/Oscars/ comfy thread
about an hour until show time. you ready anons?
/Oscars/ comfy thread
about an hour until show time. you ready anons?
Other urls found in this thread:
Man, Huppert is such a milf
whatchu think about not putting /oscars/ in the OP next time so it doesn't get flooded when the ceremony starts?
>63 years old
I'd hit it
I wanna know what everyone's drinking/eating? I'm playing the "take a shot every time someone mentions race" game
there's a sticky and its already a shitposting magnet
I hope all the black actors win
look at them titties
did any actresses hike up their dresses on the red carpet and fart?
it was another user tho
same thing always happens. there will be 3 or 4 comfy threads and when one 404s everyone from that thread looks to the first page and goes into whatever they see and it gets real
she's probably use her Oscar for oscarbating.
the oscars are too white, where are all the PoC?
stream link??? the youtube one just died
if you worry about shitposters so much, we can all sage and sink slowly
le frog girl
just here to avoid Sup Forums whining about everything
This is my thread
what will be will be I suppose
>this hidden figures chick talking now
Actually cute for a black woman
Why is men's fashion so boring?
99% black tux and bowtie
Who the fuck did Robin Roberts hair
Muh safe space
[Croaking Sounds]
back up strim
because only fags care?
Straight fire
I'm most excited for the In Memoriam tbqh
Are you shit faced?
download aceplayer then acestream://8cb1007a6f52a556343fdfdf0ae72cd1fad95a5b
>famous Asian dude dating another Asian
Is he secretly a racist?
yes :3
how many pedophiles you think are in attendance tonight?
Foot game off the charts
if he dated a white girl Sup Forums would get triggered so hard
At the Oscars or in this thread?
why is she there?
#respect If I were him I would be fucking blonde chicks left and right.
Couldn't stop staring at them in Moonlight
Would you eat her curry?
The Oscars of course
Hey, you're not me...
But yes i am... not ashamed to admit it
>no one's posting best grill
>she didn't even put them up yet
good promo
Bunny's are allowed into the Oscars?
Sup Forums is Sup Forums silly redditor. You can't escape us.
Why do you say that?
>those eyebrows
Damn Affleck looks like shit
seriously why is she there
I hope it's as good as 2016 one
Which one?
That's one tall nigress
the one that just got interviewed?
How long until it starts?
God phone posting is annoying to do
more like gilf by now.
Christ what a shitty cheap dress
Mother of god. Is she really gay though? Jesus, what a waste.
omg she is good looking. Daisy fans must feel butt-blasted.
>only makes half white half Asian female children
He must be relieved he didn't accidentally make another Elliott Rodgers. At worst his daughters will just become sluts.
Hes not a black, and he seems like a chill dude.
That's what the am-wf spammer said.
The what?
Oh my god she really is. I'm 26 and I'd hit that..no...I'd long-term relationship that. The Piano Teacher is GOAT.
You know...Him.
wow u must be NEWWWW
she's a respected actress now
Why is she there?
No dignity
no taste
pls be my gf
Im boycotting watching it online tonight, so making some eats and watching hockey instead.
Ill spend this /comfy/ thread with you guys instead.
Thoughts on smoked fish?
I hate fish
>Me in the back
Actresses are high class escorts they use these events to increase their client base
what a qt
stop responding to him
You can watch it on tv if you don't have one of those boxes that they use to determine ratings
Who is that
I sort of do too...but my friend has a smoker and caught something yesterday.
Describe the festivities in vivid detail for me please :)
why are you here?
Oscar hype
karlie kloss. she's shilling for samsung tonight in 3d on her facebook
I just dont physically want to watch it. The cringe will be too high. I guarantee it.
Ill just wait for you all to tell me how to feel and who wins what.
Robin Roberts is disgusting. Get her off the screen
I miss Joan Rivers.