"Sup Forums & Farage" status: BTFO
"Sup Forums & Farage" status: BTFO
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Hidden for sliding
>bacon strip
hidden for being fake germany
>Actor who probably has zero working class experience has strong views
Sooner the celeb meme dies the better
>Sooner the celeb meme dies the better
finally, someone understands.
it's a damn shame neo-Sup Forums is obsessed with all kinds of useless e-celebs
He is the author of all of our pain.
jesus christ, his body language is all fake as fuck. what the fuck does he know anyway?
that prettyboy is only good for one thing, and it ain't his brains
>Asking primadonna emotional actors what they think about political matters.
Who care?
>be famous
>you can choose to be a contrarian cunt and remind everyone of the kikes or just go with the flow, being friendly to the faggot lobby and so on
>going will the flow will net you money while being a contrarian will kill your career (see mel gibson)
what would you do?
Breaking news, Austrian extremely butt hurt over European Empire being torn apart by democratic forces.
He obviously believes what he is saying. Why would he be extreme to one position? He could jsut calmly say that he is against brexit and thats it.
because if you say "hey I dont like brexit" nobody makes a post about you on Sup Forums and nobody retweets your shit
only one of the two gets attention. the one screaming loudest.
>rich elite says things that challenge the rich elite are dumb
mks me thnk
I'm not Farage's greatest fan but he's been put in this ridiculous position where if he stays on and tries to influence the negotiations he'd be pilloried for trying to manipulate it, and if he resigns, now his life's ambition is complete, he is called a coward retreating from responsibility
Damned if he does, damned if he doesn't
Are you surprised?
Brits can't swim for shit, and their ship's sinking.
Farage just secured a lifeboat, he had to.
You can take the German out of Germany but you can't take the cuck out of the German.
Oh look, another clueless liberal celebrity who thinks that, by vertue of being a well known actor, has any credibility when it comes to politics.
In other news : Water is wet
Truer words have never been spoken.
Oh boy. Another Hollywood Intellectual commenting about politics.
An actor pretending to be clever and have an informed opinion on geopolitics.
Well that's a new one.
It's a small comfort to me as I wipe up the copious pools of vomit his toxic smugness occasioned in my living room that he was spewing this garbage at the end of a promotion interview for 'Tarzan', a prime example of 'rats', 'lies', 'mess' and 'abysmal stupidity' indeed - but of the lies, mess and abysmal stupidity not of 'souverainist' nationalism but of globalist leftie PC rats like himself.
I haven't even seen the thing - and needless to say won't - but you can tell just from the fucking poster that the liberals have twisted themselves into knots more with this crock of shit even than they did over Cologne.
It shows a white guy running through the jungle in the middle of a pack of apes. For a second you ask yourself 'why the fuck is he WHITE? In a time when every character in fantastic fiction from Spiderman to Hermione is being made to do a Rachel Dolezal, you'd think that Tarzan - white king of the AFRICAN jungle - would be at the top of the list. Then you realize: how long would a poster stay up that showed a black guy running along in the middle of a bunch of apes?
Waltz is slap bang in the middle of all this gutless lying double-standards hypocrisy. He plays an agent of King Leopold of Belgium who is sent packing by Tarzan and other members of an emphatically multi-racial, non-hierarchical, positive-action, equal-representation alliance prominently featuring Samuel L Jackson - a fiction which, a few years ago, any self-respecting liberal would have spat on as a kind of neo-colonialist 'Holocaust denial' that implies that King Leopold didn't go on enslaving, torturing and exploiting Africans in the Belgian Congo for years after the date of the movie.
Abysmal stupidity indeed.
The Guardian review, mostly, God help me.
Even their own hate it!
What the heck kek.
Pretty good nonetheless.
Can't wait for the EU to unravel completely and for those leftist rodents to go full damage control "B-b-b-but muh humanity!"
Fucking German cunt, he only play in movies for that cuck tarantino I believe, anyway
he's in Tarantino movies
he basically stars in cuck porn
also Tarzan flopped
Lennon would be a Remainer unless he was committed enough to communism like Corby
>Tarantino movies
he's obsessed with niggers because his mom used to fuck them