Remember that movie "Stealth" that came out about 10 years ago...

Remember that movie "Stealth" that came out about 10 years ago? It was originally going to be an adaptation of the Star Fox games, but the rights with Nintendo fell through. The studio made a few alterations to the script, and it became what it is today.

I wonder how exactly they would have gone about adapting Star Fox before the re-writes? How different would it have been from the final movie? Would it have been animated? Could it have been vidya kino?

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I thought some of it was very reminescent of anime. Even Evangelion.

Didn't know that. It was an okay movie.

>I thought some of it was very reminescent of anime. Even Evangelion.

Look up Yukikaze

>someone was thinking about yiffe when they wrote this scene
Well I guess we know why her bikini was blue in the final movie.

Star Fox Adventures would have been the most recent game when the script writing started, so yeah, that'd explain why there's a scene featuring Jessica Biel wearing a bikini in the jungle...

>mfw this is *literally* a Stealth furry thread

i hope they planned on making it all puppets in the real world so they looked like Star Fox from the original SNES cover

This is a lie right? I'm pretty sure this thread is just a lie.

Why of course it isn't!
This is a deep conversation about movies that could have ended up highly different.
Like how the Pirates of the Caribbean movies would possibly never have happened, if the first one didn't get rewritten into what it is today, from its original version, that was a sequel to- or adaptation of The Secret of Monkey Island.

Actually in a way, was The Curse of the Black Pearl the best video game adaptation?


Movie came out in 2005 which is around when the same year Star Fox Assault came out. If we look at other movies that were out at the time it wouldn't be unheard of them to have used CGI, but I don't know to what degree it would have been plausible. Maybe they were planning on some kind of performance capture or head replacement on live actors.

This was also around the time that Team America came out, but I think they would aiming for more of a summer blockbuster than something intentionally goofy as a puppet movie.

>tfw Steve Purcell is now a director working at Pixar
>Disney owns Monkey Island now
>even with these pieces in place it's highly unlikely that we would see a Steve Purcell-directed Monkey Island movie from Pixar


I thought Nintendo wanted NOTHING to do with films for years after the Super Mario Bros movie fiasco.

That doesn't seem like a particularly good source

Dubs of truth, even if Nintendo had been convinced to make another attempt at movies, there's no chance in hell Star Fox, a franchise that's been fucked in every direction since N64, would be the game that led the way

They wrote the script on spec and approached Nintendo about it. Nintendo said no (because of the Mario Bros. fiasco) so they re-wrote it to remove all references to the Star Fox franchise.

John Woo was trying to produce a Metroid movie around the same time and he got turned down for the same reasons. I wouldn't even be surprised if there was some truth to that rumor about Netflix developing a Zelda TV series only for it to fall through-- and now they're actually making Castlevania, which proves that Netflix were interested in making TV shows out of classic game franchises.

The recurring theme with all of these stories is that one party wanted to adapt one of Nintendo's games, and Nintendo said no.

It was probably conceived as a Star Fox movie then immediately shot down by Nintendo.

You may be misunderstanding. It wasn't that Nintendo wanted to make a movie and it fell through. People wanted to make a movie and Nintendo said no.

I could write a script for Star Fox, take it to Nintendo, have them decline it then shop it around after rewriting out all the Nintendo references.

That's more plausible but it still sounds extremely bizarre and only has the imdv trivia as a source

To be fair I could just google it but I guess I'm not going to.

I would like to see someone do more internet sleuthery about it. Stealth was a huge flop when it came out so you would probably have to actually contact one of the screenwriters directly to get the real story. It's not like the movie is a cult classic with books and stuff about it.

I genuinely think it's a decent movie, and the only reason it flopped was because Jurassic Park raped it when it came out a week later

Taken on it's own it's visually a very interesting movie. It's got a lot of stupid stuff that detract from it though, and there's the fact that it's an unfaithful adaptation hanging over it all.

It has great special effects and such. But I think a lot of people were off put by how dramatically different the movie looks compared to the games/game art.

Who would they cast as the best and most balanced dair in the film?


An earlier draft of the Mario Bros. movie was supposed to be like a fish-out-of-water fairy tale where Mario and Luigi get trasnported from New York into the Mushroom Kingdom. It was supposed to resemble the games a lot more closely. The studio turned it down because they thought it would be too expensive, and then ironically the movie they ended up making with the dinosaur city ended up costing even more than the fairy tale version would have.

I think the last adaptation Nintendo approved of was F-Zero. And ironically the franchise got put in cold storage after that. They didn't finish translating the whole series into english either because Fox canceled it mid-season.

The movie's name is literally "Stealth."