Americans are weird

Why do Americans kiss their children in the mouth? WTF???

Picture unrelated

Why did you lose to the nazis in your own civil war in the 30s? WTF???

What is his name again?

You got all wrong. They actually won against the commies.

You are not answering my question O'Neil. Why the fuck do you think it is OK to kiss your own children in the mouth?

>You walk into a bar and this guy slaps your gf's was.
What do Sup Forums

wealthy piano

Isnt it "on the mouth"?

Body dysmorphia is a bitch. Those implants are bound to get infected.

I don't


>those arms
>15 lb dumbbells

captain picardo

Kiss his children on the butthole

Yeah, you are right. My bad.

Anyways, why would anyone do that?

Kekd hard ty sir

You don't? How prude, it cute and lovely.

Wait until his heart stops because of the juice.

*It is

IT'S not about the weight is about the pump. Gotta make those arms fucking BURN!


I don't think my dad has ever kissed me
I've never seen him laugh
I've made him chortle a bit once

When my mother would kiss me it would be on the cheeck

Ricardito Panzani, he is the guy who invented the real food goddamit

We don't. Only Europeans do that gay shit. We hug and maybe only get kisses on the cheek from our mothers.


We won, Spain was saved.

supposedly that synthol bound guy is fighting another guy named prophet muscle mma style

I have seen multiple Americans doing this but never Europeans.