>Sup Forums isn't a blue board.
It is a bluepilled board ;)

It's crippechan senpai

you can make your background different with style at the bottom right

yotsuba 8 makes it blue senpai

That would explain it. But I thought they mentioned Sup Forums in the News???

That's why I said;
>Unless the person who got the screenshot for the media was a Sup Forums shitposter who decided to have fun with retarded massmedia
But if you just originally came here for the first time, found the picture and screenshotted, it wouldn't be blue,

blue board, 6 million posts only, no flags?

It's how we want it, lad.


>6 million posts
every time

Freudian slip there Ireland

Beacuse 8ch is productive. All we do here is shitposting.

Fag on MSNBC just said "Sup Forums".


ahh. I was wrong. But whats the big deal.

Sup Forums and 8ch are the same thing to people that aren't selling Sup Forums passes.

to an Australian who's hunger from shitposting knows no bounds

Make animeme magic real!

At least they didn't call them neo-nazi pedophile webboard (beucase that would have actually been accurate)

Was getting caught part of his plan?