
MILF edition

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don't recognise the british government




>new girl at work is a Brummie

so lonely
so alone

ah yes everyone wants to work in london which encourages more companies and people to work in london

wish we didn't do news.
wish we just exhausted the entire thread and only newed when it was falling off the page.

hate having my conversations prematurely cut short by the sort of runt who is so histrionic they actually bother making a new

just my 2p

imagine how great the north would be if the government actually deigned to move civil service jobs out of westminster

>People want to live in London



Going to have to get some benzos in

This simply can’t go on

london is great


its a sort of consultancy gig (not as astronomically high paying as you might imagine, but still fairly well endowed). don't wanna divulge too much ta x
don't want the london experience. the jobs were in london in the first instance.

if there were the same job in leeds i'd certainly go there

>People want to live
I'm one of them.

which northern city has the best standard of living

big tasty milkers


manchester or leeds


I agree. there is also no civil service jobs in 0121 and virtually none in manny.

civil servants are by design paid not enough to live in london either which is a bit stupid.

don't want to be in london, but sort of forced to be.

Mummy, just let baby get a sip

have some friends who did graduate consulting jobs in London and really hated it as they were expecting to travel on business a lot and got told 'you will next year' for like 3 years straight

of all the categories of females I'd like to put my willy in, MILFs are at the top

business idea: build a new capital up north and move the entirety of the government there

Probably Montreal but in the USA, I'd say probably somewhere in Delaware.


Newcastle probably ranks high
leeds maybe

liverpool is also surprisingly peng.

a teenage girl in blackpool was ground into kebab then fed to her parents and other customers

Milf? More like miwlf

business idea: fuck off commies

pretty difficult to say what that means really
liverpool's my favourite northern city but jobs are all in manny or leeds

im half-convinced it's an mp conspiracy to keep westminster (where they all own houses) as ridiculously overpriced as possible

That rarely happens.

business idea: build a new capital on a house boat and conquer the seas

don't think I've had a kebab from blackpool fortunately

delaware is a complete shithole

yeah got a mate in a consultancy job who hates it.

my plan is to stick it out for 2-3 years and then use the status from it to get a different (potentially lower paying) job abroad (banking on muh experience)

urban myth


It's probably nicer than the rest of New England because I've been to New England and it was the only state I didn't go to south of NY.
The rest kinda sucked.

Suck off commies

London is a paki shithole


had a really great business idea last night but forgot to post it and don't remember what it was

>be northerner
>friend goes to london for uni
>complains how it's so expensive and silly
>gets a degree in a very limited field
>has to move back down south for work
>complains about living in a house share with some shit people who make a mess all the time

ahhhh yes the south

at what point does the death of a left winger become justified?

¡Ay, caramba!

Why is beto up so late

London is alright, its just too expensive and uncomfortable in terms of how you are expected to live there.

if you're not someone who aspires to be a cutting-edge hipster, there is nothing partiuclarly special about being there as opposed to any other large city though.

Why would you want to live in a city

honestly would never choose willingly to live in England/Scotland
the place seems awful
maybe wales but also why would i ever want to go to wales

i thought she was a porn star she is not

developing country media can be so sexist

honestly the transport connections within and to and from london are a big appeal, but not enough to make me want to live ther

no it's not

>The prosecution alleged at Preston Crown Court that Charlene Downes, 14, was killed by Iyad Albattikhi, a 29-year-old man from Jordan, the owner of "Funny Boyz" fast-food outlet in Blackpool.[19] Mohammed Reveshi, Albattikhi's business partner, was accused of disposing of her body. According to the prosecution, the defendants had sex with Downes.[20] The prosecution alleged the men spoke of disposing of her body by putting it in kebabs sold from a fast food outlet.[1][21]


why wouldn't you?

>North is too tacky for me
>South is too pretentious for me

the radical midlander's lament

work opportunities
better access to culture
cheaper food
cheaper petrol
more slags

because that's where all the jobs and shops and nightlife are


Its like a more deprived version of Wales where every third person will refuse to speak anything other than Welsh to you

MILFS are excelent

its pretty convuloted to get from heathrow to central in my experience.

delaware isn't in new england you fucking mong and neither is new york

ffs did you just get here from mexico or something

Hungover and mouth is dry as the Sahara but there's lots of extended family staying over so can go down to the kitchen to get a glass of water.

Fucking help.

Love radical centrism
Hate radicalism
Simple as

threads going too fast now
don't know what happened

just stick your head out of the window and hope for rain

Such dreadful and selfish nihilism

Yanks say the most clueless shite

Couldn’t make it up even if I wanted to, my perception of reality isn’t warped enough

>tfw no British Colonial Mistress to be your MOMMY and make you massage her feet
Kinda envious of my ancestors tbqhwyf

>Preston ca. 2025, following the boom from shale gas developments

>extended family

hello rasheed


they're not having kids so they'll die out anyway

you still have a choice multiple airports within easy reach each serving countless destinations
living in the north pretty much limits you to Manchester Airport if you want to go anywhere other than Ryanair destinations

I know New York isn't New England that's why I said below
because I don't know if Vermont or Maine is New England or not.
DE might as well be New England.
And for your information, buddy, my family has never step foot in another country since they arrived here. There's no Mexican blood in me.

fuck off yank

the fracking is basically next to Blackpool, not in Preston
t. could see a test site from my bedroom window


So poortherner? Everything north of Watford Gap is northern you dolt

good morning

ahhh, sunday

sunday, sunday sunday...

OH NO!!!!!!




anything to the right of new york is new england you spastic

good morning pirates

i need to know now

Toilet sink?

>have lived in the north and the south
>have a fucked accent which gets mocked wherever i am

love feminism
hate patriarchical power structures
simple as

I lost my virginity to a milf and since then I have always wanted to conquer every milf I see.

no it may as well not be in new england since it's south of the mason dixon and doesn't even border any new england states
delaware is more like the virginia peninsula than anywhere else

how have you made it to adulthood without knowing what the new england states are

Where's turtlepeng

breaking news: local british man claims a large strip of the northern atlantic ocean as an ex-English colony

not quite in the same conondrum as you, but I get you
I was born in the South and when I go back to where my grandparents live, their accent sounds "odd" compared to the Northern accent, but I sound different to northerners.

>Blackpool ca. 2025 if the hippies have their way

There is a milf that i really want to fuck

I grew up in the north but my mum's from the south so I sound weird too

what the fuck

I didn't retain what I learned from 4th grade very well.

I find it really grating, you can have a sri lankan or a nicaraguan in the thread and he won't post his wrong opinions/perceptions about the subject pertaining to a foreign coutnry - he'll instead try to learn

>what are sctoland and england like? is wales really nice?

whereas the american for some reason has his opinions already fixed and assumes to be knowledgable on the subject
>yeah england and scotland are shit, but wales is really good

new hampshire
rhode island

that's new england