Do you have Japanese immigrants in your country? What are they like? Do you like them more than other Asians?

Do you have Japanese immigrants in your country? What are they like? Do you like them more than other Asians?

Nope, no Japs.



lovers or twins?

They basically don't exist anymore. I'm pretty sure they're act just like whites. The typical Asian stereotypes don't really apply to them.

they are very sporty unlike other asian immigrants

I had never seen a completely Asian gay couple b4. QT's.

By immigrant you mean the ones that come visit for a while by either work or pleasure or the ones that just decided to live here from now on?
We have both, the majority for now coming to work in the Mexican branch of their companies like Nissan, Toyota, Sony, Mitsubishi, Yakult being the biggest one that Im aware of but of course there are more companies but I dont remember their names right now. For the ones spending their lives depends but lately there have been quite alot of retirees coming spend the rest of their life here lately.
>What are they like?
Like your average Japanese, relative coy/shy person compared to how latinos are but once they warn up and have to stop upholding their old Japanese social rules are incredible fun people to spend time, they sure enjoy it when invited to barbecues.
>Do you like them more than other Asians?
Overall yes, not because just they being Japanese but because the other majority asian we have, the Asian are a mixed bag, either their groups/families are the kind that decided to integrate with the local population but still uphold some of their "Chinese" culture and that is fine with me, but others just outright dont integrate and just deal with the locals out of necesity of get their money.

Also Japs tend to record their life here and experience the Mexican/latin life, specially if they can draw

Also yeah, We have dem Japanese HomoErotic Anikis here

some, and some koreans, but most asians here are chinese, filipino, or from somewhere in the southeast

Yes, they are shitty desu

They are mostly students and work in restaurants. They smoke a lot and act more autistic than other Asians. They also have worse English. I don't think about them.

middle is hot


>middle is hot
you have no taste

Post hot jap male

I like the one in the right the most

I'm better built than any of these

then post photos, papi

Japs are extremely arrogant and they will betray you.
There is a saying here that "only cockroaches survived the atomic bomb"

I had the misfortune of working with an ethnically Japanese guy with an Austrian citizenship. I have also had to deal with Japanese exchange students.

Chinese and Vietnamese here are almost always bro-tier. Koreans are standoffish at first but nice once you get to know them.

The Japs though?
To hell with them.

Why do you have these photo of homo 3D Japs? Even Japanese don't have them.

dunno, do they visit English-speaking Japs' instagram/facebook? specially if they live outside of Japan?

They are BLEACHING themselves out of existence here

The university in the city just south is crawling with them, and japanese gardens can be found in even the shittiest cities south of here. It's quite pleasant.
I see japanese folks every now and again, the kids aren't pleasant but the older parents are very polite, great to talk to.

Yes, I don't know, yes.

Arr rook same


Says thailand


explain this image pls

Left = a Mexican female friend and wife of a fellow Japanese coworker of the artist being reminded/redpilled not to expect Japanese males gave alot of public affection/love as the Latino ones to culminate in her saying, "well... at least they are faithful men, right?".
Right strip is just about her view of Mexican women that they are not coy/shy but rather confident and assertive-like

.This one is the one about the Yandere Mexiwaifu no cheating He married

both. they're a famous tumblr couple of japanese brothers who are into a romance

where do you live? do you have a korean friend? i think koreans in us are autistic though

basically we are a blunt people and we usually stick to ourselves

is this the homolove thread?

OP is talking about Japan, so obviously it is