Argentina will host 3000 sirian refunigs.
Worst decision ever. Before we had inmigrants who killed with guns. Now we will have inmigrants who kill by fucking EXPLODING.
Pic related: the possible faggots who made the choice.
Argentina will host 3000 sirian refunigs.
Worst decision ever. Before we had inmigrants who killed with guns. Now we will have inmigrants who kill by fucking EXPLODING.
Pic related: the possible faggots who made the choice.
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boo fucking hoo
I thought you had based macri
Why are there White people in your pic ?
La puta que lo pario
We could use our remote global location to our advantage and dodge crises such as the rapefugee shit BUT MACRI HAS TO INVITE THE HORDE IN
Don't know, I thought we were all black apes.
Get ready, now the cuckolding will start here too.
That's like shitting in a toilet. Who cares.
Kill them. You're a third-world country - it's not like anyone will care
> implying rapefudgies will want to stay in that shithole
> implying they won't be all in Germany in a month
> implying I'm crying
> ;_;
He might as well be trudeau without the looks and a more free market economic policy.
You need more than 3000 refugees to make Argentina whiter though. They better by true Syrian refugees and not African Syrian refugees otherwise it won't workout for you fellas.
Guy in the middle looks like Kasich. I guess people with that similar phenotype just tend to be cucks.
I fear for you brother. Don't hesitate in putting one down if they get close to you.
Read your fellow citizen comment. 3000 rapefugees are bad, but thousands upon thousands throughout the weeks is worst.
>Japan took 12 or something
>a japanese woman got gang raped in a bathroom by 3 shitskins
3000 uneducated fanatics is waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too much for any civilized country.
Could this be blocked or sued?
I wonder if someone has the balls
Syrians are whiter than the average Argentinain to be honest
Don't delude yourself to think otherwise
We collectively tend to act when the potatoes are hot.
But explode more often that the average argentinian.
Even if they are the fairest skinned maidens we dont need Islam and violent mentalities
sounds like a plan.
3000 is a negligible number
also the Argie culture tends to integrate Arabs and stuff easier because there's no racial or religious consciousness
who cares what a third world country do
That's what people who easily surrender says.
if you repeat ''surrender'' to much maybe it will become true one day
Yeah, I can surely take that advice from you.
can you send them to brazil and make them fight the favela monkeys in rio?
or do you have your own favela monkeys in argentina
We do. It would be the ultimate pleasure to see them allahu akbaring the shitholes where the subhumans live.
>your own favela monkeys in argentina
Yeah but in small pockets and made up of poor transient immigrants, not like the scale of brazil
I doubt the rapefugees will be put there on purpose, who knows.
if your government has balls, it will settle these (((refugees))) in the shittiest slum they can find and let the local drug lords take care of the situation
but then again, if your government had balls then you wouldn't be importing shitskins from the other side of the globe in the first place.
The most plausible outcome will be that the general population, if they dare to make a terrorist attack, will blame the whole sirians and will banish them to the shitholes where they will, most likely, die by drug trafficking related incidents.
>only 3000
>yurop is much closer to them
i think well be fine
I hope they don't take over Europe. If they do that, they will find a way to travel overseas and conquer our lands.
Apparently Syrians coming to Argentina is a big deal historically, even Menem who I thought was Turkish?
Problem is these are doing it for free, looking for a handout like in europe
All of the Americas should get together and form an agreement to keep Muslims out of this hemisphere. They just have no business on this side of the world. It's not their hemisphere, they have no historical connection here, and they need to be kept out.
Good, now you have an excuse to kill mudzies AND Boliguayos since they are bot brown
most of arabs that emigrated to argentina are christians though
This should be what the world must do right now. Or just save the ones who deserve it and carpet bomb the rest.
Looking at the article many of the refugees may not even be syrian, see how they want to "protect their identity"?
t. white man's burden
thanks Argentina for bringing isis attacks in Latin America.