Possible new JIDF tactic?

I've noticed that there's been a lot of Israel shilling on Sup Forums lately. You would think on a board that likes to claim it is red-pilled on the Jews you wouldn't have so many people cucking.
A common argument I'm seeing more and more is that it is ok to support Israel because it is a Democracy(which it's not) and it kills Muslims.

First of all Israel is a much bigger threat than any muslim group or country. It is Israel that controls the banks. It is Israel that controls our politicians. It is Israel that controls the media. It is Jewish money that is funding the cucking and mass migrations. ISIS are secretly funded by Israel. Yet for some reason we should ally ourselves with them to stop the threat they created. Most of the destabilization in the Mid-East is because of Israel.

Yet for some reason a couple of muslims with a rice-cooker bomb every couple of years is the bigger threat to western stability.

There are two explanations for this.
1)The JIDF is being a lot more tricky than usual
2) Sup Forums is actually full of retards and cucks.

Sorry boy Israel is based because it cleanses Muslims. While this is proven, you still have to prove it controls muh banks and muh media (remember a CEO being jewish is not proof).

Islamist shill. When is this crap going to stop Jihadi Joe.


kys stormfag



These raging Jew haters are clearly Muslims who live in the US.

You know the west is fucked when even Sup Forums fags are cucking to Israel

You know the West is fucked when schizoid Jew-haters defend Muslims and back palestine just because they hate the jews

OP you're damn right fuck this motherfuckers

>1)The JIDF is being a lot more tricky than usual
>2) Sup Forums is actually full of retards and cucks.

a little bit of both i would say

Sup Forums is full retarded stormfags

If I say fuck Israel then I am liberal

If I say I support Palestine then I am liberal

If I say I support Israel killing mudslims then I am liberal

Sup Forums double standards

Do you actually believe a bunch of muslim durka durkas are bigger threat to the west than Israel.

HAHAHA, NICE TRY MIDF!!!! Here, have some jewesses.

Yes. Durkas kill people and are out-reproducing western peoples in western countries.

Jews are 25% of nobel prizes and are like a tenth of one percent of the world population.

They are totally innocuous. Upper class jews lobby like any upper class white lobbies with other upper class people. Israel cleanses Arab invaders, setting a clear example for all of us.

You have to review your priorities. And remember all Muslims hate Jews like you. Maybe you should convert to islam.

You realize all these pics of attractive Israeli women, especially soldiers, are confirmed propaganda. Jews understand that beta-fags like you will cuck yourself for a hot women.

Jew's can be redpilled too

>Jews kill Arab invaders
>Jews create Arab invaders and push for immigration

pick one Sup Forums

well is it working?

About what. How harmful jews are to western society.

This looks like crispy, but older and more attractive.

very smart tactic, when will you realise that I literally could not give a flying fuck what you think. It's obvious propaganda, but I literally don't care, I'd rather see Palestinians gassed over jews. Jews are just one step ahead, as always.

Sup Forums holds both views because Sup Forums is not a political party ffs.

Stormfags should stop claiming Sup Forums as their board. Sup Forums holds all political views. Nazis should accept it and stop claiming the board before it gets stormed by some intelligence agency and closed, and all those who contributed arrested, regardless of what they wrote here.

>you still have to prove it controls muh banks and muh media

this is an objective fact you fucking kike shill.

No YOU kys plebbit. no one here is a stormfag, OG Sup Forums is jew aware, you newfags and kikes have to go back.

>jews controllling shit is not proof of jews controlling shit

Yeah. I honestly don't know how anyone can dispute this. It's like the one thing almost everyone on Sup Forums agrees on

>you will never rape Jewish sluts with your Kameraden
Kill me

really makes you think...

born in the wrong age, feels bad.

You have no proof jews are actively loobying all together to perpetrate a global conspiracy to control the world. Jews get positions of power because they don't shitpost hate on internet boards all the time.

Like really, how silly does this sound? A global conspiracy!!! You are no different than those who say Aliens control the world.

She's obviously a slav

>oy vey goyim tis all a conincidence!

it's working isn't it.

Do these females even serve or are they literally just for propaganda. She looks like she would get wrecked in an actual fight.


>Gregor Gysi

That image gets posted over and over again. It's just so fucking retarded. Most of them just have 1 or 2 jewish ancestors like a grandparent.

nah, pretty sure they serve mostly everything except combat roles. Trust me, if they did, I would have joined Hamas already and had a jewess sex slave.

Israel is based.
Strong nationalism and massive fuck you to political correctness

It's international globalist kikes that are the problem.

But most of Sup Forums is too young and retarded to even make the distinction

International kikery is based out of Israel. That's like saying Saudi Arabia isn't a problem just Jihadist groups are. Why is that Israel is nationalistic, but shames Europe and America for trying to do the same.

For everyone saying the female soldeirs are propoganda, I've been to israel and believe me there are more than just a few beautiful female soldiers. It's not just a few here and there.

Stop. My nose can only get so erect.


Still doesn't mean they aren't propoganda. Also Israel has mandatory military service which means you get all women. Not the pseudo-men degenerates that you see in volunteer western armies.

The one on the left is Arab in origin.

All jews are Arab in origin


I recall reading up on a post that posited that the IDF is on a massive charm-campaign utilizing imported, explicitly NON-jewish women that were either coerced or (more dubiously perhaps) abducted and put to work as IDF-models. After seeing these pics, it's fucking impossible to NOT give credence to this possibility because there's not a trace of kike in their facial features.


look at those trips, plus those child bearing hips make it even better, they're so broad.

You're right! Let us continue sending billions to Israel instead!

Do you take PayPal? I must contribute!

Ashkanazi jews are European in origin.

Pretty much. All the women like northern European or Arab in Origin.


We don't defend Muslims. Jews push for Muslim immigration to destroy majority white countries. We only defend palestine to show the evil zionist government in their true form.