I hate this guy y'know.. he's so fuckin annoying. he's just a male model who turned to politics...

I hate this guy y'know.. he's so fuckin annoying. he's just a male model who turned to politics, and hes not even that good lookin.
He just steals all his fuckin material from here as well as from info wars and has nothing to produce new himself. his accent is shitty too.
He makes the entire movement look bad to be honest with you.

Other urls found in this thread:


irish beta slaveboy fuck head having a sook because he want get any of those eurobux?

fuck off ya pov cunt

begorah! it's like annodah potato famine

grigger shamrock-ape

Yeh I can't watch anything he's involved with, something about the combination of his face and voice and the way the camera is always extremely close on his face just really irritates me.

he's good at spreading the word but aside from that he's not very challenging or intelligent, like Stefan

Get your stanky McMonkey arse out of here.

>He makes the entire movement look bad to be honest with you.
Less than stormfags though
Let's face it entire alt-right movement is a joke

Literally a convict.

nice memes

has some very good vids on the Brexit, but otherwise seems to lick America's arse a bit too much


>awesome British accent
>rising YouTube celeberity

Keep being jealous, neckbeards

you are gay

>steals all his fuckin material from here as well as from info wars

He works for info wars you retard

I like him.

you know hes that same as alex jones right? like they run prison planet together

Is he confirmed gay? He gives me the biggest boner.

he doesn't know what he's talking about


>steals all his fuckin material from here
he does do that though. I wouldn't be surprised if he didnt make this thread to get more veiws

>That's a male model

What? He is ugly or I have been vastly underestimating my attractiveness.

Yeah only us Sup Forums geniuses really know what's going on in the world, anyone that expresses similar opinions obviously stole them from here

I like him. He's good at making me pay attention.
Just wish he would make longer videos and go more in depth, but he knows normies don't have that kind of attention span.

Fashion models, both male and female, usually aren't particularly attractive under normal circumstances. Their handlers know how to select certain looking individuals that can be molded well with make up, lighting, and post production to achieve certain looks.

Some of the stuff is pretty native to Sup Forums.

Das riiittee

He has dick sucking lips though

lol that's not what im saying.

a lot of new gets broken here first. And this shitstain purposely hangs around here to pick up on it so he can parade around to everybody that he found it first. Especially when all the leg work of the story has been done in the threads.

you think that cool fine. But if it comes up im going to shit post on what he is doing every time he gets posted

I like him. He spreads the truth and doesn't shill for snake oil in the process.

My wife thinks he's hot as fuck lad

His accent annoys me, he speaks really fucking slowly

watson just parrots wing-nut propaganda

when I first saw his resistcapitalism video I knew he didn't know what he was talking about.

libertarians hear a slogan that sounds good in their ignorant lil world, it must be true

im always surprised at what turns up on Sup Forums ukraine, ISIS, brexit, terrorists among refugees, all known about many months in advance. there is a lot of valueble information hidden in between the funposts and hitler videos

he's actually really hot and I won't rest until I ejaculate in his butt

can't listen to him, his barking/shouty tone annoys my hearing

I know this will sound gay, but I can't stand his hair, looks awful no matter what he does with it.
I've never said this before about a man, honest.

his mouth is amazing. I mean I hate to use the phrase "pretty mouth" but damn

Complains about tumblrtards and other idiots for 30 minutes at a time and his delivery is like he was proclaiming fucking independence. Autistocrat was infinitely better at it desu

Every time he veers off this path and starts talking economics or politics, it's like a 15-year old that just discovered internet. Overall cringe/10