Lindsay Lohan unloads on brexit

Lindsay Lohan unloads on brexit

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And on that day, not a single fuck was given.


Converted Muslim former actress forced to have sex with Arabs to afford drug habit listens to Saudi princes whine about Brexit in between clients goes on rant repeating what arabs cumming on her face talk about.

I hate how people report on this shit. It annoys me even further people care about this crap enough to be reported on.

Who cares what a celebrity says on "X" political event or happening. Especially a washed up celebrity who regularly does drugs and whores herself out.

i'd unload on her if you know what i mean

I'm sorry but why should I care about the political opinions of a drug addict Hollywood embarrassment?

Oh, look - another clueless, irrelevant, z-grade celebrity voicing her uninformed opinion.

Whole mag? Why do you want to shoot her?

Miss Meth

someone post her 60 year old's body in a swimsuit

i'd shoot her with my love gun if you know what i mean

>she hasnt overdosed yet

impressibe 2bh

She was so cute, why god why?

Getting high on coke feels really, really fucking good, famalam.

Funny, different people need different kinds of intervention to get them off smack. Lindsey needed miles of brown dick and converting to Islam to cleab her act up.

Thats right Lindsey, put on the hijab, no one wants to see what you have to offer anymore.

Emma Stone took over where you left off.

she has a killer rack tho, so her opinion is worth hearing out for a sec.

So she'd be right at home here, is what youre saying then, right?

what did he mean by this?

Tell her all your problems that are stressing you out?

Thank God she's against Brexit, I would hate to have this trainwreck on our side.

LOL Lyndsay Lohan has enough socio-political knowledge to rant on twitter?

Oh she wanted the UK to remain? Nvm...

Is she British? If not, why does her opinion matter at all? It's cute how she still thinks she's relevant after Mean Girls.

yet another case of...

>someone famous in one field weighs in on an important issue in entirely unrelated field

mfw she isn't even good at the thing she is supposed to be good at, much less political commentary

pic related pretty damn cute desu

>Lindsay Lohan unloads on brexit
I bet she really lost her ass when the market crashed.

I've already unloaded to her multiple times.

Reminder that prime lilo was fucking untiuchable. The girl in the video could've had anything she wanted.

Stupid goy! Listen to the celebs we vetted to become famous! They are clearly experts and know better than low life peasants such as you!

Brexit means less cockroaches in Britain.
Not like I care though.

This does nothing but help Brexit.

>womens suffrage

when will the meme end

I ain't clicking that shit, nigga. Here's an archive since you're too much of a fucking faggot to know how to use one.

she is so disgusting now

wouldn't rape

Celolbrities with political opinions

Jesus, how does that happen?

You would get aids lad

So basically she's a stupid fucking bitch that heard from somebody that she should've supported "remain" but she doesn't even know why, even though she took a very strong stance on the issue

>Nobody celebrity agrees with Sup Forums
Wow. Absolutely based!

>Nobody celebrity disagrees with Sup Forums.


damn sluts begging for a raping

>giving any celebrity's opinion any value

Swede cuck pls

>a coked up drunken party girl and former child star says something about a country she doesn't belong to
Wow rly make you drink!

Had to google it, but there's your answer.

How can you racist right wing trolls see this and STILL support Brexit?

How can you sit and watch the hideous racist hate crimes committed since Brexit and still support it?

There must be a second referendum.

planning your climb over the fence, I see

Can she just die in a pool of Bleach already
The left are getting really desperate


I bet this bitch became a drug addict after being a sex slave to time travelers

I tried to read through that article and I still have no fucking idea what are her views on #Breakfast

Extremely relevant Chapelle:

Shit man if pedowood is anything close to real she never had a chance.

I don't think it's just that

Holy shit she has less ass than anyone I've ever seen.

Even anorexics are at least proportional.


Based Iggy mostly did harmless heroin rather than cancerous coke though, as far as I know.

>why don't you cheer for your rival team
Sweden pls