>Meanwhile on bizarro Sup Forums
Meanwhile on bizarro Sup Forums
Gee, don't you wish we had more black guys around? They're such productive members of society, and they're really smart, too!
Jews truly are a majestic people! The local Ravi, Schlomo Ilivetoservegoyimberg gave me a small loan of three thousand dollars that he insisted I do not have to repay!
This used to be such a nice neighbourhood until all these goddamn white people moved here!
I feel you! I just wish we could invite more to yourope, you know, like as a whole!
Can't believe how cheap urban housing got, finally we have a peaceful place to raise white families!
I hope they soon stop that murdering cult of "christian state in europe"
(They were probably funded by kgb)
made me smirk
How was everyone's day yesterday? It was sure a good thing that I don't celebrate the Fourth of July anymore. A celebration of war and defense of slavery is a negative cultural institution that is systematically tearing down the free-thinking minds of our community's youth.
I have to go now. Jamal needs help finding his pants, and my wife just woke up.
I live in Detroit and can tell you that is black people that make this place so great! I would not want to live anywhere else.
bix nood mofugga i have a stable job and zero interest in white women
Islam is a religion of peace. Hillary 2016, she stopped the Syrian war.
WLM crashes heterosexual pride day in Mexico
Multiculturalism works, i wish my country had more melanin-enriched people
I'm glad we don't waste our time bickering about things we have no control over on this board. It's just a shame cross-posters keep coming here trying to disrupt our ptoductive community with their nonsense. Now, does anyone have any hot tips on the stock market? Not to toot my own horn, but the corporate law firm I co-own with Mr. Silverberg and Ms. Ktumbawembe is doing very well.
I'd just like to contribute my well thought out rational arguments to this discussion
But it's not bizarro if Sweden is saying it
You guys are really good neighbours
/x/ is the worst board
So the Holocaust is the single worst event to have ever happened in human history, correct? We ought to remember those 16 million Jews once a month.
Man, those fucking kikes are so evil and despicable that I bet hatred for them is so universal that even in an opposite universe, they'd still be hated for the moneygrubbing babydick biters that they are.
1. “Let’s have a Conversation.”
2. “Educate yourself!”
3. You are a Racist!”
4. “You’re a Misogynist!”
5. “You’re an Islamophobe!”
6. “I can’t be a racist because racism equals privilege plus discrimination.”
7. “That’s Triggering!”
8. “We need a Safe Space!”
9. “Sexuality is Sacred!”
10. “This is an example of Rape Culture!”
11. “I am oppressed.”
12. “I was raped.”
14. “Jesus was a Socialist.”
9. “Sexuality is Sacred!”
10. “This is an example of Rape Culture!”
So are you. Poland always defend Russia from well deserved criticism and sometimes it makes me blush.
BREAKING NEWS: The Prime Minister of Canada just beat up a homeless man, telling him to "man the fuck up and start contributing to society". Witnesses and accompanying media responded to the act in cheer, pointing at the vagrant and shouting "Loser! Loser! Loser!"
I react in horror and retreat to Sup Forums, the last bastion of unfettered leftist thought on the internet, to voice my disapproval
Fucking Poles, man. I hate you all. We hate you all. The word HATE doesn't even to begin to describe what I feel towards anything related to Poland or Polish people.
Wasn't it closer to 200 trillion?
Either way, a horrible crime to humanity.
Dude! I love polish people! The 4 months I worked with you guys was the best time of my life!
Because you are so trustworthy, honest, just natural good people! And you all get along so well!
Unfortunately I will never have the pleasure of working with any of you guys ever directly again. Makes me truly sad.
so glad we voted remain! now gtta focus all our meme magic on getting hillary into office
23th of March. Poland Hate Day.
We're already preparing. Next year's Hate Day will be spetacular.
< multiple posts by this identification
Don't believe his lies. The Protocols of the Elders of Zion are real, m80s.
"Meme magic" and "KEK" are fucking retarded
Disgusting user, everyone on Sup Forums is a genuine Bern victim
Hi Hungary, you are our best friend and ally.
holy shit did you see all the informative posts on Sup Forums today?
I hate how illegal immigrants are treated by people.
Everyone is brainwashed into thinking borders are actually real tangible things.
It's just ongoing oppression. Workers of the world unite.
Make sure you join your local antifa to let the whole world know that REFUGEES ARE WELCOME HERE.
Romania, our civilized, highly cultured neighbours at the east. We salute you and bask in the glory of your rich culture, o proud descendants of Rome.
Loans you don't have to repay are gifts subject to the gift tax, taxable to the donor for any amount over the yearly and lifetime exclusion.
Be careful not to categorize it as a loan for which repayment was forgiven. That counts as income for which you would have to pay tax.
haha well friend at least we can agree the eu is beneficial for all! unity and no borders!!!!
Those women are really making us look bad. I mean, at first it seemed like it was just whining when they asked for more opportunities. How wrong we were. When I think about where NASA and the STEM field in general would be today without the finest minds our species has to offer, I shudder. We have progressed exponentially since women were allowed access to the workforce, from which previously they had been barred because of long-standing sexism and fear of female domination. Anyway brb, going to the space supermarket. It's only a few lightyears, back in ten.
interracial marriages are our way forward!
especially white women with black guys
Athens is beautiful.
I fucking hate all these christian european immigrants coming to our country and raping our women
>Romania, our civilized, highly cultured neighbours at the east. We salute you and bask in the glory of your rich culture, o proud descendants of Rome.
Thats actually true since 10% of your words are romanian and you magyarized vlach,german,avar,slavic populations.....thus making them hungarian
and since you "copyrighted" dances,songs and literature written here by romanians but you claimed it to spite transilvanian romanians cause you're eternally butthurt faggots
also,why do you keep giving hungarian gypsies citizenship?
they're just settling in your country
I just love all of the people in my country and am happy we are all getting along so well
Shut up you fucking bull.
Don't trust the Goyim fellow Jews, they are conniving and untrustworthy, READ THE BIBLE DAMMIT, it has their protocols of operation and their plan at world domination, THE CATHOLIC CHURCH IS CHRISTIAN, it is the richest institution on the planet.
They are trying to dominate the World peoples. Don't trust the Goys, by G-d.
Sup Forums is a board of violence
Why is all the Christian owned media in Israel talking about open borders?
I agree
Hear, hear! We're so lucky to have Britain as our friend and staunchest ally :)
Guys you aren't going to believe me, but in another universe DONALD TRUMP is the republican nominee and NOT our glorious JEB!!!!!!!!!
I think we have too many freedoms, speech should be restricted if it hurts people!
Belgium is a country.
Eww I hate dickgirls.
I wish your flag wasn't so common here
Man, I sure do love threads where that OP fella only posts once! Trump BTFO! Gets me every time
Happy Imperial Union day fellow residents of the glorious eternal British Empire!
I'm sure glad that those traitors who signed the Declaration of Independence were quickly subdued by our mighty legions.
God save the Queen!
> tfw when have a traditional Asian wife instead of strong independant Western woman.
wtf I hate Sup Forums now
Sup Forums isn't satire
Congrats on getting Hillary elected. Meme spells are definitely made up because atheism dictates that everything is, but they are certainly quite amusing to watch Berniebros try, aren't they?
Donald DRUMPF (anybody else like Jon Oliver?!) has NO chance XD
Merkel did literally nothing wrong.
What the fuck man, why do you post this nazi dictator that killed all jews in Canada and wants to build a wall on south border?