
european history is black history edition

Other urls found in this thread:


niggers have nothing to do with europe

a vote for me is a vote for anime to hui

A vote for me is a vote wasted

I like a man that's honest and down to earth.
You have my vote!

im not a citizen, but will you accept my vote anyways?

I just realised daylight savings happened last night

Hey thanks.
Remember to vote early and often.

Of course!
They're all going to be sent to the dump so I don't see why you can't.

I lost an hour of sleep after I got completely fucked on VB because of it.
Not a nice wake-up desu


Had a hot chip sandwich for lunch lads. What about you? I am about to take apart my headphones & see if I can get the left one working again.


I haven't had lunch I'm bloody hungry but I think it's too close to dinner time to have a snack so I'm just going to wait and have a big dinner.


what's a hot chip sandwich

dont care

American "knowledge"

Genuinely cranged at this

Its a metaphor for when you chop of an infants fingers and put them in a sandwich.


you're whalecum (Welcome)

>whale cum


fat cunt

Who here not done the sex yet?



We can change that...

Wtf i thought i was in brit

crusty tittied cock gobbler

Yes we can!


(You) on the left
Me on the right

>announcing your report is also a banable offense.

About to out to dinner with the senpai, I might change my phone wallpaper just in case someone sees it

Oh no!
Oh yes!

>About to out to dinner with the senpai
What? w-who are you going out to dinner with...

Shit f.a.m

Goddamn gook moot

oh wow
I was worried for a second there, I hope you have a nice meal, you deserve it after working all weekend.

this is not the anime rp threda

Ah yes, /brit/
*yawns loudly*


the squad

doing a post

good post

bad post

indeterminate quality post

average post

sublime post

somehow unaffected by gravity post

Looking at emoji porn.
Legit never thought i would fall this far.

this thread should be /balt/ not freaking full of anglos

I hate niggers btw

/balt/ is the shortened form of /balt/+/ausnz/

>/balt/ is the shortened form of /balt/+/ausnz/
pffffffffff no
/balt/ is /balt/ for the baltic countries



Wow it's nice outside tonight, it's warm and there's not much wind

How was the weather yesterday?
It was t-shirt weather at Twizel as it was so sunny.

the most boring topic in existence

>the most boring topic in existence
No? That's your sex life

yeah ur mum's sex life is definitely more exciting

not when the sky shits out wind that fucks your day up

i wish this was balt, it's all fucking weebs instead. literal roleplaying this exact thread. fucking cancer.

i've been there a few times

grim town I have to say, all the houses are prefab copies of eachother


welp same could be said to you I guess
oh you sick bastard
so tell me about your moms sex life
you got a point, but at least here we don't get very strong winds

I think yesterday was good as well, can't really remember

that's probably why you think weather is boring. because ur weather is shit. you have all that snow but don't even use it to make ice blizzards. such a waste

/balt/ is dead

>tfw I'm tired and really want to have a nap but if I do I'll fuck up my sleep schedule

My mom always said life was like a box of chocolates. You never know what you're gonna get.

probably the worst filling

well at least our weather don't try to destroy our houses or kill us
That is probably Gods punishment for you burgers

probably get raped by a somalian

STOP using my gimmicks you fake, come up with your own

>STOP using my gimmicks you fake, come up with your own


muzzies do that much better, why would you need bad weather?

yeah you are gimmickless homo :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD

you earlier said that our weather is shit, but now you are saying why would you need bad weather... be consistent at what you are doing

why didn't you just sleep on the bus?

you're the homo, stop projecting your own insecurity

no I'm just stating the facts
and the fact is that you are gimmickless homo :DDDDDD

actually i said you would need bad weather to make ice blizzards (i meant hurricanes tho) because it would look cool and be exciting, not to destroy all ur stuff. but I could see why you would misunderstand i am tired and it was worded poorly

I tried to, but it was really uncomfortable and a few seats back some american exchange students were doing the classic shout every word in their conversation. Doesn't help that I often have trouble sleeping in any setting.



>actually i said you would need bad weather to make ice blizzards
no you didn't

>anglos won't stop coming

yes + homos are still here(you)

Can't you go psycho on these shitty anglos

that doesn't sound fun, but at least you didn't have a fat person beside you

was your actual field trip interesting?

I do what I want, you homo

fucking faggot

Altmer: cunts
Dunmer: rorkes
Maormer: to far away
Falmer: feral, might as well fuck your dog
Dwemer: no idea where they fucked off to
Chimer: turned into a bunch of rorkes
Bosmer: bros, prime gf material

no that is your hobby and not mine :DDDDDD
what a homo

annoying people is my hobby

anglos fuck off

>was your actual field trip interesting?
I guess it was, I actually learnt something for once because I have to make a report on the trip.

Everybody had a massive party on the Saturday night, and both our lecturers got drunk with us and we had some good bants. I impressed the head of my degree with my knowledge of Estonia (which I've learnt from /balt/) and he was telling me that because I have good grades and he likes me that he can set me up to do a PhD in Estonia which certainly is an interesting concept.

Also me on your lap

where are the balts (read: blyats)


So you are planning/thinking to go for PhD? or that is just a thought

Definitely just a thought that's still a fair distance away, If I can get a A- or better in the honours degree then I can basically get a scholarship to cover the PhD, but if I can't manage that then it probably wouldn't be viable that that stage.
I do like the idea of being called doctor though