being INTP is suffering
Being INTP is suffering
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Yep it sucks.
You can be excellent when you stop being such a little victimized bitch
What did the Big Five test mean by this?
Do you also read your horoscope and tea leaves?
>something that makes major deductions about a person without any of their input
>something that categorizes people without making any deductions based on their relevant inputs
Who else ISTP here?
No, all of the above is the same. People have been tested where they all get the same result and all think it fits them and that this is their personality. You are just filling in stuff with your brain, BM is shit.
Not really. It only sucks if you let a string of four letters totally define yourself.
Btw, INTP here as well. And Im a fucking robot but I feel great.
ISTP master race reporting in
Then why does Sup Forums, or specific boards, attract specific types? Types like INTP which are supposedly relatively rare in the general population are represented a lot here, which would make sense sense similar minds tend to attract to the same site or board.
if you're not an INFP you will never undstand art.
>taking this internet horoscope bullshit this seriously
personality tests are flawed they fail to account for my amazingly deluded ego.
feels good to be INFP
my nigga, best friend is ISTP too
You're probably a fedoralord entp or istj, so you would say that
>they fail to account for my amazingly deluded ego.
Not when you're ENTP masterrace.
Confirmation bias of skewed data. This is pop-psychology and bunk science.
We should all start wearing a tag with our personal 4 letter personality code so social interactions become more convinient. Oh you are an ESFP or whatever? Byeeeeee
Born as INTP, but I'm rapidly becoming an INTJ the older I get, and I'm fine with that.
Did we just become best friends? I think we just became best friends.
Psychology in general is a psuedoscience
Yeah why not
I switch between INTP and INFP
what does the -a mean
High-five ENTP brethren.
Is there literally anything we can't do?
So much this. If one really wishes to know oneself, try auditing. Psych quackery isn't going to help you explore the time track.
assertive. you like to be active doing things
Is this that cult Tom Cruise is in?
Literally in every mbti thread there is some smug motherfucker talking about astrology and what have you.
I'm an INTJ autist and studying personality types is the most useful thing I've ever learned. Now actually understand why people do the shit they do instead of being completely confused by their illogical thought process
Praise xenu
>Literally in every mbti thread there is some smug motherfucker talking about astrology and what have you.
its because people give them (You)'s and if they don't they reply to themselves to make people think their opinion is valuable.
Im not saying take this thing 100% serious but it can be helpful.
ENTJ mustard race
>You are probably pisces, I'm not going to take you seriously
This is you
>I'm an autist
Well studying personalities is probably helpful to you but you really shouldn't trust this shit so much.
>1: ESTP
>2: ISTP
>3: ESFJ
>4: INTJ
>5: INFP
>6: ESTJ
>7: ESFP
>8: ENTP
>9: ISTP
>10: ENFJ
>11: INTP
>12: ESFP
>is a pisces
>is a smug douchebag with his head up his own ass
Frankly I'm shocked.
Some of my favorite ISTPs
Clint Eastwood
Teddy Roosevelt
Anthony Jeselnik
I'm probably gonna add KStew too. She's a shit actress but she looks like she puts out
>I'm probably gonna add KStew too.
You shouldn't. She's a homewrecking cunt
>TFW have barely any friends but still get ENFJ
I must be doing something wrong
As an ISTP it bothers me that #2 was so quiet throughout the film until the end I mean I get it though I can be like that to an extreme at times but when it's my beliefs being stepped on I tend to speak up.
Still glad that they made it so he did the right thing in the end.
People won't leave me the hell alone, and I'm INTJ.
>but you really shouldn't trust this shit so much.
I said I'm an autist, not an idiot. I trust a theory if it has practical applications and shows results. I've noticed that people that talk shit about mbti actually don't know anything about it aside from taking an online test once, if that.
Anyway, it works for me, and has helped me in personal and professional life so that's all that matters
How do you even know that's what Clint Eastwood is, or that the characters from Star Trek are this or that?
Because that's what these sites tell you? Because they have done the tests.
This is so shitty and its fooling people who should be smart. It makes my blood boil like nothing else in this universe this rampant idiocy over pop-psych. It turns everyone into a cosmopolitan reading bimbo.
I could see how that could be true. It is for me some of the time. But most of the time I'm a badass who gets shit done and has no fucks to give.
I used to be consistently INTJ
Now I'm consistently INTP
What happened
you became more human
That's because that guy was either isfp or infp
He was most likely a feeler since he got emotional in front of strangers talking about how nobody listens to him because he's old
You became less autistic and more depressed
What the fuck is this retarded trash? This is horoscope tier
Because I've met the man and there is also this thing called visual identification, but that's some deep lore and I can't be aased to go into details on this shit board
Sadly this is close to the truth
I find social situations easier now
I have more money than I've ever had and I'm more depressed than ever (who could have predicted that...)
been an INTP for the four years ive done this.
You gotta learn to appreciate your autism. if you dont appreciate it no one else will.
If you literally care about any of this you are no better than someone who goes on tumblr or reddit. In fact almost everyone in this thread should just leave this board forever because you don't belong here.
I'm guessing that's because you picked a profession you don't care about and are just grinding away for a paycheck
>(who could have predicted that...)
Why do you type like a redditor?
>tfw INFJ
how fucked am I?
What are some movies for ENTPs?
>inb4 the dark knight
Why are you faggots obsessed with reddit so much?
You're like some trend chasing high school children
u cared enough to post >>>>>>>>>>>REDDIT
stem studies in a nutshell
Depends - are you a pleb ENTP or a kinophile ENTP?
If pleb, watch Tarantino
If kinophile, watch Fincher
Both of those guys are ENTP btw
>s-s-s-stop calling me reddit im doing everything to fit in with you people!!
this dont fall for the stem meme
I'm a web developer. I sort of enjoy it, in that I would do it in my spare time even if it wasn't my job.
literally this
You're an ENTP mate, watch everything, Acquire knowledge. Have fun making creative interpretations.
Why restrict yourself?
continuing to post
>literally what horoscopers say about their astrology belief
>oh it's just a bit of fun user and sometimes useful teehee
i know, my mom used to be a full crystal aura remote sending flower child hippie
Me on the bottom.
Literally me t b h f a m
try being an ENTP
do you know how hard it is being literally better than everyone
It's worse to be an INTJ. Imagine being constantly surrounded by idiots.
>tfw infj male
Kill me I'm an abomination.
>being INTJ
INTJ is the most represented on the internet, because if you are taking a test on the internet instead of talking to people and relying on a data-driven questionnaire to learn things about yourself, then you are probably IN and TJ. If you were neither of those things, you wouldn't be taking the test.
This comic explains it better probably
What's the difference between Judging and Perceiving?
im intj and would say i am very cold described as inhuman
wow that is exactly me, spooky
INTJs aren't surrounded by idiots. They aren't surrounded by anyone; They're too socially retarded for that. They do tend to think they're geniuses though, despite often being smooth brained dullards.
J: are schedule driven, they feel most comfortable when things are decided and pre-planned
P: prefer to avoid making concrete plans too far ahead of time and feel more comfortable when they have the ability to take advantage of a flowing situation
pisces is the best one fuck you
Oh my goood I'm such an INTJPTJ XD Jerk me off while I suck your penis omg guys XD
Do you prefer reading a book or going to a party such deep psychological analysis wooooah so amazing and deep im INTLGBT thats means im so smart pleeeease tug my dinkle doodle til i sploge coom everywhere
This makes me sound like an asshole
You alright?
>terror in the face of endless humiliation
I'm an INFJ and this describes me perfectly, good chart user
>tfw INTJ
>mfw it's too late to go back