Your cunt

>Your cunt
>What are some parts of your country's history that are skipped in public education?

>Dark ages (Visigoths), Filipinas colony, Spanish Sahara, Spanish Miracle, Tercios, most of the Spanish wars

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Most of it. Unless you take history in higher education we just do broad blocks of Romans > Vikings > Normans > Tudors > War of the Roses > Victorian Era > then spend forever on WWI and WWII

I didn't even know what the British empire was til I was about 16

19th century ottos and 1938 and onwards republic thats pretty much about it

korean hyperwar and ancient finnish empire

Pero los colegios sí que enseñan el milagro español. Por lo menos en el que estuve sí.

NUNCA oi del milagro español hasta que lo mire en internet.
t. Galiciano

Donde estudiaste? Cuando estudié vimos todo lo que has dicho.

>tfw EGB brainlet

>I didn't even know what the British empire was til I was about 16
I thought it was the Americans who have atrocious public education.

The fact that Mexico was born after the Conquest of Tenochtitlan and it is a merger between Spanish and Native cultures.

Instead we got WE WUZ AZTECS N SHIT

Barbary Wars, most of the Indian Wars, South America and African cold war battles, Yugoslav wars,

American domestic history is really good tbqh, doesn't miss much

>We just do hunter-gatherers > romans > germanics > christianity >medievals >dutch war of independence > Holland growing to a world trading power >the french revolution> industrial revolution > ww1 > ww2 > cold war > "modern" history
thats pretty much what we learn

Pretty much everything between Charlemagne and WW1

>not a single mention of white slave trade / arab run slave trade ever

i also remember spending a fuckton of time on vietnam for some reason

The part when Germanics weren't doing much else than shitting in the woods.

I only learnt about year we were colonised, the year the state I live in was colonised, the reasons we federated and then from the 60s to the 90s while studying history all the way through high school

We learnt a lot about England, did a topic on 1920s America, Nazi Germany and Soviet Russia. There was a little bit of the Roman and Greek empires mixed in there too

Post ww II stuff

>Spain being so bent on forgetting their one colony in Asia
I wonder what could be the reason behind this

We will never forget you

what the fuck does white slave trade have to do with Netherlands you retarded fuck

average spaniards doesnt know anything about Filipinas tbqh
there was a movie about it in 2016 that made some people learn about it

I'm not that guy but I didn't either, something they skip out for reason.

In my school we spent a fair amount of time on the US Civil War and slavery (in the US, not anywhere else). At no point did they bring up the US was a colony or Britain's involvement in the slave trade.

Debería haber más películas sobre España antes de la Guerra Civil. Estoy ya hasta los santos cojones de la puta Guerra Civil. Lo peor es que de los Tercios tan solo tenemos UNA película.


>What is Boer

Aún no hemos tenido una película de la guerra civil definitiva (que sea buena y no sea propaganda de izquierda)

Yo hecho de menos la falta de conocimiento del siglo XIX.


Our history of imperialism. If it gets covered at all, it's never in detail and always portrays US intervention as justified. We're taught that the US was right to over throw the government of Iran, right to interfere in Latin America during the cold war, right to bomb Kosovo, etc etc. Even though slavery and the condition of blacks is examined somewhat in depth, it still glosses over some of the worst shit that happened.

a España se le dio siempre fatal la propaganda, muchisimo peor que potencias propagandisticas como Inglaterra o EE.UU.
En parte por eso no hay mucho interes, nadie sabe sobre el Gran Capitán, las unicas figura militar mas o menos conocidas son Franco y Hernan Cortes, hay un vacio de por medio

The union with Denmark is pretty much just mentioned once then we skip to our independence. Pretty uneventful 400 years

The paraguayan war

Our history is greeks->romans-middle ages-> englightment->revolutionary wars and if there is a little space left some victorian argentina

Skipping me I see, you assholes

The Danish terror aka the Danish Dark Age is only described as suffering, slavery and oppression. As it was. However that part is largely ignored, we are only warned that it must never happen again and our Faroese and Greenlandic brothers must be liberated

>treatment of Natives
>racism in the North
>the entire failed Reconstruction era
>the Korean War
>our involvement in Iran in the 70s
>our involvement in all throughout LatAm
>How Florida, Alaska, and Hawaii became states
>war of 1812
>Mexican-American war
From what I remember it goes
Colonial period -> slavery is bad mmmkay -> Civil war -> ww1-> ww2-> cold war -> Nam -> 9/11

Anything prior Peron (~1940)

Maybe we see something as 'look our country was shit, thank god peron came'

>'look our country was shit, thank god peron came'
that sentence made me vomit

La Terreur, Napoléon, the Second French empire and the Gelded age (Belle époque).

I'd say we also dismiss the kings of France a whole darn lot, but the truth is that we're taught abput them in primary school, and then they're never touched upon again.

This part is skipped in public education here
the slave trade is teached about though

i remember learning a lot about napoleon in both primary and secondary school

second empire/la commune/third republic leading to WW1 is the part of modern history i learned the less about

Else there are big gaps from the fall of the roman empire to the XVth century

Not really shitting on spaniards when talking about Peron, they always mention how we were just a british informal colony, agricultural country who treated workers like shit.

Spain is mostly mentioned obviously when talking about colonialism. Yet there is still some kind of brainwash in schools, because its taught to hate you over colonialism but we hate natives even more, so kids in schools are sometimes made to paint their faces black while thanking the europeans for the civilization

>i remember learning a lot about napoleon in both primary and secondary school
Lucky. Most schools where I was interned didn't care much for military history, and that's really all Napoleon amounts to, Civil Code aside. He had even more of an impact on Germany/Italy than on France.

>Else there are big gaps from the fall of the roman empire to the XVth century
Well we're briefly lectured about living standards for the time, reviewing some old manuscripts about Renard le Goupil or Chrétien de Troyes, and the distinction between a serf and a villain, but that's it. One brief lession is meant to amount to 1200 years of History.

>second empire/
This one is simply "muh Hugo" faggotry French teachers have.