Americans of Sup Forums, how cucked is your state/county?

For the Americans of Sup Forums, I created a map to show how worthwhile your State and County is:

Red areas are Redpilled. The majority of voters here voted against Obama in 2012

Green areas are cucked by non-Whites. The White voters here voted against Obama in 2012, but they were drowned out by minority voters. With vast restrictions in suffrage or ethnic cleansing of non-Whites, these areas would be redpilled.

Blue areas are completely cucked. Obama would have won these places without a single non-White vote. Accordingly, Whites in these counties are bluepilled at best, and race traitors at worst. Nuking these areas might be worthwhile.


So, where do you live Sup Forums?

>I live in a red county in a red state (St. Charles County, Missouri).

It feels good to know that reasonably redpilled Whites are in control of my area.

>ocean county new jersey

Thats because minorities cant afford to live near the shore

How long do you think that can last? It's not like there aren't parts of coastal California where minorities have found a way to flood in.

Oklahoma .. the only state 100% votes against him twice. ... I think it's time to leave this broken union.

canyon county, idaho

my state is one of the best. always has been, always will be.

Ocean county has always been white republican. All the minorities live in Tom's river.

God im in the green and more black people keep showing up
Hamilton county, Ohio

>entirety of Utah, Oklahoma, and West Virginia

>Asbury Park
>Atlantic City

the red parts that are not adjacent to a blue or green are also safe places to live.

>Miami-Dade County in Florida


>middlesex county, NJ

Just end it - pretty much 40% of my town's demographic is Indian anyway

The worst part is how true it is for Palm and Ft Lauderdale. White people literally living gated community lives while nigs nogging not 5 miles away.

Sounds about right for the "black mecca"

also hipster kek central.

>tfw green county

>Stone County, Missouri
>red county in a red state
>Trump county in a Trump state


>only places safe are oklahoma and utah
so i either get sucked away to oz or get maggots in my scrotum

this is a tough one


Inu County, the Whites are the minorities. Kek

Nice, another Missouri-bro.

There are a surprising number of us on Sup Forums. I've never been quite able to figure out why.

Exit polls skew younger and less-White. The Current Population Survey (C.P.S) produced by the census bureau has a more accurate picture of the electorate.

>Obama won the majority of whites in California

The WORST state

Allegheny County, PA... one of the most cucked counties ever. Hate it here so much.

I blame the giant cluster of universities in oakland: pitt, CMU, carlow etc

>tfw Hamilton County, OH
>tfw based Indian Hill and other suburbs will vote redpilled but niggers downtown want free shit

>tfw recently move from a red to a blue

Take me home pls

Dumbfuckistan in red.

Montgomery TX (north of Harris (Houston)): Uncucked.

>Montgomery County is one of the most heavily Republican counties in Texas, giving 78.1% of its vote to George W. Bush in 2004[8] and 75.8% of its vote to John McCain in 2008.[9] The county has not been won by a Democratic presidential candidate since native Texan Lyndon Johnson won 60.9% of the county's vote in 1964.


>Blue dot in sea of red
>I wonder if it's Ashville
>Yup, it's Asheville

>live in south Jersey
>all the morons stay away because "hurr Jersey sucks"
>as a result, it's a nice place to live