The big debate.
>Which one was better?
>Which one makes you most nostalgic?
>Which one best resembled your teenage years?
Non-Brits do one and fuck off.
The big debate.
>Which one was better?
>Which one makes you most nostalgic?
>Which one best resembled your teenage years?
Non-Brits do one and fuck off.
Please respond I actually had to make the comparison image on Photoshop myself.
Both are comfy desu but I like gen 1 of skins
Inbetweeners season 1 easy.
Obviously skins.
As I never even heard of the inbetweeners ,,,,
East Enders pham
Inbetweeners was more real to life. Nobody does shit like they get up to in Skins at 16/17.
Skins was pure fantasy.
>Nobody does shit like they get up to in Skins at 16/17.
This is what /r9k/ ACTUALLY believes.
The Inbertweeners is funnier, no doubt about it.
Skins has more engaging characters and more to offer in the long run I guess.
I still prefer Inbertweeners though, skins gives me anxiety for some reason
they're completely different type of shows, the only similarity is they have teenagers in them, why would you try to compare them?
I sort of lived the Skins experience pre-University. It isn't that uncommon
He is not comparing the shows, but rather how closely one of them portrayed your life. The cool party man, or the loser trying to constantly improve your sex life and social standing?
>the only similarity is they have teenagers in them
>why would you try to compare them?
Answering your own question.
>>Which one best resembled your teenage years?
Unironically, both of them
>tfw you'll never be Tony
>you'll never be a 17 yr old kid trying to prove how cool you were by taking any drugs available again
Inbetweeners for sure.
Aussie here we i grew up watching both back in the day
Holy fuck its 9 years old
Inbetweeners. I only liked generation 1 of skins.
The inbetweeners speaks to me the most because I didn't live a skins kind of lifestyle.
Inbetweeners easily
Skins was very unrealistic, lets be honest here.
I had a bit of both but the UK Inbetweeners was closer to my life especially considering i had 4 close friends growing up just like in the show.
lost contact with them, the rest hate me and i hate them
>Nobody does shit like they get up to in Skins at 16/17
Both are shit
the oc desu
Skins was gash mate
>muh cook
Well technically they are all pretty shit but they where uniquely british/anglo/whitey and now all these sort of shows dont exist because of this stupid globalist agenda of "multiculturalism"
They don't
> what are you doing this Saturday m8?
> Going to a rave in a club I can't get into without ID, having a threesome with my m8 and his gf and then exploring who I really am through an existential crisis
>Oh really?
> Nah, going to the park to drink white lightning and set fire to the bins
There are still those shows, they're just shit
Have a word with yourself
this, also nobody has that diverse group of friends
did not see the 16/17 season, but the first one and that was not uncommon
All gens start at 16
I could really relate to Skins more than Imbetweeners, I dont exactly have a group of four people that do everything together. And its hard to express the nostalgia I get from hearing the Skins' theme, its just something man
>Gen 1 best
>Gen 2 redeemed by Kaya
>Gen 3 like what even was it
>Season 7 - suprisingly good
Huh, I forgot about Misfits, I only ever was interested in the first 2 seasons though, the rest were just so nothing to me
>uniquely white
fucking false flagging spammers looking for things to get pissed about
>you will never go to a house party again with your close friends
>you'll never sit in the park together again, talking about the future and how university will be
>you will never get those butterflies when your crush talks to you one to one
>you'll never experience again that relief when the summer holidays begin and you have 6 weeks of freedom
>you will never have a 'first experience going to a club/bar' again
>you will never be young again with a blank canvas ahead of you, a group of friends by your side, and all the time in the world
>>Season 7 - suprisingly good
Season 7 was where it's at, loved that shit
Remember telling the lads the tomboy from gen 3 would be a top qt when she was older and they bantered me off, turns out I was right
user... pls.... no, stop... user... pls
>'Hi user :) Once you've finished your UCAS application we're all going out together later, you fancy coming? My mum will give us a lift if you need it :D xxxx'
i could relate far more to Inbetweeners, Skins was a great show too though.
Inbetweeners definitely was my sixth form years.
Skins hit home and really depressed me because I missed out on all that shit.
Pretty accurate desu
>tells people to fuck off
>they do
>pls respond
Literally the best times of my life were just camping in the summer with friends and loads of booze. I'll never be that happy again and Skins just makes me sad.
>Miss out on this during my teens
>Want that feel when
>Spend four years in my early 20's doing A-Levels
>Go to University
>Give myself a psychotic break from too much drug abuse
>drop out
The feels were not worth it bro.
>tfw you will never sit in the park camping during Duke of Edinburgh award again talking about each other with your friends you've known since Primary school, to the point where they now feel as close and intimate as family
Kill me.
It's all fun and games from the outside until you put yourself there
Mate, come to New Zealand and Straya and try tell me Skins isn't real life at 16/17, Shit, I've got some old friends who are still living that life in their mid-twenties.
inbetweeners without a doubt, skins is utter shite
>main character is supposedly a beta
>he's handsome as fuck
You what
Skins is the idealised teenage experience on steroids.
Doesn't mean it's not relatable in parts though. It's self aware and knows what it's doing.
Skins was multicultural as it got when it came out. Black boy and white girl, the gay sex ......
Always found Inbetweeners more relatable. Pretty much my high school experience exactly. Plus it's actually funny.
where have all the years gone? ;_;
God ...
This hurts
>'I'm so excited about University user! When I come back at Christmas we'll hang out again OK? x'
>You promise we'll still keep in touch and remain close friends?'
>'Even as we keep getting older?'
like tears in the rainthey just disappear
ahhh yes The World's End syndrome
mfw i am literally Gary King
>think "this isnt that old, only came out in 2009"
>thats actually 8 years ago
>when you didn't do any of that so cant miss it
>>you will never get those butterflies when your crush talks to you one to one
>>you'll never experience again that relief when the summer holidays begin and you have 6 weeks of freedom
>>you will never have a 'first experience going to a club/bar' again
I only had those three.
>tfw you were a carefree 14 year old with your whole life ahead of you
>Now im a 22 yr old slob posting on a Cantonese rice board who wasted his life and opportunities to do something with myself
>'Sorry user, I've just been so busy with Uni stuff, and everyone's away so it's not really the ideal time to have a get together again....'
>'Some other time, OK?'
>'Some other time....'
the inbetweeners was exactly my group of friends
>I was the autistic upper middle class one
>my best friend was obsessed with his oneitis
>had a tall friend who was really stupid
>his best friend was a complete liar who was always talking shit about how his dad was in MI6 or whatever bullshit
Haven't watched inbetweeners, so I can't say.
I watched Skins six years ago when I was 22 and it made me feel like such shit since I had dropped out of college the year prior and watching that show just made me feel that I had wasted my teenage years...
It's a good thing that only series 1 was good.
I can't even complain since I'm the one who's stopped replying to my old friends...
Fuck you
:'( this is perfectly tuned to make me sad, just like the Skins opening
My sixth form years were like a nicer Skins really since in year 11 I became best friends with a cool girl who went to parties
Fucking losers
I think gen 3 is really underrated. There's some shit I really hated, like all of Frankie's bullshit with Matty and Luke, but Rich, Alo and Mini are really great characters. Still the worst gen but I'm glad I watched it.
>tfw she has a job now
>tfw she has a new set of friends
>tfw they all have new friends
>tfw she looks different now
>tfw you haven't spoke to them in 2 years
>tfw despite feeling so raw at the time, it's now as if it never happened at all
first two seasons of Skins
recently rewatched it and I forgot how ridiculous it was and how stupid and incompetent the characters were. First time I saw it I thought "wow I'd love to have friends like those and have adventures too" but when I saw it years later I relieved I didn't experience anything like the character's did
I would've liked to fuck me a thicc teacher like Angie though
Never watched skins. What sort of shit do they get up to?
Watching Skins when it first aired I wasn't that long out of sixth form myself, and whilst we partied and had plenty of our own drama it wasn't on the scale of Skins, and I remember thinking at the time that this is what the writers WANTED their teenager years to have been like. Made me a little jealous in a way.
Inbetweeners is what sixth form was really like. That's how it became popular with people across multiple generations. Everybody in the country can relate to a character on there, not necessarily one of the main four, but maybe they were a Carli or a Donovan or even a Big John.
who /felt left out/ here?
>when Barry started to say all that creepy rapey shit about what's-her-name after she touched him
>realizing I wanted to do the same stuff to her he described
>fondly remember some of the better episodes of Misfits
>remember the gorilla episode
I just don't know what to think.
>6* years
lots of raves/drugs/ravenous sex and cheating with each other etc.
a lot more wild stuff than people their age normally get up to since it's a tv show, but yeah lots of aggrandized gross party/drug culture stuff
oh and there's like 0 consequences for most of the shit they get into, all the adults in the show are incompetent or clueless
Has E4 produced anything on par with Skins, Misfits or The Inbetweeners recently?
Seems like all they do now is air the Hollyoaks omnibus and seventeen episodes of The Big Bang Theory per day.
Good. I hated all the faggots who were like this.
IM 26 now it doesnt get any easier