Is Finland the best Scandinavian country?

You never hear them on the news getting cucked, and they seem cool af. Whenever a Finn (You)'s me I get giddy

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Yeah exactly, nobody cares about them. They don't do shit

Finland isnt even part of scandinavia
troll or idiot

Yes yes thank you for mention and compliment

Good. We just want everyone to leave us alone.

Finland isn't scandinavian country.

We arent scandi, and we definetly are cucked. Go to Helsinki, Tampere or Turku to the centre for 10 minutes and you will see 15 niggers. All hope is lost here. The only place worth visiting is Åland.


Considering it's not scandinavian...

Shut up defeatist. It is worse almost anywhere in Europe.


Whats wrong there buddeh

They've got like 5 people that live there, if another joins in they'll just kill him and hide the body in their marshes.

Apua suomi ystävä

I am Scandinavian

Just because it's worse elsewhere doesn't mean that the country is good.

Oh no, the nederlander knows

come to denmark or sweden and you will see what it really means to be cucked.
sweden will fall first, but I can assure you that both of our countries will be north somalia by 2030

Finland isn't Scandinavian, it's Nordic.

True, but he is acting like we are past the point of no return. We aren't. Ideally I'd have 0 Muslim immigrants of course.

Is it just me, or do all Norwegians seem like autistic gothkids? Is that just from this site, or are they actually like that irl?

this but they're the best over there

scandinavia is a finnish country



Swedes sent Finland lots last year, now Finland is taking from EU too. Its gone.

Hey, no hatred.
We've got like 17 people here and pretty much do the same, except we keep Abu alive as he actually knows how to cook properly.

Learn the difference between Scandinavian countries and Nordic countries.
>Denmark, Norway, and Sweden
>Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden

We need to build a wall between Sweden and Finland. I am serious, they are our no 1 security concern right now.

What the fuck did you just call my mongol brothers you fucking fat amerilard?!?

How come whenever I google Scandinavia you guys are circled in there. Is this some special snowflake thing

Denmark does not have clay on Scandinavian peninsula.


well that's depressing, I guess it really is over.
i hope we all die in a nuclear inferno as soon as possible.

Asians with blonde hair and pale skin are my weakness

aren't they with a economics crisis because of paper and Nokia?

Fraction of what they took in by themselves.

There a funny and smart people. Plus Hakkinen was the GOAT

>#1 meme exporter in the world
>#1 smartest kids in PISA test and shit
>#1 best phones (smartphones need not apply)
>angry birds
>forced sterilisation on trannies
>beautiful women
>beautiful land

with finns, you winns

lmao what tah fugg

>>forced sterilisation on trannies
Really? This is news for me.

Finland is good but best Scandinavian country is Romania.

Did this clown show start again or is there another reason why C-men are so salty?

haven't you read the news dude

SETA is super asspained over it. has been for like 10 years lol

And you guys made CoC

Hell yeah that too

The only problem I have with Finland that you can't get alcohol 24/7 everywhere. Fucking Alko. That, and over the top bureaucracy in general.

Economically we are fucked, it has more to do with EU sanctions on Russia and value of € chocking all exports. Nokia has been doing fine since they sold customer products to macroshit.


not anymore

Shit, it's a Finland thread

Isn't there already a river?

Finland is not Scandinavian and not even Nordic.

It should have been built last year already. Other countries are doing, Hungary has decided to try and stay. Yet here its all boko haram in the parliament.

>got my nokia 6600 a shitton of years ago and its still working
The finns are bro-tier, but they aren't cucked scandinavians

Thank you friend, really appreciate it.

The media fears you but the common man understands. NATO never.

What's that flag called? It looks A E S T H E T I C af


Yes, they never bother you or give anyone any problems.

Very interesting

Finno-Ugric Flag

m8 we're already a part of the Memorandum of Understanding. We're being jewed into Nato year by year until we'll eventually become a full member in everything but name. That or the parliament with the support of the president and generals will just make us a member. There won't be a referendum, that's for sure.

Too bad they joined EU

Damn, noice. This flag is teh secks

Not just Scandinavia, it's the best country IN THE WORLD

Good. No degeneracy 24/7. Weakling. Though if you are smarter than awerage weakling amongst the weak, you can probably assimilate the concept of storing thus removing your problem.

What do you mean?

Fucking hell. Feels good.

0/10 See me after class

Ever notice how Finland is literally on the center of the world?

>it has more to do with EU sanctions on Russia
No it doesn't, it's because of the union mafia and extreme bureaucracy. Sweden, Norway, Denmark and Estonia don't have this problem. The reason our economy is fucked because no innovations are made and whenever someone comes up with something they get punished and then they just give up and move somewhere else.

Finns are people who are afraid of both failure and success so no one takes risks.

fell for the bait xD

Someone explain me what the fuck does "country has no legal gender recognition" mean?

What's with all the russian dicksuckers ITT?
There is literally no reason not to join NATO at this point, especially when russians are going full cyka davai. If it's the economy you're worried about you shoud stop worrying, russians fucked the trading between our two cunts over completely by themselves by invading ukraine and what little remains would still remain since russians are hypocritical mongoloids who still trade with nato countries. Irrationally hating americans isn't a valid reason either.

So it boils down to that anti-natofags are literally all just idiots, traitors or cucks. Either way funland is thankfully joining nato whether you like it or not.

The state doesnt recognize your gender change. So if you have sex change from male to female, you are still recognized as male.

Giddy up


Majority of Finnish professional soldiers have been pro-NATO as long as NATO has existed.

We have literally delivered every little piece of intel we have on Soviets and Russians to NATO from 50's. From SIGINT raw data to everything we know about Soviet equipment we use. Literally first thing we did with our then brand new T-72's in 80's was shoot one into pieces and deliver analysis of armor and capabilites to west.

Thanks, SuomiBro


Also: house of Sipilä is trying to fix this situation. So why the fuck is Soini going against all his ideas? Why is he not in the opposition with Greens and SDP when he doesn't agree with anything in Sipilä's government? Has he even read the plan of the government he's in? Whether you like being in EU or not, it was always Sipilä's plan to stay in EU so why is Soini doing his own solo bullshit now? Another example: taxi and transport reform proposals. Why was Soini against it? Why did people even vote this fatass?

Tell that to scandifags who co-opted nordic threads and demand that people post only in their retarded languages instead of lingua franca.


Im pretty sure finland is not scandinavian, just nordic

>0/10 see me after class

Finland is not in scandinavia

I don't hate Americans, I just don't trust NATO. If I'm to die in a war it'll be on Finnish soil not in some Latvian ghetto shithole.

That's not surprising considering the army was the only establishment not sucking Soviet dick back in the day.

lol, agreed bro, storing alcohol is smart.

Friggin lol

Like brits towards Portugal, then.

The Ferocious Islands are best

Russian sanctions fuck small enterpraneurs little bit extra on top of everything else and €uro fucks everyone, as only option is internal devaluation instead proper devaluation that would have lesser impact on domestic consumption.

Other nordic countries are about as bureucratic as Finland. One main difference with Sweden is that in Sweden they actually give unions a voice in running large corporations.

In Finland collective bargaining has been single sided dictation from EK since 90's and very short sighted economic policy on general level. EK is big business lobby they don't give a fuck about small enterpraneurs, yet they haven't organized their own lobby. Finnish economy has been heavy industry driven since WW2.

Nice b8, m8. Just imagine, where nukes will hit, if your country will join NATO and station its troops. Most retarded way to drag your country into shit is joining NATO.

>So it boils down to that anti-natofags are literally all just idiots, traitors or cucks.
Well they all believe MV Lehti is legit news source and MV is pro-Russia propaganda

Yes, yes it is.
Finns >>> Icelanders > Norwegians > Dencucks > Arabs

SHTF neutral Finland: Maybe get bombed to shit q
and invaded by one side.

SHTF Nato Finland: Get stomped again and again by both sides, infrastructure totally gone, population in diaspora, frozen dead or starving.

>tfw I'm a Swedish immigrant living in Finland

>You never hear them on the news getting cucked
>prime minister says he's going to give his home for refugees to live in, major headlines in foreign newspapers
>in the end the police tells him it's a safety concern and he backs down from his promices

Finland is Best land.
West Mangolia is Best Mangolia.


hyvä soumi!!!


nice try jew

lol, one of them called it Funland. I'm gonna start using that

i luv these threads