Holy shit this film is dripping with pretension

Holy shit this film is dripping with pretension

This movie is modern art in film form. There's no coherent story, narrative or reason for it to exist. Just a loose, illogical string of scenes and sub stories that aim to confuse the viewer into thinking they saw a masterpiece.

I only watched it because it was on Netflix and because I remember this is rated the best film since 2000 by that one list. It's inconceivable that this is 1 and no LOTR movies are on it at all

I'm not saying you can't like it because art is subjective obviously, but the overall circle jerk around this film is imbecilic

>overall circle jerk around this film


Mostly talked about that BBC critics poll where they said it was the best film since 2000

Ignore the all-caps and stupid persona, and this gives a pretty straightforward explanation of what happened. Most, if all of it isn't really illogical, and all of the vignettes still center around one story in one way or another.


>but the overall circle jerk around this film is imbecilic
stopped reading right there

>It's inconceivable that this is 1 and no LOTR movies are on it at all
This is a great film and LOTR is video game manchild enabling cheeto dust rustling so not that inconceivable.

Of course Inland Empire is Lynch's true masterpiece of kino but it's not a surprise that the more normie friendly film is the most celebrated of the two.

>best film since 2000
>not There Will be Blood

Off the top of my head, I can't think of anything else that even comes close. The acting, the themes, the cinematography, the memes.... It's perfect.

>It's inconceivable that this is 1 and no LOTR movies are on it at all

Pleb status confirmed.

It's not a movie. It's a exercise in mood and atmosphere. Or a kino, if you prefer

Enjoy the White Oscars, Niggers

Third year "movie buff" bait. It's not even the best PTA film since 2000. Not even the second best for that matter.

Children Of Men
The Master


>Children Of Men
If you're still holding up the same movies as "Great" as a 15 year old who has only been watching non-capeshit movies for a year then something has gone wrong in your cinematic development. The greatest cinema can only be appreciated by those with some actual life experience and years of cinematic refinement. If a teenager is able to be enabled by it then it is essentially just a hot pocket, a video game.

Everybody here should take it as a given that anything they enjoyed before their mid 20s was actually pretty fucking juvenile.

Have you guys seen Gozu?

While I hate that meme, I do agree with your last statement.
There's very clearly in fact a coherent story, and in fact even to obvious in my opinion. It feels like watered down lynch, I didn't like that it was "just a dream" and that it led you to the answer and that most of the weirdness included was there because it was recycled from a failed pilot. With Lost Highway or Inland Empire each thing is there as a purposeful piece of the puzzle, yet it's still somewhat of a blank canvas to interpret.


What the fuck was that thing?

OP the kind of nigga to think that videogames are art

a homeless person

>There's no coherent story
Ummmm what the fuck are you talking about? The story is blatantly spelled out for you at the end of the film.

A woman who wanted to fug Lynch.

I was with you until you brought up LOTR.

>I don’t mean to brag, but David Lynch said he was looking for the most incredible face he could find. I actually met him at a Twin Peaks party, and he was like, “Look at that face!”


holy shit

You just know

>tfw to intelligent to not accuse david lynch of not raping his daughter and not arranging the murder of his best friend

>It's inconceivable that this is 1 and no LOTR movies are on it at all
This entire post is great but this line actually made me laugh out loud. Thanks, OP.

You are a pleb. Also there is a coherent story, but it isn't necessarily important to know or understand it and it's not really what makes the film great. Watch more movies your balls have dropped you tasteless faggot.

that is an incredible nose. You could ski jump off that schnozz.

>it's not really what makes the film great
what is?

Beloved by all real men
Captured the imagination of an entire generation
Stirring displays of traditonal masculinity
Made with obvious care and love

>Mulholland Drive
Thrown together shit from scrapped TV pilot
Praised only by artsy fartsy hipsters
Director didn't give a shit and only put it out because he knew his fanbase who only pretends to understand his shit would praise it regardless of quality

if you think this movie is impenetrable, Inland Empire would make your head explode.

Inland Empire is pretty straight forward. The pleb filter with that movie is the early digital aesthetic.

The cinematography, atmosphere, tone and performances. It's probably the most accurate representation of dreams/nightmares ever put on film.

>The cinematography, atmosphere, tone and performances. It's probably the most accurate representation of dreams/nightmares ever put on film.
Eraserhead does all of these things far better

Just like Attack of the Clones

Mulholland Drive stirred something in my pants.

What's the meaning of Axxon N recurring throughout the film?

Agreed, as well as Inland Empire. I don't think MD should be called a bad film, but it's definitely one of Lynch's weakest

I feel the exact same way

Lesbian scenes were prime fap material though

speaking of netflix, is it down for anyone else?

>There's no coherent story, narrative or reason for it to exist.

Jesus Christ.

I once asked an 'artist' what was the point of making crap that a 10 year old could do. I told him that modern art requires much less skill than what artists from the Renaissance did, and that modern art is not really art. He told me, ' I could paint things like Leonardo da Vinci or Caravaggio if I wanted, but what is the point of doing things that have already been done?'

That is what the fucking faggot modern artists want, nothing else. They are just trying to be 'different'. They are a bunch of pretentious faggots, I hate them. It's like if a car maker decided to create a car with 5 wheels just because 'nobody has made it before'. Very retarded logic

The only movie that's worse than Mulholland Drive is Inland Empire.

A child's scribbles have more meaning and emotion than some fresco a renaissance master was commissioned to do

Emotion is nothing, faggot. We are nothing, we are just intelligent animals. Feelings don't mean anything, we are nothing. We are empty. Stop thinking we are so special, we are just monkeys with bigger brains.

Can't argue with that

Although we can all agree on how hot Naomi Watts is

We get it we all saw rick and north too

The movie makes perfect sense. It gives you everything you need to understand/unravel the plot. You're a fucking idiot if you can't figure it out to be honest.

And Laura Harding. She kinda looks like the troll face but dem tits

Y'all kidding, right? Mulholland Dr. is Arguably one of the most straight to interpret movies of Lynch. There is a very clear line to the story. Are you trolling or just dumb?
I do believe that Inland Empire could respond to what OP is describing, nut not this.


Lost Highway>IE>Mullholland

The only thing bad about Lost Highway is it's badly dated with the giant cell phones, vhs camcorders, marilyn manson & rammstein songs, the 2nd protagonists hair whereas most other Lynch stuff is timeless

>Movie is called Mulholland Doctor
>No visible doctors

What did Lynch mean by this?

No. Empire is a thousand times worse. Not shitting, that shit seems to last like 10 hours.

Best film of the last 20 years tbqh

it's kinda strange isn't it?

Do you like watching random shit with random dialogue???

>He didn't get it
