What's the difference between this country and russia?

What's the difference between this country and russia?


russians stole ukraine's history

So russia is like ukraine

poorer more butthurt version of russia

nothing. its a buffer country made out of russian clay

They aren't slaughtering Jews in Russia

ukraine is more poland than russia

Ukraine is proud Cosacks, Russia is dirty slav subhumans and mohamedans

Ukraine is gang of Christian hating jews. Soros puppets, and eager whores for EU shekels.

Russia is proud nation.

i got cancer from reading replies to this thread

>every singe russo/ukro diaspora reply in this thread

muh liberty and stuff
otherwise looks like we are same people but just nah

I would rather say we are united by our flaws.

russia has crimea
ukraine doesn't :^)

I own a stolen microwave too, but it's doesn't make it mine.

> I own a stolen microwave
so ukrainian

It was created by commies in 1920's

Oh really?

Which one?

the northwest of the country was under Poland for 300 years, which was enough to develop a hybrid Russo-Polish culture and language that still defines Ukrainian identity to this day. Amirite?


prime minister of Ukraine is Jewish

Ukraine is slightly Polonized which basically means slightly worse in every way


> this
> country