>past a certain age, a man without a family can be a bad thing
Is he right?
Past a certain age, a man without a family can be a bad thing
Other urls found in this thread:
No, kids are a waste of money and take away from your life
I think I'll take my chances.
People without families are harder to threaten or coerce
Fuck this pasta thread, it just results in a Sup Forums bait discussion and it's somehow okay with the mods because the pic in OPs post is related to Sup Forums, fuck all this.
Bunch of neckbeard kissless virgins arguing what is a "real man" fuck off
manchild detected
Hes referring to how Rust fucked his waifu.
You didn't answer the question.
Shoulda wife's her when she was still with us
not an argument
No, but if a woman doesn't have children or a man by 30 she turns into an absolutely insane bitch
What? Really?
Wrong. Living without a bloodsucking woman in your house is the only way to really live. I wish more people work take the MGTOW pill, they'd be a lot happier
butthurt marriagecuck detected
I can't really think of any examples, sure there are some weirdos who are weird all their life but if the average guy doesnt have a wife and kids he just has free time to what he wants and it doesnt get to him like it does to the average women who turn into unstable cat ladies 99% of the time
Rust was JUSTed because he had a wife and kid and his fucking kid died
Are you fucking retarded? Not everyone needs to have children.
>and it doesnt get to him like it does to the average women who turn into unstable cat ladies 99% of the time
You do realize the suicide rates for unmarried middle aged women AND men has gone up, yes? Quit pulling shit out of your ass.
Enjoy your alimony cuck
Yet poorly educated trash usually end up breeding the most.
>nokidders are coping this hard
Can't make this shit up. Enjoy your meaningless existence.
Nah, I'm good getting to keep all the money I work hard for for myself and fucking young escorts whenever I feel lonely.
Yes, he is absolutely correct
do you make these threads because you're a self hating wizard or you got a clingy whore suck your dick and brag about it to the other wizards?
That's because we drink ourselves to death to cope with the loneliness
Guys single men have always been viewed with suspicion because of adultry.
Did you poop flingers even watch it?
I see a lot of upset, disenfranchised young anons in this thread. My advice to you is take the MGTOW pill. Please anons, it'll change your life. You do NOT need women they are horrible, sly creatures. Take the pill anons before it's too late
No way. He's trying to justify his inability to control himself by placing his having been "grounded" in the hands of his wife and family. Meanwhile, he still cheats indiscriminately. He's a hypocrite...
In reality, it depends. With me, for instance, I'm terribly selfish, I want my life to myself and I have no business raising a kid. I know this. So, I let it be known in any relationship into which I enter.
I never loved in my life but MGTOWcucks are pathetic.
Its not hypocritcal to screw darrito tits. Any mans wife would understand desu
I don't understand why people try to write off the advice or wisdom of hypocrites.
Yeah. Because eventually your fucking psyche decays and your biological clock makes you crave a family. The fun things you do in your 20s are replaced by hard-ass boring ass responsibilities. I listen to older faggots talking and I seriously can't stand it. I plan to clock out by 30. I'm a 22 kv now.
Probably true... Drunk single reporting.
breeding is the only reason we are here, and this is a fact
old people who have no kids have something wrong with them, they know they fucked up
so yes he is right
>t. pleb
Did you not see his existence after losing his family? You are also foolish if you do not recognize this in your life or the people around you. Your selfishness will come to bite you in the ass. I guess you're just not at that age yet.
Hypocrisy is the price paid for vice.
There's still time to take that redpill user. You don't need women, they are a burden.
Just waitin for a mate.
I love how you try to visualize women as a plague so you feel better about not being wanted by anyone. You've convinced yourself you don't need women when the truth is that they don't need you.
>I don't understand why people try to write off the advice or wisdom of hypocrites.
Are you trolling?
I'm drunk. So, let's assume that you aren't....
Because they are liars who are not in touch with the truth. In this instance, dude wants to be mommy-ed while still being able to fuck his wife, have a family and screw anyone else he wants. He refuses to make choices and is punished for his indecision.
You're gonna die a lonely motherfucker. My best bet is that most MGTOW are incels. Just cause there are horror stories and bitches about doesn't mean you should detach yourself from the opposite sex. MGTOW is just selfishness masquerading as noble self improvement, when they can't even make the effort to improve their relationships with the people around them to find a significant other. It's just more of the millennial masturbatorium.
>Because they are liars who are not in touch with the truth. In this instance, dude wants to be mommy-ed while still being able to fuck his wife, have a family and screw anyone else he wants. He refuses to make choices and is punished for his indecision.
Yes. But these things are independent of the statement "past a certain age, a man without a family can be a bad thing."
You do realize he loses his family, and then we have shots of him watching old westerns with TV dinners, right? The statement is easily applicable to him.
I've had 5 serious relationships that either ended in failure because I couldn't get anywhere longterm with them or because I didn't care enough to. I really like my space but fuck I get so alone. It's always better to have someone than not have someone right?
This is whats so wrong with modern society. The woman he was seeing was his younger mistress this used to he perfectly acceptable in society.
There is literally nothing wrong with a married man having a relationship with a younger woman and modern wives not accepting it Is a problem with them, not men.
I was with a girl for nearly 10 years, right from the start she wanted to have kids, except I kept waiting for her to grow up, She was smart but very immature. Now years later I know I made the right choice. She got knocked up by a drug addled nigger who already had kids to 3 other women. Now she has to support all three of them and refers to her child as needy because she's still selfish and immature.
I wish I had somebody, loneliness is sad, but it doesn't bother me much right now. This will change as I get older though.
Dude, I don't want kids. My life is a closed loop. I've made the choice. It isn't just selfishness. I have mental illness in my family and its pattern seems to skip generations, meaning a kid of mine would be susceptible. Not doing it, period.
And I'd bet that I'm older than you. I know what's best for me. You don't.
Think about what you could do without a woman holding you down. How free you could be. My friend, it's not about being wanted by women, it's about rejecting them altogether for your own happiness
Well thanks for cleaning up the gene pool. Voluntairy eugenics is so noble x3
>There is literally nothing wrong with a married man having a relationship with a younger woman and modern wives not accepting it Is a problem with them, not men.
Except for the whole vowing not to have a younger mistress part. Or the adultery part. Adapt or perish.
If anything he had it figured out. Love your family. Do right by them. Slay young hot tang on the side to keep your balls properly milked. You play both sides of the fence and the grass is always green.
Where he fucked up is crossing his wires. You don't ever, ever, fuck two women from the same town. Ever. They WILL find out about each other. It's like, some sort of fucking universal rule. I was married once. Went to a party with some co-workers. Had my arm around another girl there. Some random bitch took a picture with her friends that just happened to have me in the background but just barely enough that you could see me. She got these pictures developed a week later and was at a restaurant showing them off. Her server walks by and sees me in the background. Server is friends with the wife. Busted.
Don't ever give your side piece your real phone number, don't EVER give her your real address or work address, and if you can help it, don't even give her your real name.
The best way to do this is online dating (on a device that your SO will NEVER see) or to just get job that requires you to travel and you can bang escorts and party girls on the side when away from home.
>It's always better to have someone than not have someone right?
You are writing some narrative arc to your life. There's nothing to this notion. If you're lonely and seek companionship, then groom yourself to achieve it and seek it out, If you're content being alone, then live that life. Never allow some idea of what is acceptable to dictate your life. You live and die in your own body. Your life and what you do with it is your choice. Fear of judgement be damned.
>It's always better to have someone than not have someone right?
No, it depends on the people.
>tfw wife can't have kids
Fuck condoms
That just sounds solipsistic garbage desu
You're gonna die a unenlightened motherfucker.
You talk about selfishness but there is nothing wrong with taking care of yourself. The MGTOW way is to put your mind above the nonsense of women, to become more than another alimony slave.
The fact is, you may not die lonely (physically). But by rejecting this redpill, you will die lonely mentally.
I Chadded my way through my 20s and early 30s, played house with a few, never had kids, had a 7 year relationship. Meh. People complaining about foreveralone aren't missing as much as they think.
If you can find a good girl then get married and have kids. It's the best way to live. There are some awesome girls if you can find one.
Getting married for the sake of getting married, however, is the worst way to live. Especially if you have kids. You all know the horror stories.
Single life is in the middle. Just don't be stupid and knock up girls. These days you can rent girls pretty easily if you want to.
But Woody Harrelson is technically correct.
Where? Its also not adultr either as it was considered a service to the community to take a woman in. As seen in the show he cares for his mistress financially.
Wtf did I say anything about other people's approval? Nigger I'm a four times deployed combat veteran that was pulling six figures on defense contracts at 23 years old while you were jerking off to dancing nights elf on same fag WoW rp server. I don't give a fuck what you working class morons think.
That might be part of the problem. I don't have the patience for lesser people and that's all I'm surrounded by.
My problem is mental. I want to be with someone, and for the longest time was even doing a really good job of getting laid, but now....it's like a legendary spell of loneliness. I just can't connect with anyone.
I think I need to move. I live in St. Louis right now and it's not really prime terrirtory for a guy like me. I'd be better off in a major city in the south or on the southeast coast maybe.
Not really. I'm the young one at my job and all the guys who I work with are all 10-30 years older than me.
All I hear every single day is "my wife sucks. my kids suck. I have no free time blah blah blah" usually followed with "NEVER GET MARRIED"
>It's selfish to not take on the responsibility for another grown ass adult just because society wants more worker bees
I've been in three serious relationships. Shit's over-rated as fuck and can often be outright detrimental.
This isn't the 50's, where there we basic gender roles people adhered to, and basic expectations that allowed relationships to be give and take, and for the two sexes to be complimentary. Modern relationships are glorified pissing match competitions and nothing more, and government involvement in marriage is the nail in the coffin.
You can get laid without putting yourself through the ringer in an actual relationship. I'd rather be alone than arguing or being extorted financially.
Most women have the mentality of teenagers until they're at least 30 anyway and that shit gets old fast.
What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.
Please let his be pasta
That this is your response is how we know everythign coming out of your mouth shouldn't be listened to.
>Its also not adultr either
Do you know silly you sound right now? In the west, TODAY, it is the NORM to be expected to be monogamous when entering a relationship, let alone a marriage, unless otherwise stated. That's it. Get married and have an affair and get caught, see if your spouse stays with you my man.
>had an opportunity to have kids with a beautiful girl of my dreams
>find out I'm unable to have them
>she cucks me and gets pregnant on the first try
It's garbage to let fear of judgement of your peers dictate how you live?
You sound really insecure, I can see why you can't settle with a woman.
If you think you only exist to pop out children, as if that's somehow any remotely appreciable contribution to the species anyway(If anything, we're horridly overpopulated), then you're no more intelligent than a dog.
Any moron can have kids. It's not an achievement. It wont improve your life, or the lives of others in any form. Most people don't even do it on purpose.
Thats my point dumby and no monogamy is no longer accepted as the norm.
Monogamy was never accepted in the past historically because of mistresses google that.
This. It all sounds so good when you're in your 20s. But listen to the 40s guys and they fucking regret it!
why do i need to ascribe to some cringy label just to realize that i dont need a woman in my life to be happy fuck off with this mgtow shit lmao
Stop trying to use words you don't understand.
No that's really the story of my life. Army at 18, defense contracts early 20s, traveled and partied for about 5 years straight. Took an entire year off just to bodybuild and fuck bitches. Ended up in hospital and in debt. Now working some shit job that I hate with no friends no bitches and it sucks.
Oh, I was married at 19 while in the Army too. That really fucked up my social development. Men are supposed to spend their early 20s figuring out who they are and sewing oats and I didn't do either of those things. I spent my mid 20s doing those things instead of cementing myself in a career or finishing post grad. Now I'm 29, still working as a contractor with no education, no wife, small assets, a little money, and no direction.
I'm constantly alone now and I'm not sure what comes next
>my friends wife wanted me to cuck him
>told her no
>then they both asked
>pretended i didn't understand what they were asking, changed subject
they now have two beautiful children.
friends don't cuck friends.
>People without families are harder to threaten or coerce
This. That's why smart bosses hire married men. You can exploit them easier than single DGAF men.
I want reddit to leave
>Wtf did I say anything about other people's approval? Nigger I'm a four times deployed combat veteran that was pulling six figures on defense contracts at 23 years old while you were jerking off to dancing nights elf on same fag WoW rp server. I don't give a fuck what you working class morons think.
It's amazing how many millionaires and trust fund babies can be found on Sup Forums. Elite combatives must love memes and other retarded shit because theres apparently a shit load of them hanging out here as well.
>The best way to do this is online dating (on a device that your SO will NEVER s
this doesn't work for 80% of men. unless you are both tall and attractive then you can just about forget online dating or prepare to spend hours and hours doting on a 3/10.
Or, you know, you can just not get married and start a family so you can fuck who you want and not have to play childish games.
Because you don;t agree with it? Read the whole post. I judged no one. All I said was if you want someone, then develop yourself in such a way to invite that. If you don't, then don't worry about assholes, apparently like yourself, who might judge a choice with which they ultimately won't have to live. Don't be some posturing dick like this asshole
Oh no you don't user. It sounds like you follow the MGTOW principles. If you don't want to call yourself that then you don't have to
definitely. raging insecurities. I admit it. Thing is I'm not ugly or stupid or even lazy. In fact everything I put my mind to I feel like I succeed at, it's just...I don't know man there's something wrong with me when it comes to human connections. Mental health is definitely an issue.
Mother was bipolar manic depressive and my father is a narcissistic sociopath with a victim hood complex despite living with his father as a 60 year old unemployed nobody.
I'm kind of in the middle. Definitely bi polar. Still capable of empathy. Hot headed. Loose cannon. Doesn't mix well with be insecure for sure.
You clamor to claims of enlightenment and ascension, while holding yourself above selfishness, when your entire act hinges on detaching yourself from others. (I doubt voluntarily) Your warped worldview has you convinced all women are out to get you, when that is not true.
Guess it depends on the woman, but voluntarily cutting myself off from others seems a sad way to exist.
I did not use the word incorrectly.
The Hebrew Bible prohibits adultery in the Seventh Commandment, "Thou shalt not commit adultery." (Exodus 20:12). Leviticus 20:10 prescribes capital punishment for adultery between a man and married woman:
And the man that committeth adultery with another man's wife, even he that committeth adultery with his neighbour's wife, the adulterer and the adulteress shall surely be put to death.
Significantly, the penalty does not extend to sex by an unmarried woman and irrespective of the marital status of the man.
Plus they all have 7-8 dicks and live near a ghetto so they know what black people are really like.
Adultry is a married woman you dumb fuck.
Aye, I disagree with the ignoring the judgementsof others for philosophical and sociological reasons.
"can be" guarantees he's right, but reduces the significance of the claim
>Researchers found that married individuals had lower levels of the stress hormone cortisol than those who never married or were previously married.
>were previously married
No, divorced JUSTed men should be included in the "single men" category when talking about marriage shit.
this guy was also a an alchy adulterer and was objectively guilty of manslaughter at least.
so then don't tell people to "take the MGTOW pill" cause that inevitably gets people interested in that fucking lameass movement where guys who're too low in self-esteem clan together in a pathetic attempt to bolster each other's confidence when they should just be focusing on their own hobbies or interests. you'll probably say this is what the mgtow movement or whatever the fuck is supposed to be, but so many social media sites have proven otherwise.
>voluntarily cutting myself off from others seems a sad way to exist
It really isn't. It's the same old song and dance no matter who you meet, and eventually both sides get tired of each others' shit anyway.
The dumb farces, expectations, games, etc. It's like we all have to adheer to a script, we understand why the script exists, and don't really rock the boat because of it...but then we all ultimately get frustrated from it.
Marriage is a straight up fucking scam anyway ever since the government got involved. It never should have been anything other than just a religious union that held no sort of legal sway. Same for all the 'gimme dats' for single parenting.
No you didn't. This post has nothing to do with the notion that the self is all that can be known to exist. You're just like the rest of the meme-spouting little faggot kids on this website who reference things they know dick about in order to try and lend weight to their shitposting.
maybe convincing yourself that you shouldn't is your bodies way of eradicating its genes from the human race. If so I applaud it.
How do these obvious bait get so many replies, we've had this thread a million times already, don't you guys get tired of discussing the same shit over and over again
>Do right by them.
>Slay young hot tang on the side to keep your balls properly milked
pick 1
>trust fund babies
>elite combatives
I'm none of those things. I've been in combat but I wouldn't call myself elite at it. I'd say I'm an elite problem solver on a technical/organizational level but that's it.
I made 115,000 at 23, 145,000 at 24, and 95,000 at 25. Buying things like pic related and traveling all over the place while not working and partying full time....the money goes quick. I was overseas earning that money too so that was basically 3 years of my life wasted for nothing.
I haven't detached myself from anyone. Nor am I convinced that women are out to get me. user, you don't seem to get this at all.
Women are broken. They are appealing but broken. To be enlightened (and be a part of MGTOW) you have to understand this. You have to be able to put the needs of the mind above the needs of the body. You MUST take this redpill user. You will not survive without it
>and no monogamy is no longer accepted as the norm.
What? Says who?
>Monogamy was never accepted in the past historically because of mistresses google that.
My man I don't care, I'm talking about TODAY.
Why are we bringing a bible into this? Perhaps I should clarify I am speaking solely about the U.S. The law does not differentiate between sexes; you cheat on your spouse, it's a crime.
Did I enter a fucking time portal or something.
He's projecting because he lost his family