Don't mind me, I'll just leave this here

Don't mind me, I'll just leave this here.


Don't get excited, it explicitly says "heterosexual sex"


Kek, beaner got rekt

thank you based Chile. It feels good being able to have sex with pic related down here, am I right?

Why would we go there? We don't have shit taste like Westerners.


Well... fuck.

Pic related would shake you harder than Mexico city in 1985 you fucking Trump Lover

Here's another Brazilian QT you can legally bang with no remorse or fear of getting arrested

O brasil e o Branco a brancura como das neves nao tem fim
don't fool yourself kiddos

Based Argie poster. Thanks for Borges btw

I don't deserve to get a reply from such remarkable specimen of the white race.

May Thor smile upon Branczil.

I will never fuck a girl under the age of 18
or ever

that only applies to underage couples

so if two underages want to fuck its okay as long as they are 13, that doesn't mean anyone +18 ca fuck someone underage

this law must be opposing some puritan american law in which underage aren't allowed to fuck between themselves

So if two 12 year olds fuck they go to kid jail?


mexican women are ugly as fuck

Great thread.

Spain was also 13 until like one year ago

where would you rather go then?
i hear honduras has good beaches

so sex between two 13 yo is ok in your book? holy shit

I want of-age 13 year old argy pusy

fat people don't get laid around here.

can i have a 13 year old argy pussy?

how fat? is this fat?

let's trade.