
How is this fag remembered in Europe? Is he thought of as a French Hitler?

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>france will never be great again

no, he freed the jews, he is the moses of france

he did nothing wrong

He is famous, people know he was important but nobody knows why, also know that he was great tactician and leader. Here it would be in positive light, every year we have occupation of Bratislava event where people larp as Napoleon vs Habsburg armies with cannons guns and shit


he gets over ridiculed for some reason

As a despot, but personally I see him as a great man.

he made the russians discover siberia





it's because of him finland was taken by r*ssia

>Ride Big stallion in the battlefield
>Riding stallion injured him
>Riding stallion made him get bad hemorrhoids
>Die from hemorrhoids

>died from butthurt

Truly the most French of deaths.

well you whored yourself to one of his generals, serves you right.

That was after. We needed someone who could pull us out of the mess, so we went for a military man. And he fixed things up pretty well, I would say.

And you could have allied us and taken it back if that slimy betrayer Bernadotte did not do a complete 180 to both Napoleon and the swedish nobles that elected him.

Mon Empereur

I wish. At least the union with Norway sort of compensated for the loss.

>he made the russians discover Paris

Did the Ruskies chimp out and rape local qts in this war too?

In France he is a quite controversial figure. Some historians love him some hate him. Every year they write new books to say how he was great/evil. He is a bit too controversial to be quoted freely but anybody would admit he had undeniable qualities I guess. I like him a lot.

>Did the Ruskies chimp out and rape local qts in this war too?
Typical day in France to be honest. France back in the day were a massive brothel.

Napoleon is actually a common name here.
We usually call them "Poli".

C'est temps pour un empereur dans la France. Liberté,égalité, fraternité tombe. Vive l'empereur nouveau

russian cowards. always trying to evade fighting. chinks will annex siberia and you'll have nowhere to retreat to when we'll attack you next time.

Only leftards dislike him. Or idiots dumb enough to believe anglo propaganda

russians were larping as western europeans back then so no.

Only like dumbshits with IQ of the gibbon do this. Smart people do maneuvers.

Actually most of the hate i see for him comes from the right
ie deluded monarsh*ts

farleft yes. I don't know who farleft doesn't hate except communist dictators. They would even spit on De Gaulle who is conssidered as a model of leader by practically anybody in France.

>back in the day

or people who prefer economic prosperity and slow diplomatic wins rather than going all in. He as hated by some leftists than he is hated by some rightists desu.

Literally our national hero

It doesn't change the fact that France was a massive brothel.

monarshits are a ridicule part of the right. Most of them are fine with nap

A kingdom of ash


I know, i was specifically pointing to monarchists, not the right.
I only mentionned the right because he mentionned the left

as opposed to russia who was, is and will be a massive brothel

>when we'll attack you next time.
Sorry to tell you, but next time there will be no France.

Who do French monarchists support? Jean-Christophe is a Bourbon but also a Napoléon.

and there will be no russia. our african jihadists will destroy your churkas.


He invaded Russia for a start, nothing wrong with that but he failed.

if a bourbon exist then he's the legitimate heir. Bonapartistes have no legitimate claim, never had, they're nobodies. also napoleon III was not blood related to napoleon

Don't worry, France has a secret plan.

>He invaded Russia for a start
>but he failed
>nothing wrong with that


Did you know that he won against russians several times but this time was only because of the weather ?

He's not considered a bad guy here.

He's more remembered as a reformer. Who improved our political and juridical system.

French fried chickens.

remembered as the proud Corsican he was

What about his brother Louis ?

the hate towards him has nothing to do with anglo propaganda, it has to do with him ending the Revolution

He considered as a defeated general BTFO'D

*is considered

Son of a bitch

Same here

>peasant rebellions and upstarts.

What happened to Louis' collection of Rabbits when his brother lost?

why are koreans so anti french ?

It's normal because it built modern Germany and gave birth to Germany empire.

Why? How can it be anti france??

Napoleon? French propaganda. He didn't exist.

Unironically this.

their country never won a war mostly because they weren't even independant. So they try to harp on every weakness they can find on other countries

>De Gaulle who is conssidered as a model of leader by practically anybody in France.
He's interesting in that he's a lot like Washington for us. A good leader but not exactly a good general.

>t. ameridumb education

why do you think he wasn't a good general ?

>It doesn't change the fact that France was a massive brothel.
Your country produces some of the most extreme female pornstars.

>back in the day
Womens are whores who cares.

Bernadotte refused to promise Napoleon going against what he thought were the best interests of his new country. When France attacked Swedish Pomerania his duty and honor demanded he act and act he did. I should think a Frenchman knows the value and importance of honor.

Furthermore, someone had to get the Swedish nobles in check. They'd been wanting to wage war with Russia at every chance even since the great northern war which led to us losing the entire eastern part of our country (i.e. Finland).

>why do you think he wasn't a good general ?
His resistance when the Germans invaded didn't do much. and

I mean it's not entirely his fault but generals should know their own forces and enemies and lets be honest he was a frenchman so I would have expected him to have a better read on the vichy french.

An enlightened ruler that defended Dutch interests.

louis was great for the netherlands, he was invested so much in his rule of the netherlands that napoleon had to replace him when he kept putting the interests of the netherlands before that of france

however, there are some downsides; napoleon ceded a fuckton of dutch colonies in peace treaties of lost wars. and cucked us into becoming a monarchy

>france gives South Africa to the UK
>germany gives Indonesia to Japan
We should really nuke our neighbors.

Sucking German cock is not a "plan"

To be fair you once ate your PM so the only way was up

If I could be bothered I'd edit the Netherlands to savages

>glorified savages

Ay Wh*tey muh dick

t. that turk

Didn't take long to fall into old ways really