Can we all agree this is the ultimate SchichtKino to end them all?
It's literally the best series since Hannibal.
Legion Talk Back Thread.
Can we all agree this is the ultimate SchichtKino to end them all?
It's literally the best series since Hannibal.
Legion Talk Back Thread.
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I like it so far, I also prefer the slow pace to even out the mindfuckery. Also Noah does some really nice camera shots and scene transitions
Idk if it will be better than Fargo
L E G I ⨂ N
I thought the third ep was the most interesting so far, don't know why people around here are saying it's the worst and whatnot.
Was kinda hoping for some SS when Melanie told her she could touch young David.
post kino
the show has been good so far, the cgi at the end of ep 1 was horrible i hope they stay away from that as much as possible. the fat bloated guy in the memories is genuinely creepy. i found the last episode to be more unsettling than the average horror movie.
I agree, I like it a lot more than I thought I would.
The fucking angry kid spooks me since he looks so out of place. Reminds me of watching goosebumps
So is Syd in his head like Aubrey,angry kid and yellow eyed devil?
So far that's 4 personalities with 4 separate powers.
We've got telepathy, Telekinesis, projection and teleportation
>Yellow eyed devil
>Not the shadow KANG
If Syd's in his head, how did she project into his memory with knowledge he himself did not have? Even assuming he got that from the guys who saved him through telepathy, how could they know he did and would go under the water at the right time?
It's pure Kino. I actually look forward to living until wednesdays now.
Somebody give me a qt I can have a romance of the mind with PLEASE
>"Knowledge he doesn't have"
Syd's personality power is knowing everything :^)
It's Fiend you dingus
I'm not sure what you're asking. He caused the firestorm, pyrokinesis is one of his powers.
Will we get Stewart or mcavoy when Prof x inevitably shows up
>He caused the firestorm, pyrokinesis is one of his powers.
And the guys who saved him just happened to come at that exact moment? Or are you saying everyone is in his head?
Yes, yes they're.
> He caused the firestorm, pyrokinesis is one of his powers.
No he didn't, it is, but he didn't.
And don't listen to this faggot. Not everyone is in his head. The cinematography of episode 1 proves otherwise.
it looks so good, but
>tfw formerly institutionalized schizo with delusions of super powers
i dont want to get triggered back into that hell hole
he is legion XD
I don't think that's true. I think it was just everyone in the hospital. Usually he stays in control and just hangs out with them all; but when Syd accidentally took control and couldn't control it she locked everyone else away except him, her, and Lenny (who although smushed was outside the rooms without doors)
shit is fucking boring.
HAHA not enough explosions, right bro?
t. brainlet
You'll be more depressed that when you got out a hot blonde didn't follow you
too much (slowmo) explosions
>Make an X-men tv show
>With no X-men in it
It's Total Recall 2070 all over again, I give it 1 season
>Make an X-men tv show
>With no X-men in it
>Becomes the best kino ever made
Gets one's neurons firin
X-men is nowhere in the title. It's related to X-men, but never were you promised the actual thing.
nah. i just don't like the acting in this show. and the story just keeps going in circles. cinematography is great though, but i can see that in any documentary now so whatever.
>X-men is nowhere in the title.
how about that logo for an "o"
Dan Stevens is kino.
>muh not rogue
>muh not emma frost
>muh not jubilee
>muh not prof x
>muh not shadow king
3 Episodes in and it's already dropping viewers fast and the flashbacks are getting stale.
>retards aren't watching because it requires higher brain functions that brainlets don't have
ftfy go back to watching shitflix shows.
Besides the X did they even really advertise that this was an X-men show? I wouldn't be surprised if no one but those who stay in the loop on these kinds of things know, and everyone else just thinks it's a weird off-brand superhero show.
>Watching the same flashback scenes again and again requires higher brain functions
What did reddit mean by this Sup Forums?
Yep. You remember when the TK guy flings a soldier back with a push from his hand? In one of the adverts for the show it was David flinging the soldier.
It's all in his head. Mommy Mutant is his maternal instinct, Syd is his affection, Lenny is temptation, Memory Guy is obviously memory.
Fiend is trying to keep his powers suppressed through fear while Angry Paper Mache Boy is dark instinct. I'm pretty sure they're both at odds.
You can't expect people to literally not jump to that conclusion and then call them plebs when your main character is literally fucking Professor Xaviers son.
If they wanted to dodge that bullet they should have rolled with Cable or Shaman Era Nate Grey and then the different timeline excuse would have been built in from the jump.
Normies don't know anything about Legion. He's not even a major player in the comics. I would see a commercial for this and think it's a Fringe clone or something.
Too expensive as of now.
Plus Stewart is off Xavier now.
Now I don't know, maybe in S2...
>You remember when the TK guy flings a soldier back with a push from his hand? In one of the adverts for the show it was David flinging the soldier.
Really? Please link it.
Is Melanie a mutant?
It is a wonderful show but it's a shit show about X-Men and mutants.
Noah said she isn't in one of the interviews.
Remember when they said Legion would need to "earn" it's position in the official movie xmen canon? It's doing well so far.
How much you wanna bet they will use this as a way to make Age of Apocalypse? (or was that the thing he caused?)
The Devil with Yellow Eyes seems like a manifestation of David's fear of his own power. That angriest boy book suggests he may have accidentally killed his mother with his power when he was just a kid and got too angry.
If that did happen it would probably make him afraid of his potential power, maybe he created the DYE persona as a result of that, kind of the way he sees himself subconsciously after killing his own mom, as a monster, the worst possible version of him.
This fits with how the Devil seems tied to his access of his power, like he might have made the subconscious decision to never use his power again after what he did to his mom.
So his girlfriend was never real right?
He was the one who fought with his sister and thats why he got so angry?
Who was fucking his sister? It was a bit dark and i didnt know if it was David himself
>Leaves a hit TV show for a """movie career"""
>Now in a capeshit TV show
Really gets my noggin joggin
Man, that was a pretty good shot
i watched the first two episodes, then dropped it when i found out it was capeshit; i honestly had no idea and will say that it's good for a tv show it just violates my no capeshit rule, and it has aubrey plaza who's fucking awful
Yeah he caused AOA which in turn brought Nate Grey into existence who was the most powerful mutant in existence till Reed Richards little shit son Franklin grew up.
he might erased his sister's memory about his powers as well, that's why she assumed only brain damage by David, and forgetting about their parents
Also Lenny seems to be the Devil with Yellow Eyes in disguise. She's a negative influence on him, he saw her as the Devil when they got high that one time, she's now trying to convince him to leave Summerland and fall into the trap Division 3 set with his sister.
Then there's this scene. Lenny convinced him to break into his therapist's office. Once he's in there he takes apart the tapes of their sessions and eats the film, the Devil doesn't want any evidence of what's going on in David's head.
yeah thats what im leaning on
would they be good friends?
Was that his sister? Or was that his girlfriend, Phyllis?
Maybe by accident, I'm not so sure the sister he's seeing held by Division 3 is even real, or just a delusion to get him away from Summerland and keep him from gaining control.
That hard cut in the pool scene where the Div3 interrogator suddenly didn't have the switch in his hand anymore is curious. Was any of that real? It was similar to when David edited his own memory of talking to the therapist. Or maybe the Devil edited his memory.
He played Beast in the new Beauty and the Beast. He's paying his dues before moving on up.
>it's a shit show about X-Men
It's not about x-men you fucking spaz
I admittedly worded that poorly. It doesn't feel like it exists in the X-Men universe. Also you're a twat.
>Main character was a one time X-man
>Literally the son of the founder of the X-men
It's not about X-men
Maybe the show creators should have done some proper research before making the show instead of getting embarrased by entry level Sup Forums readers
I think it is pretty good, but feels more like a show that should be on Netflix to binge.
>>Main character was a one time X-man
Not in this adaptation
>Literally the son of the founder of the X-men
It will probably be the same, but we don't 100% know that yet.
Just because the show features a character from the x-men universe, it doesn't mean it's about the x-men.
But that's a good thing. If this felt like an X-Men show the episodes would focus on big CGI battles between mutants and showcasing how many crazy powers David has instead of a look inside his sick head.
here is your Legion if it were an x-men show
Will they ever change Legion's stupid fucking hair?
comics legion looks like shit
show legion is goat
I think we'll get a literally who playing Professor X if he does appear as himself anyway, he's already been in every episode under the guise of Melanie Bird
Accurate. Maybe move Hellboy up one.
I bet we'll get the hair in a couple seasons during a finale or something
man that is shockingly correct
>suicide squad sharing a spot with burton Batman
Fucking retard.
You haven't even watched it you little bitch.
Noah makes capekino and Macy is barely involved to fuck it up
after watching that ep again i could definitely see the whole escape being one person. not saing it is for sure, but possible
Anyone have info on it? Link to ad? It would answer a lot of questions.
See image. Whats the deal with this? Why does nobody discuss it?
Its his dog (I think). Same colours and music scheme syd sees when his trip gets spooky. Maybe he's connected with the dog somehow? And the boss guy's got him trapped so he can influence Syd from a distance? I don't fucking know, but it seems to be of some importance.
you are terrible at making screencaps
Yeah, what kept pulling me out in the first episode was the acting. It seems a little theatrical, it's like it's unnatural and I can see the actors act. And that completely kills the immersion for me
T'was my first time be gentle.
I used paint and prntscreen. Does it matter tho, you get the point.
they also have screens like we see in the more recent episodes when he's remote viewing and stuff. the screens and the red light dog are the only things that make me think his imprisonment might not have been real
How can one person fail at fucking MSpaint, the most braindead of all programs? And no I don't get your point because I can see shit in your postage stamp bullshit.
Do it right, or don't fucking do it all.
switch DCEU with Blade
The red light filling the cage brings to mind the way the Devil with Yellow Eyes is almost always accompanied by red light, as well as when David strongly uses his powers.
Maybe it suggests the Devil is associated with those Div3 guys, or that they somehow have it under their control. That doesn't seem likely but either way it would mean Division 3 is all in his head.
It is done right.
>> doesn't get my point because he can't see shit in my 'postage stamp bullshit'
>> maybe actually braindead
Perhaps you can find some glasses in that big backpack of yours, maybe that'll help?
Excactly. Maybe they have a part of his mind/persona as prisoner which is causing the distortions everytime he uses his powers?
Like how things from the outside influences your dreams while your sleeping? I dont know.
There seemed to be some focus on that dog of him when he was a child. (it ran away, syd chases it, meets the angry boy)
Also the red lightning is the same.
The head of D3 is probably a mutant himself or something fucking with syd somehow.
Those are all guesses but w/e
Looking through the commercials on YouTube I can't find it, every time that scene is shown it's still the older guy using the telekinesis.
The part where he's in the interrogation room and that guy they call The Eye suddenly appears and vanishes from the chair opposite David is interesting. The same thing happens with a person behind David hooking his head up to a reading machine. It seems to support the idea that Division 3 was in his head.
Im in love with her
no its shit i that battle scene after episode 1 was the most horrible thing ive seen
I think the only real people in this are Syd and Melanie. I think the rest are all in his head. He is an actual crazy person. People forget that. I think he projected Syd and Melanie into existence to help him make sense of the chaos in his brain.