America on suicide watch

America on suicide watch

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Doesn't matter when they won't even give you a chance because of your 'weird deformed penis'.

>In the Jewnited states of America women won't sleep with men who have non-mutilated manhood



>tfw a women will never go near your penis so it doesn't matter.

>tfw phimosis has gotten so bad it's actually starting to make sex painful
Sheeeit, I don't want to, but it looks like I'll have to snip my tip soon. Either that or just stop fucking and jacking off. Is it really as bad as the memes say? Will my penis lose sensibility and will I require lube to jack off?

Why does everyone on the internet have phimosis? I though it was supposed to be rare as fuck


Being a cutfag must be suffering

>be american
>get kiked
>sperg out in Sup Forums for the rest of your circumcised life

they stole our tips....

>Why would someone with a medical condition that makes sex literally painful hang out on Sup Forums

>Be American
>Give tip

you can stretch it broski

I had phimosis and the doctor used a cotton swab to forcefully push my skin back when I was like 11

Most painful shit ever

Dear g-d. Only when I was about 13 I could pull back my foreskin fully. Why didn't you just wait?

it's not my fault

>American reading comprehension

It's very common

Ask your parents why have they decided for you, tell them you dont approve and remember to simply not let (them) to mutilate your children. Simple as that!

Stop being retarded, get that steroid cream from your doctor and strech!
If you werent lazy boy and played with your dick all day every day, this problem would solve itself by your vigorous fapping years ago.

>parents unironically make a joke out loud in front of relatives that I'm lucky we're not jews so I didn't get circumcised

Natural dick here (of course it's narural I'm not a musli or jew).

Make my wife cum easily 3-5 times per fuck.

I had phimosis as a wee baby and my mom just stretched it because she cared about muh reproductive health.

thanks mom

>tfw no hot polish mom to stretch my peewee

>have no reason to complain
>dont post

>they took our tips