
Balkan thread

BIG Bulgar boxer edition


Other urls found in this thread:


Posting our Balkan Goddess

>this thread is ded

What are the Freemasons hiding from us, /balk/?

Hidden doors and tunnels mostly.


what is блиaт in bulgarian?

Oooooo salaaaam aleykum habibi :)

мaмкa мy

pic related

>from sweden

which is the most spoken language in the balkan area?

helo my fellow balkaniggers


you are to wh*te to be here

ancient macedonian of course

gamo tin voulgaria

macedonia is greek-fyrom people are slavised greeks + bulgarians+ albanians

fuck off, Im not white

*blocks your path*

turks have that habit to manipulate a lot of stuff in the internet
they organize false flagging "operations" as they call them
or mass report content they dont like even if its not against the rules

they do that on youtube facebook 9gag and pretty much everywhere where you can catch a lot of international attention

swedes french and all other Europeans (even slavshits like russians or bulgarians) like me use their superiority to insult inferior people while turks are projecting their inferiority on other people
thats why you see Sup Forums turks outside of turkey always insulting the skin colour or genes of my Greek brothers although they are shitskin mongrels themselves
in turkey, people with dark skin are seen as inferior while tan skin is attractive in europe
me and my Greek family often get compliments for our skin colour from turkish guests whenever they drink Greek coffee with my mother

in the normie internet they use always pictures of turks/turkey and call them Greek/Greece
for asians like turks it is more important to keep a good image instead of fixing problems
so thats why nobody cares that those pics are actually from turkey (and they know it)




tell that to all your friends so they can see that turks are different to us Greeks

which is your subrace?

it does not include all those meme pictures

the Yakub race

This is it, senpai

Hit them with proofs, not hostility

read this because i couldnt post it first since i had a ban and wrote a longer post because of that


a Greek wrote that many Greeks do not hate turkey and turks
and sometimes i see comments of Greeks in the internet who praise friendship

the european fools do not understand the sneaky asian mind

i look like the alpinid nerd, but im hotter

I'm a Dinarid

how do we deal with the wh*Te problem, lads?

in Greece we even had tv series that praised turkey

try your luck subhumans

write an angry letter to the channel and tell them to remove it

the Magnificent Century or whatever?

nwo is made by freemasons

Gruevski hall empties when he holds a speech



gâfil ne bilir neş’ve-i pür-şevk-i vegâyı
meydân-ı celâdetteki envar-ı sefâyı
merdân-ı gazâ aşk ile tekbirler alınca
titretti yine, rû-yı zemin arş-ı semâyı.
allah yoluna cenk edelim şân alalım şan
kur’an’da zafer vaadediyor hazret’i yezdan.
farzeyledi hallak-ı cihan, harb-ü cihadı,
hep cenk ile yükselmede ecdadımın adı...
dünyaları feth eyleyen ecdadımız el hak,
adil idi, hıfzeyler idi, hak-kı ibadı...
allah yolunda cenk edelim şân alalım şan
kur’an’da zafer vaadediyor hazret’i yezdan

how do you do, fellow slavs?


i am praising Allah

>зaпoчнимe нoвaтa epa




shut your dirty dog smelling mouth infidel



Bulgarians do you say "edna rap pesen" for one rap song or "edna rap pesna"


I am going to sodomize you so hard, farting will no longer be physically possible.

the former

Bulgarians are Türkish

why are there milk automats in Greece?



Yes, there are

imma cut you

lol I don't know

NEED a snow bf

To feed gypsies xd


Bulgaria is my friend
Serbia is my enemy

You can find plenty in Türkey

Serbia-Greece stronkest alliance

Do Romanian really believe that they are Romans ?

I searched farfour and I found an arab-Mickey mouse tv show

who here east med?

Fact: Real Greeks have blonde hair


nto nkreiks peilly mpeleibe dat dey xab ainithinnk to nto with antsien't nkryks?

You fucked this meme up, anime gypsy

I say that because I have seen some Romanians saying that they are slavs and not romans...

ansferos da qfestionos, moystakys
im not sure that the average romanian evn know what a slav is
but genetically speaking, yes

Rip Farfour

stfu before I burn you alive gypsy monkey

The most ancient Greeks were Mediterranean Alpine & dinarid...
Blonde hair were rare

reddit: the thread

fat xappennt, moystakyeis?
ap yoy aphraiint wph da laitin fappior?

>gypsy communistocentrist detected
>execute order 1488

I will genocide every single romanian


annt den yoy'll faiyk ap

Aim noat aphraide fersonalie

Couples will live.
But singles will die

If you're not diaspora /balk/, you ain't shit. Stayers eternally BTFO.

Thank god Greece isn't a Balkan country

Greece is a Balkan country...

>tatar delusions

Greeks are not gay

ugly as fuck

>butiful melike vs butiful radost

oh boy oh boy

*τιπς φεδορα μλαδυ*

your taste sucks tbqh
Here's a real woman

η3η3 προδυkτιονς χΔδ

fuck off jew hater

Ι βυρν ιεως

say that to my face camel fucker

Οι Βαλkάνιοι δεν είναι Τάταροι..

t. ourk

albabians do u have that pic of the fat anime birb that said AHMDOULIAH

i have it