American-Jews are overwhelmingly liberal yet most democratic parties are pro-palestine

American-Jews are overwhelmingly liberal yet most democratic parties are pro-palestine.
Why don't they vote for conservative parties which have a good view on Israel?

I guess liberal american jews are more morally sound people than conservative evangelical americans.

American jews don't like Israel

Undermining their host nation takes priority over supporting their home nation.

The Democratic Party isn't anti-Israel, though. Also, a lot of them don't like Israel/don't feel connected to it.

>yet most democratic parties are pro-palestine
They both seem pretty pro-Israel to me - with only slightly more scepticism of Israel coming from Democrats.

>yet most democratic parties are pro-palestine

Lmao you're a 13 year old who listens to too much Ben Shapiro or some kind of ultrazionist zealot. Neither the Republicans nor the Democrats challenge the will of the Israeli right wing in any meaningful sense.

the gop is like Christian IS, anyone that isnt a complete Christian taliban type votes against Conservatives

Counterpoint: all the American politicians, both Jew and Gentile, who get gibs from AIPAC

Bernie Sanders was the most pro-Palestine political candidate since Carter.

>most democratic parties are pro-palestine
I doubt that. Palestine has roughly 0% support in the US. No idea why, I suppose y'all are just born without souls. But in any case, absolutely nobody who's even slighly influential in american politics is even slightly pro-Palestine. Jews can vote democrat all they want.

kek this

Sure. And he did not challenge the will of the Israeli right wing in any meaningful sense.

>most democratic parties are pro-palestine
except this isn't true at all, every single member of congress gets funding from AIPAC

Well first of all if the GOP were Christian ISIS their leaders would start by going to churches with legitimate claims to apostolic succession

Yeah and he lost

American jews arent concerned about Palestine. They are more concerned about Christian State types, Christ version of ISIS, and the Nazis who openly support Trump. Even Christians are concerned by this.

Basically not every Christian in the US is Christian taliban only 30-40% of them, and they own the GOP.

That is why only racist white evangelical protestants in rural areas vote GOP.

Yeah, which by the standards of American politics means he kvetches when a Pali village is bulldozed, rather than just clapping

Because Jews aren't a monolith and don't vote solely based on one issue?

American anti-catholicism is really weird. I first discovered it by looking at chick tracts, and I was just amazed. Then I found the community on youtube, and it is something else. Just the amount of fucked up conspiracy theories you people come up with is hilarious.

Protestants are Christians in the same degree that Druze are Muslims: that is to say, not really.

Democrats are skeptical of Israel at most but yeah they still support them as typed.

>Just the amount of fucked up conspiracy theories you people come up with is hilarious.

Yup, a big part of the American national spirit is paranoia and pseudo-schizophrenic delusions of persecution. This is why Pynchon is so good at capturing our mythos in his novels.

Israel is probably very important to american-jews

>This is why Pynchon is so good at capturing our mythos in his novels.
Interesting. I'll have to seek some of his work out, then.

Both democrats and republicans support Israel