Why are we the only white country putting ethnic minorities in their place?

Why are we the only white country putting ethnic minorities in their place?

Just looking at here, Sup Forums Twitter and Facebook it is now considered more edgy to be an SJW than a white nationalist. Other European countries should take our lead

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no, you are retards
you care more about skincolor than other issues

Yes, we are trying to focus on things like terrorism (Muslims) and illegal immigration (Spics) and crime (Niggers) but these ethnics are making it hard.

Good thing the average American views the value of a non-white as worthless. We literally don't see them as human beings.

Friendly reminder that this is how the average Sup Forums user spends theirs time.

You dumb wh*Te animals make me laugh with your delusions.

People on Sup Forums know how to use a gun. A lot of ex-military people. Just remember that

They should practice their aim on themselves.

delusions? We got Trump elected.

Those nigs think its funny now. It won't be funny when shit really goes down. People who have the most guns always win. Lets see how manly their fists are when they have a M-16 pointed at their heads.

But not you? Why does every Sup Forumstard always use others as examples when trying to claim they're superior in one way or another?

Where do you live lad? I want to see you put me in my place.


Shut the fuck up and go back to Sup Forums you pussy noguns faggot

I served in Iraq after 9/11. I'd tell you what my military ID is, but I'm not going to disrespect my country like liberals are.

You're too much of a pussy to fire it at minority kids.In fact, when shit comes down to it, you'll probably join our side since you're also white.

That's what wh*Te animals do. They serve.

This is fucking embarrassing

Tell me your MOS right now you calladoody child, and if it came down to it I'd be shooting little faggots like you in the street if I had to

>cuck with a gun
im sooo scared

Why don't you aim that at your own head and pull the trigger, cuck?



All those issues can be solved by genociding wh*Tes t b h

>Other European countries
quality bait


>he fell for the Iraq meme

Lad, can you explain to me how those towers fell at near free fall speed while the lower, larger portion of the tower was still structurally sound and intact? You were fucking played like a fiddle.

>there could be weaponized Sup Forumsshits who use the word cuck unironically in my countrys US military bases right now

dog bless

Tell me who your CO is and where you're stationed out of

Threatening civilians on the internet is grounds for discharge and is a federal crime

VERY american thread
proud of you lads, keep providing entertainment for the rest of us

We've purposely fragged libshit soldiers before

You don't get to be a libshit in the military

>lol we have guns we'd kill you when the race war starts
>nah, i'd be shooting back

this is proof you have never served a day in your life

>implying you've served

Awww little baby scared of dying?

>Awww little baby scared of dying?

>Skinny leg antifa with his airsoft rifle


Look out nazi scum we are coming for you

>in their place

The White House?

That is a pmag you noguns retard

Showing off your plastic bullets?


I love when Sup Forumscucks leak out of their containment board, it always makes for an interesting read

>mfw a burger calls another burger skinny

>slightly banter American
>He tries to shoot up the Singaporean embassy

>Good thing the average American views the value of a non-white as worthless. We literally don't see them as human beings.

I can understand why you might think that if you're a Sup Forumstard who lives in your mom's basement or grew up in Bumfuckville Mississippi, but otherwise you're completely delusional and possibly mentally ill


I've been wondering something? Why doesn't Trump fully commit and fully denounce blacks as niggers, declare them sub-human, repeal laws protecting them, and re-institute slavery?

It's not like he gives a shit about being controversial and he has the power to do it. The democrats have no control and his administration follows him religiously.

BLM and liberals will no doubt chimp out over this but then he has legal justification to use any means necessary to restore order. We'll give the military and cops the means to restore order by any means necessary. We should also allow armed citizens to help restore order as well if they wish to aid the cause. They would not be held criminally liable for anyone they kill except if they killed a law enforcement officer.

He would instantly be impeached you retard

By who? The Republican controlled House and Senate? You're full of shit.

being this delusional

Yes? Do you honesty believe the Republicans would get behind reversing civil rights and reinstituting slavery, or that more than 5% of the population would? That they wouldn't instantly abandon him at something like that when they constantly express exasperation with him and disagree with him as it is? When they largely condemned his comparatively extremely vanilla and inoffensive Charlottesville shit? Are you completely delusional or mentally retarded?

Actually I'm pretty sure I'm falling for bait, so nevermind

You are so fucking naive. Maybe some liberalified sissy republicans from Ohio or Pennsylvania will be against racism but all the big players like Texas, Mississippi, Alabama, Missouri, Arkansas, etc. are all anti-nigger. Politicians from these states would happily make it legal to hang niggers for just looking at the white man funny like the good ole days.

Even factoring in the sissy conservatives they'd still never reach the 2/3 majority to successfully impeach him and simply thinking that makes you a retarded libcuck. Don't worry the day of the rope is coming for you too. You'll hang along with all your nigger friends.

>Don't worry the day of the rope is coming for you too. You'll hang along with all your nigger friends.

>libtard cuck so buttblasted that he is reduced to posting fedora memes in order to cope with the fact that his utopian obango society is being dismantled by our God Emperor Trump

I truly pity you libuck.

>race traitors


You do know that essentially all major GOP leaders condemned Trump over Charlottesville, including Paul Ryan, Mitch McConnell, and Orrin Hatch? That John McCain, Lindsey Graham, Jeff Flake, even Mike Huckabee and Ted Cruz, and plenty of other Southern Senators did too, as did ones from states like Colorado and Florida? And again, this was for fucking nothing, where he didn't even say anything racist; you expect that if he said niggers should be enslaved that he wouldn't be abandoned by everyone? That even in your delusional fantasy world where all southern senators support black genocide, they wouldn't turn on Trump solely over their desire to get re-elected at least?

This is of course all under the assumption that Trump would even want to do such a thing, or even remotely believes in what you're saying, considering that your firm belief in that itself is a product of delusional wishful thinking and Sup Forums dwelling.

lol didnt read kys dumb nigger

yeah dude and guess what? i'm gonna miscegenate too

not like you wouldn't if you got the chance though you drydicked motherfucker

huh....so this is the power of Sup Forums......

You say that from behind a screen, but you would never say that in person to a face of patriots and conservative American males

Liberalism is a disease. I'm glad there are people at polling places where I live tracking who everyone votes for. Lets see them use their power to vote when they're getting tracked by people like me

I'm gonna get a Mexican waifu and then pay for her to get highly educated in a technical field and become top of her class. Then I'm gonna laugh when white men lose their jobs to her. Not only is she Mexican but she's also a woman! We'll fly down to Mexico and use our American money to help their family out of poverty and make their lives more comfortable rather than investing in the disaster that is the American economy.

It will be a great experience and many keks will be had.

That's definitely not legal...

i can't stop laughing at this fedorapost

this is copypasta right

>admitting to being a traitor

Yeah, real brave behind a computer screen.

No one is getting intimidated. No it isn't.

>this entire thread

>No one is getting intimidated. No it isn't.

It definitely is. In every single state observing and or recording how someone else votes is a crime. You will be arrested. People have gotten arrested for simply taking selfies in voting booths. What you're claiming to do is a major breach of voting integrity and if you aren't trolling then you absolutely should be in prison right now.

I live in Kentucky. Let's see the Libs try to enforce that here.

no he shouldn't, because he's never done this, because he's likely a 17 year old edgelord who loves his high school economics teacher for being libertarian and hates all the cucks in his school with friends

or he's a mexican, this is Sup Forums we're talking about

well the government already enforces an awful lot of federal law there lmao

sherman literally should have just killed every southerner he saw so your cousinfucking ancestors couldn't have a chance to produce a mutant like you

I'll happily leave a tip for the FBI with links to the archive on the off chance you aren't trolling. I taking voting integrity quite seriously because the foundation of our democracy depends on it. If and how they carry on any investigation from there is out of my hands but it would not hurt to bring it to their attention.

Literally SEAL-tier pasta

>this enrages and confuses the american

>I taking voting integrity quite seriously because the foundation of our democracy depends on it.

Then accept the fact that WE voted for OUR president and you have no choice but to follow everything he says without dissenting.

lol link them to this post of this tryhard antifa faggot with an unlicensed weapon

Enjoy your Black cock, cuck.

I'll make two points here.

a.) If what you claimed about spying on voters is actually true Trumps presidency isn't legit because there was major voter fraud going on to his benefit (he was right about the fraud, just wrong about who was doing it, not 3 million illegals but his own supporters)

>you have no choice but to follow everything he says without dissenting

No. That's not how democracy works. Yeah I am obligated to follow any bill that passes into law under him or risk civil or criminal penalties but I don't have to accept everything he does or like it. I have the right to express my displeasure and the right to protest. You had the same rights when Obama was in office and I have them now so if you expect me to shut up you are wrong.

I'll just link the whole thread and what they do from there is their business.

>I have the right to express my displeasure and the right to protest.
If you don't like it you have the right to go to Syria or North Korea, you unamerican faggot

I intend to remain here and will fight, legally, to oppose Trump, his supporters, and you on all levels. You're just going to have to deal with it. If you don't like it you can fuck off to Syria or North Korea since you seem to like authoritarian regimes so much. I am a true American Patriot that actually loves his country and countrymen instead of pretending to love it for personal gain like your traitorous ass. I intend to stick this shit out and reclaim MY country.

You're gonna sit there and listen to my goddamn protests and you're gonna like it you fucking traitor cuck.

HAHAHAHAHA all it takes is an FFL signature you retarded fuck

jesus christ Sup Forums is retarded, do literally any of you own guns?

>civil protesting belongs in north korea
>blindly following your government is truly American

think you have things backwards there buddy

WE won the election fair and square and disrespecting our flag and our government is treason. It won't be long before doing that will be punishable by death.

You know how many people would kill and die for the right for our government to govern us? You stupid fuck. Lets see how far your freedom of speech goes when you're in trial for treason


...oh wait... we were talking about America...

>WE won the election fair and square

I'm not saying you didn't dude, Trump won and he is our rightful and legal president. Doesn't mean I have to agree with his policies or support him anymore than I would expect you to do so with Obama or Hillary, if she won.

>disrespecting our flag and our government is treason.

Not according to the Constitution it isn't. Or any other existing U.S. law.

>Lets see how far your freedom of speech goes when you're in trial for treason

So you believe that criticism and protesting of the government should be illegal? Because that's one of the most anti-American things I can imagine. You might as well just go live in a communist country.

this is bait

everyone stop replying to it

What if I like feeding the trolls?

you say that and I'd like to believe so but I'm honestly not so sure it is

Nah, it probably is. I'm a lib who was shitposting pretending to be a Neo-Nazi earlier. Blatant flaseflagging? Yup, but only for personal entertainment. Who gives a shit. It's fucking Sup Forums.

Can someone tell me why Sup Forums is so mad all the time?

This is the highest quality bait I've seen come from Sup Forums in a while

Lmao look at this redditor

>it is now considered more edgy to be an SJW than a white nationalist.

Has anyone actually been fired for expressing those views?




>all these newfags deepthroating obvious b8

>why isn't trump racist

I really don't think he hates black peope dude. This is what happens when you spend too much time on pol, you start believing that the rest of the world is like you when you're probably 2% of the population.

ihr seid Wichser

Abort thread Op is a shill kike libreral muslim faggot jew nigger cuck faggot cuck