The birth rate of the ""Germans"" has risen sharply and then this pic. Really makes you think, huh?
The birth rate of the ""Germans"" has risen sharply and then this pic. Really makes you think, huh?
Leave the EU
You have 10 years until your fertile population is less than 50% German.
The rest of the world isn't much better off
>millions of refugees enter Germany in 2015
>birth rates skyrocket in the same year
Really makes you think.
Maybe instead of shitposting on Sup Forums you should go get involved in politics, maybe build a political group, and save your country you worthless fucking NEET
>white babies wear nicer shoes
Shame on you, Germany.
why are the white kids together? we need more diversity even in pictures!
the number had risen before the refugee crisis. Filthy liar OP
Yeah, because 0 refugees entered Germany before the refugee crisis...
i want to fucking kill myself looking at this picture.
Germans and Germans with Migration Backgrounds are counted seperately and you know this.
t. legal Migrant
>2 black males
>2 german females
Instead of killing yourself kill the jews enabling this. Live for a good cause instead of dying for nothing at all.
"Meanwhile, 50% of all newborn children have an immigrant background. From a migration background is when the child himself or at least one parent is not born of German nationality in Germany."
there are billions more where those niggers came from
>german women literally flooding to black bulls
This was Merkel's plan all along.
White men can literally no longer compete, Europe needs black bulls to arrest serious demographic decline. The future of Europe belongs to the black man.
just kill me
and I thought the US was bad
I want to kill those disgusting nigger babies.
If there's one thing the world needs it's more retarded half niggers
Bullshit. Black Men/White Women is not a big thing in Germany. Only fat german women are going for a nigger.
Is it edgy if i want to stomp the kids on the left to death?
rip germany
Yeah, keep ignoring all the German women who are dating refugees now.
They want numbers for the war with Russia.
>Meanwhile, 50% of all newborn children have an immigrant background.
How many of those "immigrant backgrounds" means France, Austria, Netherlands, Poland, etc...
Well. It was fun while it lasted Germany.
No one from a western country would willingly settle in Germany.
But why? What's their endgame?
>they say hitler is the bad guy
if dubz I will be a refugee in 1 year.
God save you user. Prepare for war.
sick dubs kiddo
Nigga you are done. Better start praying towards mecca.
No idea. This is from 2014.
Opposite of the 14 Words.
You have to remember though that at least a huge swathe of the other 50% are white Europeans.
>all the German women who are dating refugees now.
Never saw a single one.
Blacks really are ugly with that nappy hair. Not even their babies are cute.
>Africa will figuratively explode in bloodshed from overpopulation in our lifetime
Gail wat are the chances that the world isn't being controlled by jooz but chinesefags. I mean just look at universities. The are a siege engine designed to destroy western society bought and paid for by the chinese. Prove me wrong. Every leftist tennant is designed to destroy western society.
Lol pick every image with juice.
When was that census taken? I find it very hard to believe it was taken in the last 5 years.
>Prove me wrong
Easy - chinks don't have that kind of agency, they only look after their own personal profit and that of their families, they don't have the kind of foresight needed for covert expansion. They just replicate everywhere like a virus so it looks organized development, really its just chaos.
That's because you never leave the basement. I volunteer at a refugee shelter and lots of the refugees have German girlfriends.
>I volunteer at a refugee shelter
What are you doing volunteering at a refugee center you cuck? Stop that.
Where do you live? In NRW/Hamburg/Bremen/Berlin?
it would be a shame if something would happen to get in their food or drink
>they don't have the kind of foresight needed for covert expansion.
Have a look at Canada, Australia and New Zealand and see if you don't change your mind about that. China is currently colonising all three countries "covertly" without a shot being fired.
It gives me credits for my bachelor's degree. Beats attending lectures and taking tests.
That's because westerners are cucks not because the Chinese are particularly smart or tactical, anyone with half a nut sac wouldnt let this shit happen before their eyes.
Again you haven't proven me wrong, chinks buying up everything is because thats how they act, its not a collective conspiracy.
They are a cancer, a group of tumorous cells, that doesn't automatically make them a system.
Europeans basically need to volunteer at the refugee shelter nowadays if they ever want a job. You need 'work experience' on your CV and the economy is so bad that the refugee shelters is the only place who needs helpers.
Germany is a lost cause.
Traitor of the fatherland.
Reminder that it's not too late to learn Jap or Mandarin.
This. There wasn't a refugee centre in my town so I just went down to London and asked there. You usually get tasked with making food, cleaning their clothes, helping with their English homework.
Only had to spend six months there and employers were a lot more eager to hire me afterward.
No im bretty comfy. Thanks though.
fuck you traitor
this year.
you can see it by the population
This is from 2014.
Well me too, but that might be in Munich, right?
>working in refugee shelter
Sorry, but I had to giggle.
You would be surprised how few. Germany pays very badly. I don't see why a European would ever move there.
Sören just stop posting, alright?
>selling out your country is now equivalent to being educated
this is fucking disgusting.
But why wouldn't you help them? You help yourself too. I got a job at De Beers as a diamond buyer afterward.
so you are complicit in the refugee crisis
you're a traitor and you don't belong on Sup Forums
literally kill yourself
I will not and cannot be a part of the destruction of my country and culture.
go find your nearest butter knife and shove it in your eye you piece of shit
Seems a bit of a waste to obtain freedom from you guys just to hand it over to Muslims.
It's done, German bros.
Abandon your country. It's gone now. 10 years from now your peers will be brown teenagers at every turn. Your country is set fit to be gone in just 2 generations. Get out now and make it collapse faster and more obviously.
Make an example out of your country so as the rest can see why this shit can't be allowed to continue. Germany must sacrifice herself to save us all.
He probably is a paki anyway, sure sounds like one.
>tfw in near future you have to compete with blacks in stealing cars.
If you're not lying...
Just end my fucking life senpai
Remember that whenever anyone on here says "just have more white kids in order to save the white race" they are using a bullshit tactic.
We're past the point where that will work. You can’t outbreed blacks and muslims. It's simply impossible. And to make matters worse, the blacks will rape, torture and murder your children anyway.
Blacks especially don't give a fuck about their children, either, and they just keep popping them out. Many black women have 5+ children. Most of these children don't know who their fathers are. Many times, I've seen black women who just lost a child, through disease, poverty, murder, etc, and they do not even shed a tear. They use children as nothing more than commodities, something that will improve their lives if they can shit out enough of them. This is vastly different from the white way of thinking, valuing quality of offspring over quantity.
Blacks try to have as many children as possible so that they can be taken care of when they are old. This is the mentality of the majority of them, and it will not change in the foreseeable future. By all means have more kids, but just know that white people cannot beat them in a birth race ever, no matter what they do. Whites will always come off second best. Increased birthrates alone is not a valid tactic to combat the birthrate explosion of non-whites, nor will it secure the existence of white people.
>open Facebook
>some Person complains about racism
>same Person likes some meme photo about poles always stealing cars and shit
dat double standard
The problem is that the only other way is to destroy democracy, which sounds like an extremly hard thing to do.
Until democracy ends, low IQ retards will continue voting for their own reproductive success using the stolen money of high IQ autists
What kind of clown university do you attend that equals prepping the muslim bull and taking tests and seminars at university.
I pity you.
>Sup Forums is smart guys
It really must be infuriating being a South African and being the most enlightened white population on the entire planet and seeing this madness transpire around you
Listen to this guy, faggots His country has been through some shit and he probably knows what's up. Those 40 000 white people didn't just dissapear.
either you are in denial about your own guilt or you are a paki/chink/nigger and thus don't care about the UK anyway. Fuck off.
1)I don't speak Arabic
2)>Spiegel. Many anons on this board told me that Spiegel is basically VICE/Guardian in German. So idk
Aussie speaks sense tbqh.
You need to undermine the entire idea by making the most destructive noise possible, and that noise must appear to be the direct result of the problem. Watching a great nation collapse is just that noise.
See There are many German universities that offer credit points for refugee volunteer work now.
>Remember that whenever anyone on here says "just have more white kids in order to save the white race" they are using a bullshit tactic.
dude, i made my Bachelor while working 40 hours a weeks in a metal factory and you spread your butt cheeks for extra credits.
wow pathetic. Please leave Bavaria and never come back, Saupreiße.
Wait a second, bro. Don't you think that this guy is that German cuckposter, who is pro-refugee, "doesn't care" about mixing with shitskins and says that: "We need them". That guy also used "Spiegel" to prove his point. I think that's him
I have seen so many cucks in the last months, I can't even tell anymore if someone is trolling, m8.
you mean that guy who always posts the "tfw Born German" Pepe?
Yeah, maybe. He probably also posts: "Being a Nip" from a proxy.
Goddamn I fucking hate this website, why do I always come back?
Does no one else here notice the differences in their head size?? These two pairs looks frighteningly dissimilar (blacks taking the gibsmedat food toys, whites curious and creative)... The black boys look exactly how they will be in their 20s, whereas I cannot as easily conclude the white's full appearance; or in other words the white children look like they have room for development...
How is a society to FAIRLY develop these children? One pair WILL lose out, teacher will go slow so excelling children no go slow... A whole number of issues will arise that I cannot be bothered to discuss...
Germoney you shall be missed, at least in what we thought defined your nation...
(">if dubz I will be a refugee in 1 year.)"
>pulation is less than